In this article, we will focus on five specific varieties of medical cannabis that are widely recognised for their therapeutic properties. We will examine the composition of the cannabinoids in these varieties and how these compounds affect the human body. We will find out how these varieties can contribute to the relief of various health problems and how to use them properly.

What does the term "Medical Cannabis" even mean?

Medicinal cannabis refers to the use of the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa) and its constituents for medicinal purposes. It contains chemical compounds known as cannabinoids, which have the potential to affect the functions of the human body. The most researched cannabinoids are THC and CBD.

Medical cannabis is used to treat or alleviate a variety of health conditions and symptoms, including chronic pain, inflammation, epilepsy, anxiety, depression, nausea associated with chemotherapy, and many others. Cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system in the human body, which is responsible for regulating various biological functions.

Medical cannabis can be taken in a variety of ways, including inhalation (smoking or vaporization), capsule, oil, tincture, or application to the skin. The dose and method of administration of medical cannabis may vary depending on the type of disease, individual sensitivity and the recommendation of the practitioner.

It is important to note that medical cannabis is still subject to research and regulation varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. You should always consult with a physician or professional who can provide specific information, recommendations and dosage in accordance with current legislation and individual health needs.

Introduction to the 5 varieties of medicinal cannabis

Charlotte's Web

Charlotte's Web is rich in CBD and contains very low levels of psychoactive THC. Due to its minimal THC content, it does not produce narcotic or psychoactive effects, allowing patients to enjoy the medicinal properties of cannabis without significant mental effects.

It is available in the form of extracts, oils or capsules that can be taken orally. It is important to consider that proper dosage and monitoring under the supervision of a physician are key to achieving maximum benefits.

Potential therapeutic effects

  • Anti-inflammatory effects - may reduce inflammation in the body
  • Pain-relieving effects - may reduce pain, including chronic pain and various pains associated with cancer
  • Epilepsy relief - may reduce the number of seizures
  • Anxiety and stress reduction - may help manage everyday stressful situations
  • Promoting healthy sleep - can help relax the mind and body and contribute to better sleep or rest
  • Neuroprotective effects - may help protect nerve cells and brain tissue from damage

Girl Scout Cookies

The Girl Scout Cookies variety typically contains a higher THC content and a slightly lower CBD content. Other cannabinoids in Girl Scout Cookies include CBN and CBDA. This hybrid strain combines genetics between Durban Poison and OG Kush, creating a unique potency profile.

Due to its higher THC content, Girl Scout Cookies can produce strong intoxicating effects. This strain is often sought after for its psychoactive effects and the reputation it has earned as a potent and "relaxing" strain that promotes relaxation and euphoria.

It is available in the form of dried flowers, oils, vaping devices or in cannabis edibles. The important thing to consider is that proper dosage and monitoring under a doctor's supervision are key to achieving maximum benefits.

Potential therapeutic effects

  • Relieves chronic pain - can help reduce different types of pain, such as chronic pain caused by inflammation or neuropathic pain.
  • Improves mood and reduces stress - may have a positive effect on mood and contribute to feelings of euphoria and relaxation. It can help in reducing stress, anxiety and depressive states.
  • Increases appetite - may be helpful for people with a lack of appetite caused by illness, side effects of treatment or other factors.
  • Promotes relaxation and sleep - may have sedative effects and help to release tension and promote healthy sleep.
  • Stimulates creativity and concentration - which may be useful for people in creative activities or tasks requiring concentration.


The Harlequin strain typically has a higher CBD content of around 8 to 16%, which makes this strain popular for medicinal purposes. On the other hand, Harlequin's THC content is usually between 4 and 7%, meaning that the strain has minimal psychoactive effects and is not associated with intense euphoria.

Harlequin can be available in the form of dry flowers that can be used to make cannabis tea. It can also be used in the form of oils, cannabis capsules, body cosmetics or in cannabis foods.
It is important to consider that proper dosage and monitoring under medical supervision are key to achieving maximum benefits.

