CBD oil has quickly become a very popular dietary supplement for many people due to its potential medicinal effects. However, like many other natural substances, CBD is susceptible to external influences that can affect its effectiveness and durability. One of the key factors that play a role in its storage is the type of packaging in which the oil is kept. The ideal way to protect CBD oil from deterioration is with dark glass. Why is dark glass better than clear glass? Is it better than plastic? Does it make the oil last longer? In this article, we'll take a closer look at why dark glass is so important in terms of preserving the quality and potency of this extraordinary oil.

The history of the use of dark glass in medicine

Dark glass has a long history in medicine, primarily due to its ability to protect sensitive substances from harmful external influences, especially light.

  • Ancient civilisations such as the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used dark glass to preserve medicines, fragrant oils and balms. Dark glass protected these products from heat and sunlight.
  • In the Middle Ages , alchemy and medicine were closely linked. Dark glass vessels were used to store medicinal mixtures, elixirs and tinctures , as their ability to protect the contents from external influences was known.
  • Even today , dark glass is commonly used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Although more modern types of packaging are now available, dark glass still remains a popular material used for light-sensitive products such as essential oils, vitamins and of course CBD oil.

It's clear, then, that the importance of dark glass in medicine has endured for millennia, thanks to its unique properties that protect and preserve sensitive medicinal substances. And, as mentioned, this standard extends to newer products such as CBD oil.

What effect does light have on CBD oil?

Light, especially UV light, can have a very negative effect on CBD oil.

  • Oxidation: UV light can cause oxidation of CBD, which leads to the breakdown of its molecules and reduces the potency and strength of the oil.
  • Degradation of terpenes: terpenes are aromatic compounds found in hemp that contribute to its characteristic aroma and may also have therapeutic effects. UV radiation can degrade terpenes, reducing the quality and therapeutic potential of the oil.
  • Loss of potency: prolonged exposure to light can reduce the overall CBD content of the oil, meaning the product may be less potent.
  • Colour and consistency: prolonged exposure to light can also change the colour and consistency of CBD oil.

Benefits of dark glass for CBD oil

Dark glass is a popular type of packaging for many products that are sensitive to light and oxygen. Especially in medicine and for natural products, which include CBD oil, dark glass has a number of advantages:

  1. UV protection: dark glass acts as a shield that can dampen harmful UV rays that penetrate through transparent glass. The UV rays can pass through the glass and shine through the glass, preventing them from reaching and damaging the substances inside.
  1. Protecting terpenes and other valuable substances in CBD oil: terpenes, essential oils and other components of CBD oil are sensitive to light and temperature. The dark glass protects these substances from decomposition, ensuring that the product remains effective and retains its therapeutic benefits.
  1. Extending the oil's shelf life: in addition to UV light, CBD oil can also be oxidised by oxygen. Oxidation can cause the oil to deteriorate, alter its effects and produce undesirable secondary substances. The dark glass provides additional protection by limiting the penetration of light and thus reducing the possibility of oxygen exposure, which extends the shelf life and preserves the freshness of the oil.

Dark glass vs. other types of packaging

Packaging is essential for preserving and protecting products. Especially for sensitive substances, such as CBD oil, the choice of packaging is crucial. Below is how dark glass compares to other types of packaging:

1. Dark glass vs. plastic:

  • Light protection: plastic can be transparent or opaque, but many do not block UV light as effectively as dark glass. Dark glass provides better UV protection, which can help preserve product quality.
  • Durability and recycling: dark glass is more durable and less susceptible to damage than plastic. It is also 100% recyclable, whereas some plastics cannot be recycled.
  • Chemical reactivity: glass is chemically harmless, meaning it does not affect the contents inside. Some plastics can react with the contents, which can affect the quality of the product.

2.Dark glass vs. clear glass:

  • Protection from light: clear glass packaging does not block UV rays as well as dark glass. Thus, for sensitive products, dark glass provides better protection.
  • Aesthetics: while both types of glass can be visually impressive, dark glass often adds more luxury and elegance to products.

How to store CBD oil properly?

In order for CBD oil to remain effective for as long as possible, it is important to store it properly.

1. Protect it from light: dark glass bottles are ideal for storing CBD oil because they block out most harmful UV rays. But even if the oil is sealed in a dark bottle, it's a good idea to store it in a dark place, such as a drawer or cabinet.

2. Store it in a cool place: high temperatures can speed up the breakdown of CBD and other substances in the oil. Although you don't need to refrigerate the oil, store it in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.

3. Protect it from moisture: moisture can cause mold or bacteria to form. Store CBD oil away from damp areas such as bathrooms.

4. Seal it tightly: always close the bottle tightly after use to prevent oxygen from entering, which could lead to oxidation of the oil.

5. Consider storing it in the fridge: if you plan to store CBD oil for a long period of time, it is advisable to store it in the fridge. This will slow down any decomposition and extend its shelf life. However, let the oil sit for a while before using it to warm it up to room temperature, as it can solidify in the cold.

A few words in conclusion

CBD oil is a very useful product with many therapeutic benefits. Therefore, it deserves the utmost care and protection throughout its storage. Dark glass has proven to be an essential protection against the harmful effects of UV rays, which can disrupt the chemical structure of CBD oil and reduce its effectiveness. In addition, dark glass helps protect terpenes and other sensitive substances, increasing the oil's longevity and preventing oxidation.

Choose CBD oil in a dark glass bottle to ensure long-lasting potency and freshness. Order
our premium CBD oil today!