• More and more studies show the healing potential of cannabis
  • Cannabis also affects metabolism and cholesterol levels
  • The results of studies on the effects of "marijuana" on the lungs are at least surprising

Unfortunately, the demonization of cannabis by some individuals still exists today. If someone criticizes cannabis somewhere with beer with a cigarette in hand, a lot of people probably won't take it too seriously. Worse, however, is the "slander of marijuana" by doctors who, in some cases, stick to old data and spread, perhaps inadvertently, false information.

One such case is Dr. Nicholas Cohen, whom you can see on the Youtube of declaring "Marijuana Damage More Than Cigarettes" - contains 50% more carcinogenic substances than tobacco. But what has Dr. Cohen forgets to mention is that the carcinogenic substances he talks about have been repeatedly explored in other studies that have completely disproved their carcinogenic properties.

For example, in a 2006 study conducted by Donald Tashkin at the David Geffen School of Medicine (UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine), there was no complete correlation between cannabis smoking and lung cancer. Conversely, cannabis smoking has been found to even have a chance to develop raspberry lung cancerreduce it.

"We realize that cannabis smoke contains the same or perhaps a greater amount of carcinogenic substances than cigarette smoke. Interestingly, nobody has yetHe has shown to increase the chances of cannabis smokers for cancer development - even for those who smoke cannabis on a daily basis. "

With the proceduretime and with the ever-increasing volume of quality studies, the image of cannabis is improving and the whole issue is becoming increasingly clear - therapeutic cannabis and prescription benefits in most cases and effectis on the whole human body - today we look at its 3 surprising therapeutic effects.

1. Good for your cholesterol, great for weight loss

An interesting novelty is a study published in the American Medical Journal ( The AMerican Journal of Medicine)which points to connection between cannabis use and low waist circumference , healthier insulin sensitivity as well as higher levels of healthy HDL cholesterol, which is responsible for reducing the risk of heart attacks.

You canliterally declare that smoking hemp helps you lose weight and keep cholesterol at bay . While healing cannabis (ie its particular varieties) increases the appetite, the daily user can afford an extra pack of chips, not increasing the weight and maintaining a healthy heart.

 All healing effects of hemp

2. Cannabis reduces the risk of Alzheimers disease

Some of the patients who use cannabis on a daily basis may sometimes feel as if they are increasing their chances of Alzheimers - cannabis with high THC has short-term negative effects on short-term memory. However, they can remain at ease - Ohio State University studies show that medical cannabis acts against inflammatory, even in the brain, cit is ideal for both Alzheimers and occupational prevention. Read more in the article "Alzheimers disease".

So the myths about how cannabis damage the mind go slowly but surely aside. However, adolescents should be careful - some of the newer studies show an IQ reduction of up to 8 points for those who start taking cannabis 17 years ago. On the contrary, thosewho did not apply cannabis at age 18, scientists did not notice any negative impact.

Every timehurriedly, teenagers and teenagers should rather wait - the young brain is going through an important development and it is always better not to disturb this development.

3."Marijuana" improves breathing.

Next from studies Cannabis use is probably the most surprising fact yet: "Slightly The use of (smoking) cannabis helps to increase the maximum lung capacity by about 50mm ".

This studies she observed a total of 5,000 cannabis users who averaged 1 joint a day. The whole observation took more than 20 years. However, the unexpected result was not only that cannabis does not impair lung function, smokers "marihua.""in the lung performance tests, they did a little better than non-smokers.

For more information on the effects of cannabis smoking on the lungs, see " is hemp harmful to the lungs?"

The more the results of studies dealing with the healing effects of cannabis or the risks associated with its use come to the surface, the more it improves the public image of this versatile plant. It is already clear that we can look forward to many other discoveries and potential applications of cannabis as a therapeutic, drug or simply as a supplement to a healthy diet.

Resources: nytimes.com