Growing cannabis brings with it many different challenges and obstacles that you may not always have under your control. All sorts of phenomena can occur on a cannabis plant that you may not have heard of before. One of these is the so-called banana plant. The appearance of bananas on the cannabis plant can be caused by various factors and in certain cases cannot be avoided. In this article, we will look at the causes of bananas on cannabis and give you advice on how to deal with them properly.

What are 'bananas' on cannabis?

Bananas are long, thin, yellow growths that grow out of thecannabis sticks. Bananas are a type of sexually mixed cannabis flower that grows in the center of the buds due to stress or genetics.

Themale plant usually forms a sac around the pistil in which pollen accumulates. If you open the pollen sac of a male cannabis plant, you'll see lots of bananas inside. Unlike the pollen sacs, the bananas do not need to be opened in order to release the pollen, which means that once the bananas appear on the plant, they will immediately start pollinating the buds and surrounding plants.

Due to their small size, these growths can hide in the canes completely unnoticed unless you search for them thoroughly. Therefore, when inspecting the canes, growers should keep a close eye out for yellow or green growths. If you see a few yellow growths on the canes, look closely, as these may be banana plants.

What causes the 'bananas'?

Bananas are usually caused by a few basic problems, including:


Genetics is the cause of banana blight, with some varieties being more susceptible and others less so. Some varieties can tolerate a lot of stress and will never develop bananas even if left in the most stressful conditions, while others will grow bananas with minimal stress.


The most common reason attributed to the formation of bananas is the exposure of photoperiodic varieties to light during periods of darkness or when they do not receive light at the same time each day. This can also be due to the growing light being placed too close to the plant.


Temperature is also a common reason . Banana plants often appear when temperatures are too high. Freezing cold nights (or generally large fluctuations in temperature) can also cause bananas in some varieties.


Bananas can also appear if the plants suffer from nutrient deficiencies, root rot, pH problems , over-fertilization, pest infestation or disease. Be sure to fertilize the plant according to its growth stage and the specific directions for the fertilizer you are using.

What to do if 'banana plants' appear on the cannabis plant?

"Bananas" can appear on cannabis sticks as early as two to seven days after a stressful situation. Growers who find 'bananas' on cannabis sticks at the start of flowering should immediately separate the plants from others or discard them to protect their crop from pollination. As already mentioned, the bananas do not open like pollen sacs, but instead pollinate immediately.

If a grower finds that his cannabis plants, which are in the vigorous flowering stage, are full of 'bananas', he can save the buds from pollination by harvesting them quickly. 'Bananas' that appear at the harvest stage are less likely to pollinate the buds and produce seeds.

Remember, the earlier bananas appear in the flowering stage, the more time they have to pollinate the canes, so if you have a big problem with bananas, cut the plants back immediately or get rid of them outright to minimize losses.

Tips and tricks to prevent banana plants on cannabis

If you haven't encountered banana plants in your garden but want to prevent them at all costs, follow these guidelines:

Ensure suitable growing conditions

By providing a suitable growing environment , you can minimise the stress that causes banana beetles. Maintain the same humidity and temperature, especially during the flowering phase.

Ensure proper lighting

Ensure proper lighting. Set lights on a timer and do not change the light cycle during the flowering phase. Be sure to give the plants at least 12 hours of darkness during the flowering phase.

Get seeds from a trusted dealer

Growers should start with quality genetics with high germination rates. This is because quality genetics are thoroughly tested to avoid a whole host of problems, including 'banana'.

'Bananas' on cannabis: are they a problem?

'Bananas' on cannabis are a phenomenon that can be of great concern to growers. It is important to understand the causes so that appropriate measures can be taken to prevent and eliminate them. Factors that can cause "banana plants" include hormonal imbalances, stress conditions, poor light cycle regulation and variety genetics. The key to minimising the formation of 'banana plants' and achieving healthy and vigorous cannabis growth is regular plant inspection, proper care and the selection of resistant varieties.

Do you want to grow healthy and strong cannabis plants without having to deal with the problem of 'bananas'? Start with quality cannabis seeds! Order our proven cannabis seeds with up to 1% THC and start growing cannabis without any worries.