The best known and most recognisable part of the cannabis plant is its leaves. However, this part of the plant offers more than meets the eye. The leaves of the cannabis plant can be used in a variety of ways. In this article, we'll tell you everything you need to know about cannabis leaves. You will learn about the importance of the fan-shaped and sugar leaves of the cannabis plant, how to deal with possible problems related to cannabis leaves and finally, we would like to share some tips on how to use cannabis leaves.

What are cannabis leaves used for?

Hemp leaves are an important part of the cannabis plant. Theyprotect the buds and help the plant to grow. They serve as solar panels because they absorb light and are important for the process of photosynthesis. The leaves also inform the grower about the health of the plant. Plant diseases, nutrient deficiencies, pest infestations and many other problems arising from cultivation are clearly visible on the leaves .

Leaves can vary in size and shape and vary in the number of spikes depending on the species. Most commonly they have five or seven spikes, but some can have up to nine spikes.

Types of cannabis leaves

Leaves can also be distinguished by their position on the plant. Two types of leaves are found on female plants. These are:

Fan leaves

Fan leaves are the main leaves of the cannabis plant. They contain veryfew trichomes and their appearance depends on the type of cannabis plant. They serve as solar panels because they take in light and convert it into the energy needed for the plant to grow. Fan leaves do not contain many cannabinoids and are therefore often disposed of by many growers after harvest.

Sugar leaves

Sugar leaves are found directly in the canes and grow from them. Their function is to provide the structure for the sticks to hold together. Sugar leaves contain a large number of trichomes with cannabinoids.

Differences in leaves between the three varieties of cannabis

Cannabis leaves vary depending on the variety. There are three basic varieties of cannabis. They are:


Sativa leaves are long and narrow, usually with a distinctive toothed surface that makes them look almost pointed. Sativa usually has a light, lime green colour, indicating a relatively low chlorophyll content . The largest leaves can often have up to thirteen spikes.


Indica leaves are shorter and broader. They usually have 7-9 strong fingers. Their colour is usually adeep olive green because they contain a significant amount of chlorophyll. On the other hand, leaves that are too light green are rare and often indicate a lack of chlorophyll.


Theleaves of Ruderalis tend to be quite narrow. The largest ones can have five to thirteen fingers. Ruderalis leaves are similar in width to indica leaves, but can be much narrower than indica leaves.

Why is it important to know the differences between cannabis leaves?

Cannabis leaves can reveal a lot. Being able to identify cannabis leaves will allow growers to discover how their plants are doing. When growing cannabis, you can recognise a range of problems associated with your plants. The main symptoms to look for include discolouration and leaf curl. Below are a few reasons that cause unhealthy looking leaves.

Yellowing of cannabis leaves

Yellowing leaves are usually a clear sign that something is wrong with the plant. The first and least serious reason may be age. It is natural for growing cannabis plants to shed old leaves and focus their energy on producing new ones.

At the end of the flowering phase, yellow leaves are quite common. This is a sign that the plant is using up all the energy it has in it as it ne ars theend of its life cycle. However, if a plant develops a large number of yellow leaves during the growing season or early flowering phase, this may indicate the following problems:


Over-watering the plant can lead to many growing problems. An overwatered plant has wilted and droopy leaves. The best possible solution to overwatering is to give the plant enough time to dry out at least partially.

Lack of nutrients

Cannabis plants need nutrients with sufficient amounts ofboron, magnesium and other substancesfor their growth . A lack of nutrients, especially nitrogen, is one of the most common causes of yellowing leaves. Yellowing leaves or leaves with brown spots indicate that your cannabis plant is suffering from a nutrient deficiency. When nutrients are deficient, the plant draws nutrients from the leaves, which turn yellow. To contribute to a healthier looking cannabis leaf, give the plant plenty of nutrients.


Infestations of pests can lead to yellowing of the leaves. So check your cannabis plants carefully to detect any pest infestations early, but also make sure you know which type of pest is on your plant, as different types of pests cause different problems and require different treatments.

Leaf curl

Another important sign of stress is leaf curling. The most common causes of leaf curl are:

Excessive watering.

Leaf curling can be the result of overwatering. Fortunately, the remedy for this problem is very simple. Stop watering the plants, allow the soil to dry out completely and water only when the top few centimetres of soil are completely dry.

Excessive fertilization

The first sign of over-fertilisation is a slight crinkle on the leaves. Fertilisation is very important for growing healthy and strong plants, but over-fertilisation can put unnecessary stress on your plants and cause leaf curling.

Temperature and humidity problems

High or low temperatures or excessive humidity can hinder the healthy growth of cannabis plants and cause leaf drop and curling. In a typical indoor environment, heat stress is caused by plants being placed too close to lights. When growing indoors, care must also be taken toensure optimum temperature and humidity. If you are growing plants outdoors during prolonged drought, storms or when temperatures drop, bring the plants indoors.

The most common leaf shape mutations in cannabis

Occasionally, a very unusual shape of cannabis leaves may appear. Below are the most common mutations you may encounter when growing cannabis.

Cannabis with duck-foot leaves

This is acommon mutation that causes the normally separate parts of the cannabis leaf to grow together. The resulting leaf shape then looks like a duck footprint.


Another common mutation is phyllotaxy. Some cannabis varieties have three leaves instead of the usual two. However, three-leaved cannabis varieties often lose their three-leaved appearance during flowering.

Australian wild hemp

This mutation is probably the most remarkable one yet recorded in cannabis. The leaves are glossy and bushy, with no serrations on the edges. Theplants thus do not resemble cannabis in appearance, but rather a shrub or garden ornamental.

What can I use cannabis leaves for?

It happens that growers have more leaves after the harvest and do not know what to do with them. Cannabis leaves have a wide range of uses. Below are some tips and tricks on how to make the most of cannabis leaves.

Making tea from cannabis leaves

One of the best ways to use fresh cannabis leaves is to brew ateafrom them . The process is simple. Just heat water in a pot, add the leaves and let them infuse for 30 minutes. Thenadd half a tablespoon of coconut oil to the tea and season with honey, lemon or mint. The oil will absorb the cannabinoids, making the tea stronger. Then strain the tea through a sieve to get rid of the remaining leaves, and a drink full of medicinal benefits is ready.

Making cannabis juice

Another possible use for cannabis leaves is juicingthem , which is said to have a number of medicinal benefits. Simply put a few leaves in a blender and add other ingredients such asspinach, apple juice, ginger or even almond milk if you want to try a hemp smoothie.

Making hemp creams and balms

Dried hemp leaves can be marinated in coconut oil and used as body creams and balms. The easiest way to make a cream or balm from hemp leaves is tosoak them in hot coconut oil for 1 to 3 hours.

Preparing the spices

Theleaves can bedried and ground into dry spices that can then be added to any food.

Eating raw leaves

You can simply addthe leaves to salads and eat them raw. You will need to get used to their taste first, as they are quite bitter, but a good salad dressing will give them a nice flavour.

Fancy some hemp tea but don't have hemp leaves? Get yourself a Cannapio hemp tea, you can choose from a number of different varieties. The taste will not disappoint you and will warm you up.
