The article focuses on how to use cannabis to treat diseases. In the first part we focus on migraines, depression, insomnia, stress, nausea and anorexia.

Article content:

    • Cannabis and migraine
    • Cannabis and Insomnia
    • Cannabis and Depression
    • Cannabis and Stress
    • Cannabis and Nausea
    • Cannabis and Anorexia

Cannabis and migraine

Most of us suffer from either occasional or frequent headaches. In this case, people feel tension and exhaustion in their heads, but true migraines can be very strong, even depressing. A smaller percentage of the population suffers from true migraines. Migraines can be manifested daily or rarely, perhaps once or twice a year. the attacks the victim feels can be described as penetrating the pliers into the head, which can beit takes three to four hours, or even three to four days.

From a medical point of view, migraines are described as cramps of blood vessels leading to the brain, tapering, decreasing blood flow to the brain, and thus reducing oxygen levels. The symptoms of this process are just migraines.

    • possibility of genetic origin
    • food and allergens as migraine triggers
    • influence of temperature and pressure
    • the role of nicotine and caffeine that can promote migraines
    • Most women suffer from migraines, and this may mean that hormonal changes may be the trigger

When a person suffers from migraine, about half an hour before the beginning of a headache, a so-called aura appears. Some people experience these auras by feeling a metallic odor and seeing light flashes peripherally. Sometimes the aura can be very subtle manifests itself with annoyed mood and sensitivity to sound. When a migraine arrives, severe headache can cause vomiting, difficultywith walking and talking.

To alleviate migraine, it is a good idea to stay in a cool darker place, to prevent ambient noise and to put on your head. But there are also prescription drugs that help against migraines, such as Midrin or Imitrex. All of them widen blood vessels, but unfortunately they can be so strong that they cause burning and poor orientation.

Cannabis preparations were prescribed for migraines in England and America during the 19th century.

Cannabis is effective in inhalation, using nebulizers or sublingually (under tongue) and best efficiency is a combination of all three ways.

Cannabinoids that contain marijuana have properties anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), analgesic (anti-pain) and antimetic (nausea).Similarly, cannabis helps alleviate muscle cramps that come with migraines. A healthy marijuana dose is below one gram, 3-4 drops for a tincture. Such an amount will provide relief for up to six hours.


Cannabis and Insomnia

Depression is closely related to insomnia. Depression is a clinical disease, defined as "inability to obtain sufficient amount or quality of sleep". The problem may be in falling asleep, remaining asleep, or both. People with insomnia do not feel fresh, but tired after waking up.

Insomnia is a common symptom that affects millions of people. It can be caused by various problems, different conditions, diseases and circumstances. It is divided into three specific types.

These types are sorted from least unpleasant to debilitating:

    • transient insomnia
    • acute insomnia
    • chronic insomnia

Those with chronic insomnia may have hallucinations and feel physical fatigue. Transient insomnia is the least disturbing and can cause mild motor problemsand suffer from drowsiness during the day. Those,who suffer from this debilitating disease have either major difficulty falling asleep or are often waking up during the night and cannot fall asleep again. This lack of sleep then acts on them the next day, and the next day and the next day, and it creates a cycle.

They usually suffer from insomnia women and men over 64 years. In addition, another 60 million Americans of all ages have to deal with this problem. Very often we can see doctors prescribe soothing pills for insomnia. 70% of patients talk about tiredness and difficulty in getting through the night another 8% of patients develop dependency on prescribing drugs.

A number of states in the US allow prescription of medical marijuana against insomnia. Marijuana has been proven to be a very effective remedy for insomnia. Hemp,Unlike most commonly prescribed drugs, it does not cause users to feel awake when waking up and does not cause addiction. Another great advantage is that marijuana does not cause organ damage. Most doctors who give prescriptions for medical marijuana against insomnia recommends indica strains.

The reason is that indica cannabis usually has less THC than its sativa counterpart, leading to a calming of brain activity. In addition, many patients of this type have insomnia due to physical pain, such as past or chemotherapy. Indica cannabis is very effective against chronic pain.

