CBD oil has quickly found its place in the world of alternative treatments. After ingestion, it enters a complex process in the body that affects its effectiveness. In this article, we'll look at the fascinating journey that CBD oil takes once ingested. Does the route of administration affect the absorption and speed of onset of the effects of CBD oil? How does CBD affect the endocannabinoid system? And how long does it take for the human body to eliminate CBD? Explore with us the intriguing journey of CBD oil through the human body and find out how it changes over time and how this affects its effects.

What is CBD oil?

CBD oil is an extract from the cannabis plant that contains cannabidiol as the main active ingredient. Cannabidiol is one of the many natural compounds found in cannabis. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive.

CBD oil is becoming increasingly popular due to its potential health benefits. Some of its benefits may include pain relief, anxiety and stress reduction, sleep promotion, anti-inflammatory effects, and possible help with certain neurological diseases.

CBD oil is produced in a variety of ways and is available in different varieties:

  • Full Spectrum: contains large amounts of cannabinoid compounds, including CBD and trace amounts of THC (mostly within legal limits).
  • Isolate: contains only isolated cannabidiol with no other cannabinoid compounds.
  • Broad spectrum: is similar to full spectrum but does not contain THC.

Absorption of CBD and its route through the body

After ingesting CBD oil, a complex process of absorption and its metabolic pathway through the body begins. The way the oil is absorbed depends on the method of administration. The most common routes are oral and sublingual (under the tongue).

  • Oral administration: when taken orally, the oil enters the stomach as part of food or in the form of capsules. There it is exposed to gastric juices and begins to break down.
  • Sublingual administration: when administered under the tongue, the oil is held under the tongue for a period of time, allowing it to be absorbed more quickly through the mucous membranes into the blood. This avoids the digestive process and hastens the onset of effects.

Journey through the digestive tract:
after absorption in the mouth or after passing through the stomach, CBD oil enters the small intestine where the main absorption process takes place. The small intestine has a large absorption surface for the absorption of nutrients and compounds into the bloodstream.

First encounter with the liver: after absorption, CBD oil enters the liver via the portal vein. The liver plays a key role in the body's metabolic processes and it is here that the first phase of CBD metabolism begins. Enzymes in the liver break down CBD into various metabolites, which are then released into the blood.

The metabolic processes of CBD oil in the liver

The liver plays a key role in the conversion and breakdown of substances in the body, which is also true for CBD oil. After its first encounter with the liver, the process of its metabolism begins, which involves several important steps:

  • The breakdown of CBD oil: the liver contains various enzymes, especially cytochrome P450 (CYP450), which are involved in the breakdown of substances. CBD oil is broken down by these enzymes into several smaller compounds.
  • Formation of metabolites: during the metabolic process, CBD is broken down into various metabolites, which are new compounds formed from the original substance. These metabolites may have different pharmacological effects than the original CBD.
  • Influence on pharmacokinetics: the liver and its enzymes influence the rate of metabolism of CBD and thus its duration of action in the body. Different people may have different enzyme levels, leading to differences in the metabolism and effects of CBD.
  • Drug interactions: changes in the liver can affect the metabolism of CBD and other drugs. There is a risk that CBD will affect the effectiveness of some medications because it may increase or decrease the activity of liver enzymes.

Blood circulation and distribution of CBD throughout the body

Once CBD metabolites are formed in the liver, they enter the bloodstream and begin to spread throughout the body. This distribution process is key to the way CBD acts on different parts of the body and target tissues:

  • Blood circulation: CBD metabolites circulate in the blood and are distributed throughout the body, including various organs and tissues.
  • Fat release: CBD is lipophilic (dissolves in fat), which means it can be stored in fat cells. These CBD stores can serve as a source of gradual release into the blood.
  • Endocannabinoid system: CBD has a significant link to the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is a complex set of receptors and endocannabinoid compounds in the body. CBD metabolites can affect CB1 and CB2 receptors in the ECS, which has important effects on homeostasis, the immune system, the nervous system and other biological processes.
  • Target tissues: CBD metabolites have the ability to bind to specific receptors in different tissues. As a result, CBD can influence various aspects of health such as pain, inflammation, mood, immunity and more.
  • Individual reactions: due to individual differences, the distribution and effect of CBD metabolites can vary depending on each individual's genetics, lifestyle and health status .

CBD's medicinal effects and drug interactions

The medicinal effects of CBD are due to its interaction with the endocannabinoid system and other biological processes in the body. These effects can be diverse and include:

  • Analgesia: CBD may contribute to pain relief by affecting receptors in the brain and body that are associated with pain perception.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects: CBD has the ability to reduce inflammation in the body by affecting immune responses and the production of inflammatory substances.
  • Effects on mood and anxiety: CBD can have antidepressant and anxiolytic effects that can help improve mood and reduce anxiety.
  • Neuroprotective effects: some studies suggest that CBD may protect nerve cells and have the potential to treat neurological diseases.
  • Potential drug interactions: some liver enzymes involved in CBD metabolism may also metabolise other drugs. This may mean that CBD may slow or speed up the metabolism of these drugs and affect their effectiveness and the incidence of side effects.

Excretion from the body

After CBD metabolites have done their job in the body, it is important that they are properly eliminated from the body. The process of elimination and excretion of CBD metabolites involves several steps:

  • Filtration and excretion: the bloodstream carries CBD metabolites to the kidneys and other organs involved in the excretion process. The kidneys filter the blood and create urine, while other parts of the body are involved in the excretion of metabolites.
  • Urinary excretion: CBD metabolites are excreted in the urine through the kidneys. This is the main route by which they leave the body. Thus, urine is the body's way of getting rid of metabolites it no longer needs.
  • Excretion through faeces: some CBD metabolites can be excreted through faeces. This includes the route through the intestines and rectum. This process can be particularly important for substances that are not absorbed back into the bloodstream.
  • Individual differences: the rate of excretion of CBD metabolites can be influenced by a number of factors, including age, gender, metabolism and the health status of the individual. Thus, some individuals may excrete metabolites more quickly than others.

A few words in conclusion

The journey of CBD oil through the body is a fascinating and complex process. From absorption in the mouth to metabolic transformation in the liver, each step affects the effects of the substance. The importance of understanding this journey lies in individual reactions and potential therapeutic benefits. Future research could increase our knowledge and contribute to optimising dosing and treatment strategies. CBD oil's journey through the body reveals how the body responds to natural compounds in complex and unique ways, opening the door to new possibilities in the world of healing.

CBD oil's journey through the body is an amazing process that affects our health. If you want to take advantage of the potential benefits of CBD, now is the time. Explore
our wide range of quality CBD products and see how this natural substance can improve your health.