Cannabis, like many other plants, is often attacked by various pests, including aphids. These small but very resistant insects can cause considerable damage to cannabis plants, reducing their yield and quality. In the quest to find natural ways to protect cannabis plants from these pests, basil, a popular and aromatic herb, has been found to have just this ability. How does basil protect cannabis from aphids? Does it increase yields? And why should it be planted right next to the cannabis? Then read on to find out how basil protects cannabis and why it should be part of every cannabis garden.

What are aphids and why are they a threat to cannabis?

Aphids are small pests with tiny bodies, often green, black or pinkish in colour. They belong to the aphid family and are known for their rapid reproduction. They have a long sucking mouthparts that allow them to attach themselves to plants and suck their juices.

How do aphids harm cannabis and what can be the consequences of an infestation?

  • Aphids suck the nutritious juices out of cannabis, which weakens the plant and can lead to slow growth.
  • Aphids can transmit various viruses to the plants, which can cause leaf distortion, reduced yields and sometimes even plant death.
  • Aphids secrete a sticky fluid called honeydew, which can attract other pests such as ants and lead to the development of fungi.
  • Infested plants often show signs of stress, such as slowed growth, leaf drop and general flaccidity.
  • Damage to the buds and leaves by aphids can lead to a reduction in the quality of the final product, which is particularly important for medicinal cannabis varieties.
  • Aphids and their honeydew droppings can devalue the plant and impair its visual appearance.

Basil as a companion plant for cannabis

Basil is a herb with a rich history, originating in tropical areas of Asia and Africa. It has been used for thousands of years in culinary, medicinal and religious ceremonies. In ancient Greece it was considered sacred and was associated with myths about the gods.

In India, it is part of many religious and traditional rituals. Over time, basil spread throughout Europe and then around the world, where it became a popular part of many culinary and medicinal practices.

In companion planting, different plants are planted side by side to benefit each other. Basil not only helps protect cannabis from pests, but can also improve soil quality and increase biodiversity.

For those who grow cannabis, whether for medicinal purposes or as a hobby, basil is an ideal natural solution to protect the plants.

How does basil protect cannabis from aphids?

  • Basil secretes a number of essential oils that can act as repellents against certain pests, including aphids. These oils, especially eugenol, can deter aphids from laying their eggs on plants.
  • The aromatic scent of basil can be unpleasant to aphids and may discourage them from approaching the plant.
  • Basil can mask the aroma of cannabis, making it difficult for aphids to find their prey.
  • Growing basil can attract natural predators of aphids, such as thrips or ladybirds, which feed on aphids and help to kill them.

Tips on how to grow basil alongside cannabis:

  • Basil should be planted directly next to or between cannabis plants to effectively mask the aroma of the cannabis and protect it from aphids.
  • Harvesting basil leaves regularly will help to grow new shoots, keep the plant hardy and healthy, and increase the production of repellent oils.
  • Both basil and cannabis prefer well-drained soil, so avoid waterlogging to prevent water build-up and subsequent mould formation.
  • Like cannabis, basil needs plenty of light, water and nutrients to effectively protect surrounding plants from pests.

Other benefits of growing basil near cannabis

Benefits for the soil and soil microclimate:

  • Improving soil structure: the root system of basil helps aerate the soil and improve its structure.
  • Water retention: basil roots help retain water in the soil, which can reduce the need for frequent watering.
  • Supporting micro-organisms: basil growth can contribute to a richer soil microflora, thus supporting a variety of micro-organisms, leading to healthier soil.
  • Erosion protection: the root system of basil can prevent soil erosion, especially in areas with frequent rainfall.

How basil can contribute to high cannabis yields:

  • Repelling pests: in addition to aphids, basil helps repel other pests, reducing the use of pesticides and chemicals.
  • Attracting pollinators: basil produces small but aromatic flowers that can attract bees and other pollinators. This can lead to increased cannabis yields.
  • Natural mulch: basil leaves can be used as a natural mulch around cannabis plants, which can help retain soil moisture and regulate soil temperature.
  • Enhancing resilience: some studies suggest that plants in biodiverse environments may show better resistance to potential threats, which may make cannabis, like basil, more resistant to disease and pests.
  • Aesthetic benefit: basil adds to the aesthetic appeal of the garden with its green leaves and flowers and, together with cannabis, gives an attractive and harmonious impression.

How to start growing basil?

  • Start from seed: you can sow basil directly in the garden in spring after the frosts have passed, or you can grow it in pots indoors and then transplant it outdoors.
  • A sunny location: basil requires a sunny location with at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight a day.
  • Well-drained soil: basil grows best in slightly moist but well-drained soil. You can add compost to the soil before planting to make the soil rich in nutrients.
  • Regular watering: make sure the basil has plenty of water, but don't overwater it. The roots should not be constantly submerged in water.
  • Regular harvesting: to keep the plant dense and prevent it from flowering too early, the upper leaves should be plucked regularly. When basil starts to flower, it risks losing its flavour.

What varieties of basil are best suited for companion planting:

  • True basil: this is the most common variety grown for culinary purposes. Its strong aroma can be effective in repelling pests.
  • Purple basil: this basil has dark purple leaves and can be grown for ornamental purposes and also for pest repellency.
  • Thai basil: has a strong aniseed aroma and is popular in Asian cuisine. Its strong scent can help repel pests.
  • American basil: has a strong citrus scent and can be grown for culinary and repellent purposes.

Basil with a strong flavour, such as true basil or Thai basil, is ideal for companion planting with cannabis, as these varieties are most effective in repelling pests. However, it is advisable to experiment with different varieties to see which is most effective for your particular conditions.

A few words in conclusion

Today, many gardeners and growers are returning to natural methods of plant protection. Basil, a popular herb known for its culinary and medicinal benefits, has proven to be a valuable ally in the fight against aphids, one of the most common pests of cannabis. Its strong aroma and essential oils can naturally repel aphids and other pests, reducing the use of chemical pesticides. In addition to cannabis, companion planting of basil can provide other benefits such as enhancing biodiversity and improving soil conditions. Planting basil in your garden will not only contribute to a better aesthetic appearance, but also improve the health and vitality of your cannabis plants.

Do you want to protect your cannabis plants naturally from various pests? Order
cannabis seeds with a THC content of up to 1% and start growing them in the company of basil, with which they complement each other perfectly. Add cannabis seeds to your shopping cart and order today!