Potential therapeutic effects

  • Anti-inflammatory effects - may help reduce inflammation in the body and relieve associated symptoms.
  • Anxiolytic effects - may have calming effects and help reduce anxiety and stress. Can help to relax the mind and improve overall mental state.
  • Antidepressant effects - may help to improve mood, increase feelings of well-being and contribute to emotional stability.
  • Relieves muscle tension - can help relieve joint tension and improve mobility. This can be beneficial for people suffering from muscle spasms, stiffness or pain caused by illness or injury.

White Widow

The White Widow variety usually contains between 15 and 20% THC, which is a fairly potent variety with mild psychoactive effects. In terms of CBD, it is typically between 0.1 and 0.5 %. This composition of cannabinoids in the White Widow variety produces a specific effect on the user.

White Widow can be available inthe form of flowers, oils or as part of cannabis edibles. It is important to consider that proper dosage and monitoring under medical supervision are key to achieving maximum benefits.

Potential therapeutic effects

  • Pain relief - may help reduce various types of pain, including chronic pain, muscle and joint pain, or neuropathic pain.
  • Reduction of inflammation - may have anti-inflammatory effects that can help address inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, skin inflammation, or inflammation associated with autoimmune diseases.
  • Calming effects - can help reduce anxiety, stress and tension.
  • Improving sleep - may help improve sleep quality and combat insomnia.
  • Appetite support - may stimulate appetite and help people with low appetite or with side effects that reduce appetite.

Purple Kush

Purple Kush is an indica-dominant cannabis variety that is known for its pleasant aromas and colourful purple hues in the buds and leaves. It usually contains a higher THC content ranging from 17 % to 27 %, making it a strain with strong psychoactive effects. On the other hand, it has a lower CBD content ranging from 0,1 % to 0,5 %. In addition to these two main cannabinoids, it also contains CBG and CBC, of course in lower quantities.

Purple Kush can be available in the form of oils, flowers, cannabis edibles or cosmetic products. The important thing to consider is that proper dosage and monitoring under a doctor's supervision are key to achieving maximum benefits.

Potential therapeutic effects

  • Pain relief -can help relieve various types of pain, including chronic pain, back pain, arthritis and muscle spasms.
  • Stress and tension relief - can provide peace of mind and relaxation, which is helpful for people suffering from stress, depression or other mental health issues.
  • Improves sleep -due to its calming effect and ability to reduce anxiety and stress, it can aid in falling asleep and prolong sleep time.
  • Relief from inflammation - has anti-inflammatory properties, can be helpful for people who suffer from diseases such as Crohn's or lupus.

What can be the side effects of using medical cannabis?

There are some side effects that can occur when taking medical cannabis. It is important to note that these side effects can vary from person to person and depend on a variety of factors, including dosage, sensitivity of the body and method of use. The user should always consult their physician.

Here is a list of some possible side effects:

  • Psychoactive effects: Cannabis contains psychoactive compounds such as THC that can affect perception, mood and cognitive function. In some people, these effects can cause feelings of euphoria, anxiety or paranoia.
  • Dry mouth: Some people may experience an uncomfortable dry mouth after using cannabis. It is recommended to drink more water or chew sugarless gum to alleviate this side effect.

  • Increased appetite: Some cannabis varieties can increase appetite, which can lead to excessive food intake. It is important to follow a healthy and balanced diet to avoid overeating.

  • Increased heart rate: Some people may experience an increased heart rate or even a temporary increase in heart rate after using cannabis. It is important to be cautious, especially for people with cardiovascular problems.

  • Some people may experience temporary memory loss or difficulty concentrating while taking cannabis. These effects usually go away after the effect of cannabis.

This article from the category Cannabis Effects is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to encourage the cultivation or distribution of cannabis as a drug, but to create awareness of medicinal cannabis.