Haze has become an icon among sativas due to its exceptional genetic profile and unique effects. This variety has gained popularity for its uplifting and energising effect that elevates the mind and gives a sense of creativity and inspiration. Haze is also prized for its high levels of cannabinoids and terpenes, which contribute to its distinctive aromas and flavours. Haze has established its place among iconic sativas through its distinctive origins and influence on many other varieties that derive from it.

What makes these cannabis varieties so unique?

Haze cannabis strains are unique because of their distinctive aroma, rich genetic profile and potent effects. Their typical aroma combines citrus, floral and woody notes, making them unique and easily recognizable. Haze varieties are known for their strong sativa effects, offering an uplifting and stimulating atmosphere. Their balanced cannabinoid profile, high in THC and CBD, provides users with a wide range of therapeutic effects, from calming and relaxing to enhancing mood and stimulating creativity. This unique combination of aroma, effects and therapeutic potential makes Haze cannabis strains popular among cannabis enthusiasts worldwide.

What are the most famous crosses with this strain?

TheHaze variety has been the basis for many successful crosses that have produced new and exciting cannabis varieties.

Some of the most famous crosses with this variety include:

Super Silver Haze

A famous and highly regarded cannabis strain that was the result of a cross between three iconic sativas, Skunk, Northern Lights and Haze. This variety offers an excellent genetic combination that makes it one of the most respected sativas on the market.

Super Silver Haze is characterised by its tall growth and long, dense buds covered with sparkling, silvery trichomes. Its aroma is intense and complex, combining citrus, fruity and spicy notes to give a distinctive fragrance.

Consuming this variety creates a pleasant and euphoric atmosphere that uplifts the mind and offers creative impulses. It can also improve mood, stimulate social interaction and increase energy levels.

Growing Super Silver Haze requires moderate experience, but with proper care it can achieve high yields. The plant prefers a warm and sunny climate and is suitable for both outdoor and indoor growing environments.

It is an ideal choice for those looking for an energizing and stimulating experience coupled with high quality and amazing therapeutic benefits.

Super Lemon Haze

Characterized by its fresh lemon aroma and intense effect. This variety was created by crossing two famous varieties - Lemon Skunk and Super Silver Haze. It is a plant with a high THC and terpene content, which gives it its characteristic aroma and taste.

Super Lemon Haze has a strong growth habit and produces long, dense buds covered in bright orange and yellow hairs. Its is intense and citrusy fresh flavour, with distinct notes of lemon and lime, leaving a refreshing impression.

This variety is known for its stimulating and uplifting effect. Consuming Super Lemon Haze brings ajoyful and euphoric mood, improving creativity and energy.

Growing Super Lemon Haze is suitable for intermediate growers. The plant prefers a warm and sunny climate and therefore thrives best indoors or in a greenhouse. With proper care and attention , it can produce an abundance of resinous, high-quality buds.

It is an ideal choice for those looking for a stimulant to help them just and be active.

Amnesia Haze

An excellent sativa cannabis strain that has gained a reputation for its intense potency, rich aroma and refreshing effects. This strain is the result of a cross between different varieties including Haze, Skunk and Thai. Amnesia Haze is a high THC plant that is bright and uplifting with positive energy.

Amnesia Haze exhibits vigorous growth with long and dense buds that are covered in thick resinous yellow-green hairs. Its aroma is pleasantly spicy and citrusy, with strong notes of lemon and lime. This aroma gives Amnesia Haze a refreshing character.

It brings a positive and euphoric mood that uplifts the mind and body. It helps in relieving stress, depression and anxiety. This variety also has anti-inflammatory properties and can help in relieving pain and muscle tension

Growing Amnesia Haze requires an experienced grower and good environmental control. The plant prefers a warm and sunny climate and is suitable for indoor or outdoor growing. With careful care and proper techniques , a high yield of quality buds can be achieved.

It is popular with sativa lovers looking for stimulating and energizing effects. This variety offers a unique experience and brings joy and refreshment to those who choose to try it.

These varieties have gained popularity due to their distinctive qualities such as strong potency, rich aroma and unique visual appearance. Crossbreeding with Haze includes new variants with different genetic combinations that maintain the invigorating and energizing effect, complemented by diverse flavours and aromas. These crosses with Haze diversify to provide a diverse range of cannabis varieties that appeal to a wide range of consumers with differentpreferences and needs.

Tips for successfully growing these challenging varieties

Growing challenging cannabis varieties requires certain tips and techniques to ensure success and high quality of the final product.

  • An important factor is the correct choice of genetics, selecting a variety that is suitable for your environment and experience.
  • Another key element is to provide an optimal environment, ensuring the right temperature, humidity and lighting.
  • Accurate nutrient and fertiliser application is also important to ensure that the plant has the right nutrition and growth.
  • Regular inspection and care of the plants, including removal of excess leaves and shoots, is also key to healthy growth.
  • Remember also to water appropriately and prevent pests and diseases.

To learn more about growing successful strains, visit the category on our blog Growing Cannabis. Here you will find more useful tips, techniques and information to help you achieve excellent results when growing cannabis.

The articles on our blog are for informational purposes only and are not intended to promote illegal cannabis consumption or cultivation. In the Czech Republic it is legal to grow cannabis seeds up to 1% THC!