With any product, it is important to know the expiry date and CBD is no exception. Like most natural products, CBD oil deteriorates over time and is subject to expiration. If you bought your CBD oil a long time ago, you may be wondering how much shelf life your oil has left and if it has accidentally gone bad?

In this article, we'll try to provide you with answers to the most common questions about CBD shelf life, including information on how you can tell when CBD oil has expired and how you can extend the shelf life of CBD oils.

Can CBD oil go bad?

Theanswer is simple, yes it can. Like all natural products , CBD oil has an expiration date. Typically, products containing CBD will last for two years in their original sealed packaging . The shelf life of these oils expires once they lose their potency, mainly due to poor storage or after they have exceeded their expiration date.

What affects the shelf life of CBD oil?

A number of factors can affect the shelf life of CBD oil. Below are some of them:

The quality of the carrier oil

A key factor in determining the expiration date is the carrier oil, which is the base of every CBD oil. Carrier oils, such as olive oil, MCT oil, or hemp seed oil, are often the first raw material to go rancid in CBD products. Carrier oils have a shelf life of 6 to 24 months, after which time they tend to spoil.

Quality of hemp

Generally , thebetter the quality of your CBD oil, the longer it will last. This depends on the growing conditions and the quality of the plants. Non-organic hemp grown in poor quality soil may contain more pesticides and other chemicals that can shorten the shelf life of the product.


It's also important to knowwhat ingredients the CBD oil is made from. Each raw material that is contained in CBD oil has its own expiration date, which can affect the shelf life of the entire product. When it comes to CBD oil, less is usually more, so be sure to read the product label and the Certificate of Analysis (COA). The purer the CBD oil you buy, the longer it will likely last.

Extraction method

Most companies use CO2for extraction . Extraction using CO2 and offers the longest shelf life because CBD is chemically much more stable. Conversely, other extraction methods, such asethanol extraction, can shorten the shelf life of the product.


Themost suitable bottles for CBD oil are dark, opaque and airtight. Such packaging protects the CBD oil from air and sunlight.


Howyou store CBD greatly affects its shelf life. You may have bought thebest CBD oil available on the market, but if you don't store it properly, you will only contribute to its rapid deterioration. With optimal light and temperature conditions, CBD oil can stay fresh and potent for a longer period of time.


It is true that the less time CBD oil spends on store shelves, the fresher it is, thus reducing the likelihood of it going rancid. Always check the date of manufacture of the product to ensure freshness.

How do you know if CBD oil has gone bad?

Thebottle should have an expiration date on it, which will tell you if it has passed its expiration date. In addition to the expiration date, there are factors that will let you know if CBD oil has gone bad. These are:

Density and cloudiness

One of the signals that a product has gone bad is achange in its consistency. If your CBD oil is too thick, it's possible that it's expired. However, this isnot to be confused with the density that CBD oil takes on after prolonged storage in the refrigerator. It should return to a liquid state once you take it out of the fridge. If this does not happen, it is possible that it is expired.

Turbidity is usually a sign that the oil and the individual ingredients are separating, again indicating that the product is no longer usable. The colour of CBD oil tends to be clear, white, dark brown or dark green depending on the hemp extract and carrier oil used. If the oil is cloudy or darker in colour than it was originally, it may indicate that the individual ingredients are beginning to spoil.


CBD oil usually smells pleasant, slightly earthy. Spoiled CBD oil will have an unpleasant, pungent smell. If CBD oil smells unpleasant, do not use it.


Unless CBD oil is artificially flavoured, its taste is usually described as nutty, earthy or grassy. If your CBD oil tastes bitter and strange, it's probably past its prime.

What happens if you use expired CBD oil?

Using CBD oil past its expiration date usually doesn't cause any side effects. Expired CBD oil should not harm your health. The worst that can happen is that its potency will not be as high. This is because cannabinoids begin to break down and lose their potency over time. For this reason,any therapeutic effects of CBD oil fade with the passage of time. If you want CBD oil that has a higher potency, check to make sure it is not expired.

However, if you want to be sure, throw away any bottles that have been improperly stored or have been sitting on your shelf for more than two years.

Tips on how to store CBD oil and extend its life

CBD oil is very susceptible to changes in oxygen content, exposure to light and ambient temperature, so if you want to extend its shelf life and freshness, you need to store it properly.

If you want your CBD oil to stay fresh for as long as possible, here are some tips and tricks for storing it:

  • StoreCBD oil in its original packaging to avoid exposure to air.
  • Store it ina cool, dark place (pantry, closet or cupboard).
  • Keep it awayfrom heat and direct sunlight.
  • Store at room temperature (between 16 and 21 °C).
  • Use a clean dropper or spooneach time you dispense CBD oil to avoid contaminating the bottle.
  • Store the bottles vertically, not on their side.
  • Keep it away from radiators and other hot spots in the home.
  • Always close the bottle properlyafter use to prevent air from entering.

Should CBD oil be stored in the fridge?

CBD oil will have a longer shelf life if you store it in the fridge, but it is not necessary. Simply keeping it away from heat can extend its lifespan significantly.

CBD oils are subject to expiration, so store them properly

Like most products, CBD oils have an expiration date. By choosing a quality product and storing it properly, you can extend its shelf life and potency. It's always worth investing in agood quality CBD oil as it will last much longer. Once purchased , store it in its original packaging in a dark and cool place. Remember, if you take good care of the stuff, it will last you a long time. That's why proper storage is the key to extending the shelf life of CBD products.

Visit our e-shop and get your own CBD oil! We offer many different types with long warranty periods, so you don't have to worry about it going bad soon after purchase, so don't hesitate to choose the one you like best!
