6 Interactions between Drugs against Depression and Cannabis
- Cannabis it can make people feel more relaxed, less stressed and, of course, happier.
People suffering from depression or anxiety reach for cannabis much more often than people who do not suffer from these diseases.
Of course, many people are also prescribed antidepressants. However, doctors and patients should know how these two substances can interact when taken simultaneously.
Zajímavé jthat even though research has been ongoing for years on the links between cannabis use and mental illness, there is very few studies that examine the interactio cannabis and antidepressants. Big research Google ScholarandNational Institutes of Health PubMed websitefew relevant studies. And even on the website National Institute on Drug Abuse(NIDA) we do not find much information on this topic.
Researchers at the University of Connecticut Medical Center, specifically the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, have produced an extensive review of limited scientific literature and published a report called Psychotropic Medications and Substances of Abuse Interactions in Youth. They noticed - and now I paraphrase - that while one would think that the combination of psychoactive drugs and psychotropic drugs would increase the chance of adverse effects in patients, only a few reports have surprisingly confirmed this situation.
INThe researchers also explain why it is. It is possible that adverse effects occur "only rarely or not at all". Furthermore, "newer psychotropic drugs have a relatively high therapeutic index," which means that they are unlikely to produce adverse effects. However, the researchers further noted that the lack of recognition and poor awareness of cannabis may be to blame, so that patients who feel unfavorable Effects may prevent revealing that they are using it.
However, the newer antidepressants carry a lower to moderate risk of interaction, while older antidepressants carry a higher risk . RxList, index dar, published online at WebMD advises patients using cannabis to "be careful" and "consult with your doctor."
Risk of interaction
One of the problems faced by doctors prescribing antidepressants to patients who are also taking cannabis (or other similar substances) is a problem with dhadovat the correct drug and its correct dosage. At the same timeoperating cannabis it may prevent them from correctly assessing the efficacy of the prescribed medicine.
LéDrivers have noticed that, in terms of patients and the combination of drugs (both prescribed and illegal), the most important variable is the ability to measure to what extent they cause side effects and how they affect behavior and mood. It is clear that the more substances a patient hasuses, the more difficult it is to isolate the effectiveness of each one. Prdoctors often start prescribing one substance and add it later.
Users hempwho are thinking of having a new drug prescribed fort depressionor anxiety, should consider (at least temporarily) discontinuation cannabis and perceive the effect of newly prescribed antidepressants on the body. Allan Schwartz, LCSW, PhD, psychotherapist and clinical social worker in Colorado and New York, he found that (especially in some cases) patients should be left out during cannabis treatment. "Sometimes I managed to convince patients to stop taking for a few weeks cannabis and they could determine for themselves if their mood had improved, "says Schwartz . "These individuals were surprised, but they were willing to admit that they felt a real improvement in mood and overall functionality."
There is also evidence to suggest that depressed patients tend to be more likely to abuse cannabis and switch from occasional to chronic. People who suffer from anxiety or depression are taking cannabism two to eight times more than people without these diseases.
When interviewed, many doctors said thatSome patients (especially those with depression or bipolar disorder) who are taking cannabis during the course of treatment, alcohol or other substances are much less likely to observe the intended treatments (prescribed medication, therapy).
Schwarz saw many peoplewho have stopped taking their medication, which has very often had catastrophic consequences. "I witnessed people with bipolar disorder discontinuing medication, taking cannabis and eventually ending up in a much worse condition than before," Schwarz says. "I know from my own experience that a large number of these unfortunates have undergone several recurrences and have remained in an endless vicious circle of hospitalizations, alternating with periods of instability."
In addition to general risks, each antidepressants are unique and can be associated with various side effects and potential interactions. Nand by studying the scientific literature below you will find a summary of the most common antidepressant groups and associated risks:
1. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa and Lexapro are the selective inhibitors most commonly prescribed for the treatment of depression. They have fewer side effects than other types of antidepressants and interaction with other drugs is also lower.
Potential risk of interaction with hemp : low to medium
Undesirable interactions with cannabis occur very rarely. Nevertheless, it is speculated that in rare cases the combination of SSRIs and cannabis lead to hypomania (a weaker form of mania), especially in "vulnerable people" (for example, people with bipolar disorder).
2. Serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
Examples include duloxetine (Cymbalta) and venalfaxine (Effexor XR).
Potential risk of interaction with cannabis : low to medium
A newer group of antidepressants, undesirable interactions with cannabis and other drugs is rare.
3. Serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI)
Examples include bupropion (Wellbutrin, Aplenzin, Forfivo XL). It is important to note that NDRI is one of the few antidepressants that do not have sexually oriented side effects. Sometimes they are also prescribed for ADHDand quitting smoking.
Potential risk of interaction with cannabis :Low to medium
Very few cases of adverse interaction have been reported.
4. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI)
Examples include tranylcypromine (Parnate), phenelzine (Nardil) and isocarboxazid (Marplan). These drugs are no longer popular because of the frequent side effects and dangerous interactions (which may be fatal) with large amounts of food and medicine.
Potential risk interaction withcannabis: High
Searching for case reports on PubMed that documented undesirable interactions between cannabis and MAOI was not successful. However, cannabis use is not yet recommended because the risk of adverse drug interaction and some foods is high.
5. Tricyclicantidepressants
Examples include imipramine (Tofranil), amitriptyline, doxepin, and trimipramine (Surmontil). Undesirable interactions and side effects are less common with these antidepressants than with MAOIs. However, compared to newer antidepressants, it brings much more side effects. They are usually prescribed to patients, uother treatments do not work.
Potential risk of interaction with cannabis : High
One case report describes a case of a 17-year-old boy suffering from depression and insomnia, and his doctor prescribed 25mg amitriptyline. Parents talked to his friends and searched his room and found that the only other substance he was using was cannabis. He was admitted to the emergency room due to accelerated cardiac activity (tachycardia), and the present doctor noted that, without early intervention, the interaction of these two substances could be "life threatening." He therefore warned doctors not to prescribe tricyclic antidepressants to patients who use cannabis or other drugs. Other case reports have been found that describe very similar situations.
6. Sedatives
Sedatives are in the podthey do not rank among antidepressants, but doctors prescribe them to patients for depression quite often. Both cannabis and sedatives can make a person feel tired and sleepy. These effects are often felt by people taking sedatives such as clonazepam (Clonopin), lorazepam (Ativan), phenobarbital (Donnatal) or zolpidem (Ambien). The combination of cannabis and these drugs can increase these effects.
Potential risk of interaction with cannabis: High
Pharmacologically is probabilityThere is a very low incidence of adverse interactions between cannabis and antidepressants (there are very few exceptions). However, it is important to consider other risks. The main risks are that antidepressants may be less effective and may have a longer onset of action. Patients may also be more likely to break their treatment, which unnecessarily prolongs their recovery. But the main problem is that depression patients are more likely to switch from occasional use to chronic.
ForPatients with multiple depression (or bipolar) are even more at risk. Yippee should carefully consider them and adjust their cannabis use accordingly.
Cannabis high in CBD and Anxiety
Patients should also be aware that even though a small amount of THC can produce the desired effects (such as euphoria or feeling relaxed), too much can dothe opposite. It may intensify anxiety or even cause a panic attack. The second most important cannabinoid CBDit can avert many of the negative effects of THC, and preliminary results also suggest that it could be a significant fighter with anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses. So if you sufferanxietydepressions and decide to use cannabis, look for high CBD species.
Kossen, Jeremy. "Does Cannabis Interact With Antidepressants?" Leafly , 5 July 2017