The silkworm is probably one of the most common and annoying pests that can infest cannabis plants. Even if they are small, they can do a lot of damage and threaten the entire crop. In this article, you will learn what the signs of a cannabis silkworm infestation are and how to protect your cannabis plants from this pest.

What are they and what do they look like?

Silkworms are a winged insect in the whitefly family. In fact, there are about 1 500 different species of silkworms, the most common of which is the greenhouse silkworm. This insect is about 1-1.5 mm long (males are even smaller), has three pairs of legs and two or four broad wings.

They are most commonly found on the underside of leaves (where they lay their eggs) and, like other sucking insects such as aphids or mealworms, feed by sucking plant sap. They reproduce quickly and in large numbers. Female silkworms can lay between 80 and 300 eggs on the underside of leaves. The eggs hatch into larvae in just 6 days and become adults in a further 28 days, which is why it is often difficult to deal with a silkworm infestation.

Signs of an infestation of cannabis plants with silkworms

When plants are infested with a pest, it is very important to identify the insect in order to know what action to take. Silkworm infestations are very easy to detect. You can identify cannabis plants infested with silkworms as follows :

  • eggs laid on the underside of the leaves,
  • yellow or light spots on the surface of the leaves,
  • shriveled yellow leaves,
  • the appearance of honeydew,
  • mildew leading to dirty black leaves,
  • premature leaf drop,
  • theappearance of ants. If you notice ants on the plants, it is possible that they have been attracted by the honeydew.

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It is very difficult to fight the silkworms. In just one month, their numbers can increase by up to 200%. That's why it's essential to take action as soon as you notice the first signs of an infestation. The following can help you in the fight against silkworms :

Nimba oil

Nimba oil is popular not only with cannabis growers but also with organic growers. Nimba oil is a reliable solution that should resolve the silkworm infestation without causing much damage to the environment. Remember, however, that it is harmful to most insects and very dangerous to humans if ingested.

Insecticidal soap for insects and pests

Insecticidal soaps can be a good option in the fight against bedbugs. They will weaken the body surface of these pests, and their use on plants is completely safe and leaves no major damage. Do not use them directly on the stakes and rather use them repeatedly to make sure that you have eliminated all the mealybugs in the nursery.

Attracting beneficial insects

You can also start the war on silkworms by attracting beneficial insects to kill their eggs, larvae and adults. Ladybugs, fireflies and mites feed on the silkworms and their eggs. Attracting these insects to your growing environment can help you combat a variety of pests.

Yellow glue boards

Strategically place glue traps around your plants to attract woodlice, which get caught in these traps and can't fly away.

How to prevent cannabis plants from being infested by silkworms?

To avoid a possible cannabis silkworm infestation, it is a good idea to take some precautions before the pests appear. You can prevent cannabis silkworms as follows:

Maintaining the growing space

Keep your grow room as clean as possible. Clean everything thoroughly before moving the plants into the grow room or greenhouse and make sure the area is relatively clean.

Check growing conditions

It is important to keep the temperature low , as crickets like a hot environment (20-25°C is ideal). Also ensure adequate ventilation in the grow room. This is an important step that will help you to combat most pests that like a humid environment.

Glue traps

Glue traps should be used from the start. Place them near any windows or entrances that might allow crickets to get in, and hang a few between plants.

Preventive spraying

Some growers, especially those who grow plants outdoors or in greenhouses, apply nimbus oil every 20 days or so to prevent pest infestations. To use nimbus oil, mix it with water and spray the resulting solution on the plants every two weeks.

Silkworms: a pest to get rid of as soon as possible

Silkworms are not one of the insects you want on your plants. Even though they are only tiny creatures, they can do a lot of damage to cannabis plants. Prevention is the best way to combat silkworms, so the best way to avoid an infestation is to keep your grow space clean, check the underside of the leaves frequently and use products such as nimbus oil as a preventative measure.

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