Although cannabis is typically green in colour, it is also renowned for its ability to produce other shades of colour. If you see red or purple stems on a cannabis plant, you may be surprised. You may even start to worry about the overall health of the plant. Are purple and red cannabis stems a cause for concern? Read on to find out what causes them. In this article, we'll explain what causes this colouration and how you can prevent it.

What causes purple and red cannabis stems?

A lot of cannabis growers like to see colourful shades on their plants. While cannabis buds and leaves normally have distinctive shades, colour changes are much rarer on branches and stems. When you first see red or purple stems on your cannabis plants, you may be surprised. If your cannabis plant is healthy, you don't usually have to worry about this colouration. However, if your plant develops red or purple stems and the plant is also showing signs of stress, such as faded and wilted leaves or slower growth, you need to see if there is a more serious problem.

There are several reasons why cannabis stems can turn purple or red. See below for a list of possible causes.


Some plants are genetically predisposed to change colour. Some varieties, especially indica-dominant hybrids, are highly predisposed to turn purple or red, especially late in the flowering period and when exposed to low temperatures. If the red colour of the stems is due to genetics, all stems, not just those exposed to direct light, will usually have a faint pinkish or reddish colour.

Purple varieties with very dark leaves, for example, often have purple stems, especially if they grow at lower temperatures. If your plants have red or purple stems and show no signs of ill health or stress, it is likely that their colouring is genetically caused and there is no need to worry.

Light intensity

If stems are exposed to intense direct light, they may turn purple, red or pink. The change in colour due to intense light is a natural defence mechanism of the plant as it gives it increased protection from UV radiation. If the majority of the stems are green and you find only a few red stems, there is nothing to worry about. However, if it is a significant part of the upper part of the plant, you will probably have to adjust the intensity of the lighting.

Lack of nutrients

Nutrient deficiency, caused by either inadequate nutrition or nutrient blockage, can lead to discoloration of the stems, usually turning them red. If the red stems subsequently turn yellow, this is a sign that the plant lacks the following nutrients phosphorus and magnesium.

In addition to discolouration of the stems, nutrient deficiencies also cause leaf drop and slow growth. It is therefore important to detect and solve the problem as soon as possible.


Another common factor affecting the colour of cannabis plants is temperature. Low night-time temperatures in particular can cause the stems of the plant to turn a deep red or purple colour. Some growers deliberately expose their plants to cooler night-time temperatures in order to show these colour phenotypes. In general, this is nothing to be concerned about. However, if this coloration is accompanied by slower growth, it is possible that it is too cold for your plants. You will probably need to raise the temperature in the growing room or move the plants indoors.


One of the causes of cannabis stem discolouration that you should avoid is pathogens. Plant diseases such as gray mold and sickle cell disease can cause purple discoloration of the stems. If you suspect that your plants have developed purple or red stems in response to this threat, it is important to accurately identify the pathogen causing the discoloration and treat it properly.

The pH level

ThepH level is very important for growing healthy cannabis plants, and fluctuations in pH can affect the ability of plants to take up nutrients. If the pH deviates too far from the norm, it can have a negative impact on plant growth and cause the stems of cannabis plants to turn red or purple. If the pH level is the cause of stem discolouration, other more serious symptoms such as burnt leaf margins, curling and yellowing of the leaves often occur. If your plants have red or purple stems and also show other signs of nutrient-related problems, check the pH level.


Red or purple stems can also be a sign of plant stress. Slight changes in temperature, humidity, lighting, pests, high winds, fertilizing and watering can stress cannabis plants. Therefore, if you notice purple or red stems, extra care should be taken to correctly identify the cause of this colouration.

How to prevent purple and red colouration of cannabis stems?

If cannabis stems turn purple or red, but the plants otherwise look healthy, it may simply be a genetic predisposition. However, as soon as they start to show signs of stress, observe them carefully and find out the cause of the problem. There are several ways to prevent purple and red discoloration of the stems:

  • Maintain proper pH levels,
  • adjust the light intensity,
  • make sure the plants get the right nutrients,
  • avoid temperature fluctuations,
  • check the plant for pests or diseases,
  • ensure that you do not overwater the plant,
  • maintain optimum humidity,
  • watch out for shock caused by transplanting.

Are coloured stems a cause for panic?

If you notice red, bluish, pink or purple stems on your cannabis plants, don't panic. If your plants are otherwise happy, looking healthy and showing good signs of growth, it is very likely that the colouring is due to genetics. If your plants develop discoloured stems out of the blue, keep a close eye on them and look out for other signs that the discolouration is not genetic. Once you've identified the problem, start addressing it immediately to keep your cannabis plants happy and healthy.

Do you want your garden to be adorned with colourful cannabis plants? Choose the right genetics, purchase cannabis seeds with up to 1% THC and grow your own colourful plant to beautify your grow room!