Cannabis and Depression

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, more than 130 million antidepressant prescriptions were written in 1998. In recent years, were carried test the waters in Arlingtonthat have discovered trace amounts of Prozac, an active substance against depression. Both of these statements are signs that depression is a serious problem in the United States.

But what is depression? Isn't that just a sign of sadness? No. Clinical depression can be caused by a number of factors and deep sadness is just one symptom. The most common causes of depression are biological, where chemical brain imbalance literally occurs. Other biological factors include PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), as well as postpartum imbalance and menopause. If one knows these facts, it should not be a big surprise that women have twice as much depression as men.

Other factors that cause depression are genetically determined. Depression also occurs in a form formerly known as "manic-depressive psychosis" , or "Bipolar Disorder", in which the patient switches between depressive and manic states. Drinking alcohol, especially if you are drinking too much, can also lead to depression.

In most cases of depression treated, prescription drugs such as Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft are administered. But recent information has pointed to cannabis as another possible treatment that is just as effective and without the side effects - insomnia and sexual dysfunction.

Cannabis is used to release, supportsleep well and minimize insomnia from depression. It also soothes anxiety , and because it has euphoric characteristics, it promotes a good mood. In patients with bipolar disorder, depression occurred less frequently and patients felt generally more stable.

Marijuana medicine discusses which types of cannabis are most suitable for treating depression. Every patient has to judge this, especially since every case of depression is unique. But in general it is said that Indica species are more relaxative, while Sativa are more uplifting.


Cannabis and Nausea

Nausea is not a medical condition in itself, but is a common symptom associated with cancer, epilepsy, and scattered sklerosis. The disease itself sometimes causes extreme nausea and vomiting. Some medications used for treatment and chemotherapy may also cause this reaction.

Cancer patients undergo chemotherapy, the largest group of people commonly treated with cannabis against nausea. It also supports appetite.

Pregnant women

Study onJamaica has shown that there are no differences between newborn babies within one month of marijuana mothers and those who have not. However, cannabis that is prescribed as an antiemetic , jin particular, it is intended to alleviate nausea from chronic diseases.

Cannabis and Stress

It is still debated whether or not medical marijuana is effective in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSP). Still, some states allow cannabis prescription for patients with this disorder. However, other studies are stand the conclusions are drawn to marijuana being a full-blown drug for PTSP.

It is estimated that 25% of all medical cannabis is used by military veterans. Many of these veterans suffer from PTSP, which they gained after traumatic combat experiences. However, few of them use strictly prescribed medical marijuana.

Patients diagnosed with PTSP advocate medical marijuana by claiming that they do not use it to get out of control of their body and that there is a big difference between marijuana smoking in college and responsible use of medicinal cannabis to treat and reduce unpleasant syndromes.

Research that has been conducted has shown that the joyful and uplifting abilities of cannabis sativa are suitable for the treatment of PTSP.

Cannabis and anorexia

Anorexia nervosa, known to most people simply as "anorexia". It is a psychiatric disorder that causes eating disorders and is characterized by poor body image perception, low body weight, excessive exercise, voluntary starvation, and the use of diet pills. It is well known that approximately 90% of the population suffering from anorexia are women.

Anorexia is defined in the clinical language as "acute loss of appetite, often associated with psychological factors," which implies that cannabis and its cannabinoid substances are effectivetreatment, treatment of anorexia because they promote appetite.

Unfortunately, because anorexia is a mental disorder that manifests itself physically, cannabis use may also be ineffective. Cannabinoids have been shown to have little success in appetite suppression in patients with classical anorexia, despite the successful treatment of HIV / AIDS where cachexia-loss of appetite manifests.

There are synthetic THC pills known as Marinol, they can be used as appetite stimulants.

However, doctors may lose their license to prescribe these drugs to patients with anorexia nervosa if they do not suffer from severe weight loss usually associated with AIDS or chemotherapy.

According to research, a positive effect on body weight was observed in fifteen Alzheimer's patients who refused food. Surprisingly, THC also caused a reduction in impaired behavior.

Cannabinoid effect has not been measured in patients diagnosed with primary anorexia , probably due to lack of appetite.
