Recognising the sex of cannabis is very important for growers as male and female plants have different characteristics and uses. Correct identification of the sexes will then allow selective cultivation and optimisation of yields. In this article we will look at methods to help you distinguish between male and female cannabis plants. Why is sexing best determined at the flowering stage? Which plants produce pollen? And why is it better to get rid of male plants as soon as possible? All this and much more can be found in this article.

Differences between male and female cannabis plants

From a biological point of view, the sex of cannabis plants is the difference between male and female plants. Below is a list and description of the sex characteristics of cannabis plants:

  1. Male plants:
  • Male plants produce pollen.
  • Male flowers are made up of stamens, which are the organs that produce pollen.
  • The stamens consist of anthers that contain pollen and are responsible for pollinating the female plants.
  1. Female plants:
  • Female plants have flowers that are used for pollination and seed production.
  • Female flowers have stigmas which are used to trap pollen.
  • The calyxes of female plants protect the stigmas and later form seeds.

Method of determining the sex of cannabis plants

There are several methods to distinguish between male and female cannabis plants. Below are some of them:

  1. Visual signs:
  • Male flowers tend to be round and slender, while female flowers are usually fuller and have more pronounced calyxes.
  • Male plants have anthers that produce pollen, while female plants have stigmas that serve as receptive organs for pollen.
  1. Sexual characteristics at flowering stage:
  • Male flowers release pollen, which can be seen as tiny yellow pollen grains.
  • Thefemale flowers contain a sticky substance in the stigmas which serves to trap pollen.

When can I tell the sex of a cannabis plant?

Thegender recognition time for cannabis plants can vary depending on various factors such as variety, genetics and growing conditions. Below is an approximate timeframe when sex recognition is possible:

  1. Vegetative stage:
  • At the beginning of the vegetative period, usually in the 2nd to 4th week, it is difficult to determine the sex of the plant.
  • During this phase of the plant, pay particular attention to the growth and development of the leaves and stems.
  1. Pre-flowering stage:
  • In this phase, usually between the 4th and 6th week, the first signs of flowering appear.
  • Flower shoots begin to develop, which may indicate the sex of the plant.
  1. Flowering stage:
  • At this stage, which may occur between weeks 6 and 8, the flowers are fully developed and in bloom.
  • Male plants have visible anthers and female plants have developed stigmas.

Why is it important to correctly determine the sex of cannabis plants?

Correctly determining the sex of cannabis plants has several reasons that affect the cultivation and reproduction of the plants:

  1. The possibility of selective cultivation:
  • By identifying male and female plants, it is possible to eliminate male plants that are not needed for seed production.
  • As a result, energy and resources are used primarily for the fertility of female plants.
  1. Ensuring successful pollination and seed production:
  • Through sex determination, it is possible to ensure that female plants are properly pollinated by pollen from male plants.
  • This enables seed production and ensures the presence of genetic material for future generations of plants.

A few words in conclusion

Correctly determining the sex of cannabis plants is essential for growers who want to achieve optimum results when growing plants. Identifying male and female plants allows selective cultivation, eliminating male plants and ensuring the fertility of female plants. This maximises seed production and genetic diversity. Regular monitoring of plant development during the vegetative phase is important for correct sex determination. Awareness and care in sexing cannabis plants are key to successful cultivation and achieving the desired results.

If you want to start growing your own cannabis, now is the time. Visit our e-shop and get your hands on cannabis seeds with up to 1% THC. Start growing and discover the beauty and benefits of this fascinating plant.