There are many factors that go into growing healthy cannabis and producing a quality crop. Probably the most important element is to ensure that the environment in which you grow the cannabis is suitable for maintaining a proper plant life cycle. Cannabis growers need to plan everything carefully. This also includes the strategic placement of companion plants in the cultivation site. These plants, which can be used in outdoor and indoor cultivation, can increase yields by repelling harmful pests and contributing to better growth of cannabis plants.

What is companion planting and how does it work?

Companion planting is the growing of useful plant species close to or directly between cannabis plants. Companion plants serve as a natural way of protecting cannabis plants from pests and certain diseases. A number of different companion plants can be used, each providing a different method of plant protection. Some attract beneficial insects, others protect against pests and others can contribute to the growth of cannabis by improving the soil, there are also plants that can increase yields.

Benefits of companion planting

Companion planting has a number of benefits. It can make your garden a complex web of life that will produce benefits. In addition, this growing method has no drawbacks and is a cheap and easy way to help grow healthy and strong cannabis plants.

Companion planting is used for several main reasons:

Promoting biodiversity

Growing different species of plants in close proximity will greatly increase the biodiversity in your garden, contributing to the overall health of the entire growing environment. Increased biodiversity in the form of flowers, shrubs and herbs also provides shelter for beneficial animals and pollinators, while improving the environment for soil microbes. This will provide a solid foundation for strong and healthy cannabis plants.


Companion planting can provide protection for cannabis plants. Some plants act as pest repellents. They can also attract beneficial insects that prey on animals that destroy your plants. In fact, some herbs give off certain scents that can repel these pests. The strong scent is not pleasant to bugs, which will ensure that cannabis-destroying animals avoid your garden.

Healthy soil and plenty of nutrients

The key to growing strong and healthy cannabis is good soil. Certain plant species can improve soil quality. Planting them in your garden will ensure that the soil is always rich in nutrients that will nourish the cannabis plants and increase the overall yield.

The most suitable plants for companion planting

The herbs and flowers listed below can help make cannabis cultivation more efficient and fruitful. Each can be used for a different purpose, from repelling pests to absorbing nutrients.


The scent of basil repels harmful insects and attracts beneficial ones. It repels aphids, mites, slugs, snails and mosquitoes. Its tiny green leaves also attract pollinators and increase biodiversity. Basil can increase the production of terpenes, which are essential oils found in cannabis. Growers often report increased terpene production and sweeter buds.


Sunflowers are one of the best companion plants for cannabis. In fact, their presence helps to deter pests. Sunflowers are an ideal way to use companion plants as a physical shield for cannabis. These plants can grow up to 3 metres tall and can shield your plants from the wind. They can also protect your crop from unwanted insects. They attract beneficial insects that feed on silkworms. Sunflower roots help filter and maintain the soil. They form an extensive network of roots that improves water drainage and improves the environment for other plants.


Planting lavender near cannabis is a great idea. Its colour and scent attracts beneficial pollinators. Fleas, ticks and mice are very repelled by the scent of lavender. Planting it next to cannabis protects against pests.


This plant is an ideal companion for cannabis. Dill helps to repel pests. Its scent repels mites, caterpillars and aphids. Dill also attracts pollinators such as bees.


Chamomile is a great companion plant for outdoor cannabis. Chamomile is a great defender against pests and whiteflies. In addition, it attracts leafhoppers, which kill harmful insects.

Chamomile chemicals can prevent fungal infections of seedlings and vegetative plants. When decomposed and converted into mulch, the flowers release valuable nutrients into the soil. Planting alongside hemp drives away harmful insects and provides nutrients.

What companion plants to choose?

Choosing the right companion plants for growing cannabis can have many benefits. The choice of companion plant should be based on thegrowers' desiredpurpose. Adding one or some of these useful companion plants to your cannabis garden can not only deter pests and protect your cannabis plants, but many of these plants have other uses as well. Create a self-sustaining ecosystem and take your organic cultivation to the next level.

Want to know more about growing cannabis? Check out our blog for important tips and tricks that will come in handy when growing cannabis!