CBD is often discussed in relation to its use in humans and dogs, while cats are mostly left out of the topic. Therefore, the question arises: how does CBD affect cats? CBD has many health benefits for cats. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about CBD use in cats, including what health issues CBD can help cats with and how to properly dose CBD.

How does CBD work in cats?

Like humans, cats have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that affects various important physiological functions such as immunity, mood, sleep and pain. If you give CBD to a cat, the CB1 and CB2 receptors in its body are activated. CBD for cats works by having the cannabidiol interact with these receptors to induce balance and equilibrium, calmness, anxiety relief and pain relief.

Is CBD for cats safe?

CBD is perfectly safe for cats as long as it does not contain THC. CBD intended for p ets has a very low risk of side effects, but you need to carefully monitor how your cat behaves after the first administration of CBD. After the first administration, you may notice that your cat is a bit more lethargic and less energetic. To alleviate the symptoms of lethargy, simply reduce the dose. Isolated side effects include anxiety, nausea, vomiting, and changes in appetite. However, these side effects are usually short-lived and mild.

When choosing a CBD product, it is important to choose one that is designed for pets. The differences in potency between human and animal CBD can be vast, so make sure you give your pet the right dose.

Although CBD is generally considered a safe and effective substance, there is still a lack of scientific evidence on the effects of cannabinoids on cats. So, if you are considering giving CBD products to your cat, consult a veterinarian first.

Benefits of CBD for cats

CBD is one of the best dietary supplements for pets. Their owners turn to CBD primarily to treat a variety of health problems. More research needs to be done to confirm the benefits of CBD for cats. Even so, some studies have shown promising results in animals treated with CBD. Below are some common ailments for which cat owners have seen positive results.

CBD for cats suffering from anxiety

Even pets can struggle with anxiety in a similar way to humans. Some of the signs that indicate your cat is suffering from anxiety include hiding in unusual places, lack of appetite, increased urination and defecation. Fortunately, CBD has been shown to help alleviate these symptoms so that your cat can continue to enjoy a full, stress-free life. That's because CBD reduces the production of cortisol, a stress hormone that triggers unwanted anxious behaviors. It also has a calming effect on your cat's endocannabinoid system. This is why CBD is suitable for cats suffering from anxiety.

CBD for cats suffering from arthritis and joint pain

You may have noticed that your cat is moving slower, unable to jump as high as before, or has other mobility issues. Untreated arthritis reduces your cat's comfort and quality of life. Since CBD is a known anti-inflammatory, it's no wonder it helps relieve the symptoms of arthritis in cats. A study published in 2006 showed that CBD has therapeutic effects on pets suffering from chronic pain and acute episodes of chronic pain.

CBD for cats suffering from epilepsy

Just like humans, cats can experience epilepsy and seizures. The main benefits of CBD include its neuroprotective properties, making it an ideal dietary supplement for cats suffering from epilepsy. The effects of CBD on epilepsy are to reduce the amount of electrical disturbances in the brain that cause seizures. Research has shown that cats with seizures who were given a CBD supplemented diet had a reduction in seizure frequency and intensity of almost 50%.

CBD for cats suffering from inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is caused by inflammation, which studies have shown can be alleviated with CBD. CBD has also been shown to reduce inflammation, especially inflammation in the intestines, and when combined with an appropriate diet, CBD can help with the symptoms of IBD and other common ailments in cats. While CBD is certainly not a cure for IBD, it does help to alleviate the pain that results from the disease.

CBD for cats suffering from skin disease

Many owners have experienced various skin problems in their cats. Irritated, dry or peeling skin on the belly or even under the fur on other parts of the body is quite common. Just as CBD helps reduce acne and dryness in human skin, it can have similar effects in your cat. If you apply CBD oil directly to your cat's coat, it will contribute to a shiny, soft and thick coat while reducing the incidence of allergic reactions.

Other potential benefits of using CBD in cats

CBD also helps cats with:

  • Aggression,
  • stress,
  • lack of appetite,
  • lack of energy,
  • growth of cancer cells,
  • urinary tract problems.

How to properly dose CBD in cats?

The appropriate dosage of CBD for cats may require a few adjustments in the beginning before you find the ideal dose. Cats are much smaller than humans, which means they need a much lower dose of CBD.

Several veterinarians recommend 0.1-0.5 mg of CBD per 1 kg of cat weight. Specific dosages also vary depending on the particular ailment your cat is suffering from. The more severe the disease, the more CBD you will need. For example, a cat battling cancer will require a higher dose of CBD than a cat suffering from anxiety. You need to start with small doses and gradually increase them until your cat acts more content and calm.

How to choose the best CBD for cats?

When choosing CBD products for your cat, there are a few things to keep in mind. Factors such as where the hemp was grown, the extraction method, the concentration and testing of the CBD influence the final quality of CBD for pets.

There are many different types of CBD products for cats, from CBD cat treats to CBD tinctures for pets. Each type of product has different benefits, from consistency to portability, so you can find what works for your furry pet.

CBD treats are a great choice to get started. The soft treats are ideal for older cats or cats that have issues with tooth sensitivity. The treats are also great because they are easily portable , plus you can be sure to always give your cat the right dose.

Another option is CBD tinctures for pets . You can drip the tincture directly into your cat's mouth, or you can drip it onto a treat or into a food bowl, or you can drip it into a bowl of water or milk.

Incorporate CBD into your cat's diet

Whether you want to help your cat with specific issues, such as kidney health, or just improve their quality of life, CBD can be a simple way to help. When choosing, always make sure to get a quality product with transparent third-party lab tests. Also, consider how you want to administer CBD to your cat. In some cases, treats may be more appropriate and in others CBD oil may be more suitable. If you're going to incorporate CBD into your cat's diet, check with your vet first.

Give CBD to your cats too! In our e-shop you will find CBD oil specifically for animals. So don't hesitate, throw it in your cart and support the health of your cats!