Alternative Treatment for Arthritis / Arthritis Cannabis and CBD (RESEARCH 2019)
In this article we summarize :
Therapeutic cannabis demonstrates the potential for arthritis treatment
In particular, studies show the anti-inflammatory effects of marijuana that can be targeted nand tissue or joints affected by arthritis
available data from official arthritis studies using cannabis
- we look at the experience of the users themselves
Is it possible to treat arthritis with "marijuana"?
Although arthritis is generally regarded as a disease affecting people aged 60 years and over, it can literally affect anyone. In unfortunate cases, arthritis can also affect children.
Of course, a variety of ointments and arthritis and arthritis medicines are available today.
However, not everyone helps these products, and so nowadays, when the awareness of healing capabilities of cannabis rising, patients are looking for an alternative.
Arthritis: Symptoms & Symptoms
Arthritis is ininherently an inflammatory disease of the joints, manifested by a number of different symptoms, especially pain.
However, arthritis is not a single disease, as many think.
"Arthritic Tida may in fact be a set of 200 different diseases including, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia psoriasis or osteoporosis."
Arthritis statistics in Canada and the US speak of a staggering number of people affected: Arthritis suffers from a full 15% of K and a 23% A of Merckians. Moreover, these figures are increasing year after year.
The primary symptoms of the formerand part of morning stiffness, pain and swelling of joints lost.
The symptoms then begin to develop, adding to the inferior physical stamina, poor sleep and poor sleep quality .
In worst cases, pathe patients gradually lose the ability to bend their joints, leading to a total loss of motor skills.
In addition, arthritis may occur for various reasons:
poorly healed injuries can lead to degenerative arthritis
Genetic factors are most commoncause of osteoporosis
Immune system disorders can lead to lupus or rheumatoid arthritis
Unfortunately, there is still no cure for arthritis. Doctors usually prescribe analgesics or corticosteroids.
Patients seeking treatment for cannabis are often among those who suffer from some form of arthritis. Indeed, with arthritis you should be able to get a prescription for cannabis from a pharmacy .
Arthritis is a disease that is primarily caused by the inflammation of various parts of the body. This is where the THC and CBD cannabinoids have proven antioxidant effects. When doctors noticed for the first time that cannabis was able to suppress pain, they had no idea why it was. The joints of arthritic patients were found to be full of CB1 receptors.
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Once these receptors have been identified, it has been easily concluded that it is their cannabis cannabinoid activation that leads to a reduction in pain.
The fact that THC has "well-bonded" to receptors in this area has prompted scientists to follow up on/ span> study in which the ability of THC to alter molecules resulting in a reduction in inflammation was described.
But what role does CBD play in the treatment of arthritis? According to scientists a very significant ...
University researchers at Ke n tucky found that CBD or cannabidiol applied topically through the skin may reduce the symptoms of arthritis and gradually reduce the pain associated with it.
It is also important to note that CBD does not cause patient drugging, as is the case with THC.
In addition, the follow-up study confirmed that CBD is able to protect even nerve tissue in affected areas.
Complete herbal cannabis arthritis treatment
Most scholars today agree that in order to be most effective if treatment is best to use both cannabinoids (THC and CBD) at the same time.
CBD Skunk Haze
Experiencepatients and the views of patients on cannabis therapy
Today, more than enough patient stories from around the world are available