CBD has a number of positive effects for the body and mind. A common question people ask when they first consider using CBD is whether they can build up a tolerance to it over time. In case you are an experienced user of CBD products, you may have noticed that the effects of CBD diminish over time or that your body no longer responds to it in the same way it used to. But is it really about building up a tolerance? In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about CBD tolerance.

What is tolerance and how does it work?

Tolerance is the body's ability to tolerate or reduce sensitivity to a substance or its physiological effect, especially with regular use. If your tolerance to a substance increases, it means that you will need to take more of that substance to achieve the same effects. For example, people who drink coffee regularly often find that they have to drink more coffee to feel the same effects as when they first started drinking it.

There are two main forms of tolerance, which are: cellular and metabolic.

Cellular tolerance

This form of tolerance is usually measured at the level of nervous tissue, which consists of a system of many neurons and supporting cells. Cellular tolerance is a condition in which tolerance to certain substances is established at the cellular level in the body.

Metabolic tolerance

This form of tolerance occurs when the body becomes accustomed to a substance so that either a larger dose of the substance or another substance is needed to achieve the desired effect. For example, if you drink alcohol every day, your liver will eventually stop absorbing it effectively, leading to a reduction in blood alcohol levels.

As you can see, tolerance is a very broad term that encompasses different forms. Moreover, tolerance can be perceived differently by different people. Since each person has a different physiology, some individuals may develop tolerance more quickly.

Is it possible to build up a tolerance to CBD?

If you use any substance often enough, you will develop an immune reaction to it. That's what science says, whether it's alcohol or THC. But that's not the case with CBD. Building a tolerance to CBD is incredibly rare and virtually non-existent. Unlike THC, CBD does not bind to the receptors of the endocannabinoid system, which are responsible for psychotropic effects and tolerance. Instead, CBD uses these receptors to promote certain effects and can thus regulate other systems in the body. This indirect effect means that CBD is a versatile substance that does not lose its effect even with long-term use. On the contrary, you can build up a reverse tolerance to it.

What is reverse tolerance to CBD?

Reverse tolerance is the opposite of tolerance to CBD. The idea is that CBD could have the opposite effect rather than a decrease in potency with more regular use. So, after long-term use, it could mean that you won 't need to take the same dose to achieve the same effects.

If you're taking a CBD product for the first time, it's best to start with a low initial dose and then gradually increase this. Over time, you may then find that its effects increase without increasing the dose. If this is the case, then you may prefer to reduce the dose.

How to increase the effects of CBD?

If you are not getting the desired effect from CBD, it is possible that other factors are at play. You can take the following steps to increase the effects:

Change the type of CBD oil

CBD oil comes in three basic types: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate. Knowing the type of CBD oil you use and understanding the differences in their effectiveness can help you find the right type for you. Full-spectrum is considered the most potent. If you choose isolate or broad spectrum, it may take you longer to find the right dose.

Change the way you take it

There are a number of ways to take cannabidiol, and each differs in the way CBD gets into the body. When choosing a CBD product, don't be afraid to experiment and try different types, brands, and methods of use (for example, CBD oil, CBD capsules, or CBD edibles). You may need to try several different products before you find the right one. The method of use can also affect the strength of the dose, the speed of action, and the bioavailability, or the process by which CBD is released into the bloodstream.

Change the brand or manufacturer

Experiment with different manufacturers and rotate them from time to time. Focus on quality-rated and transparent brands of CBD products. Try different products within the range. Also, take into account third-party verified testing as a sign of quality.

Consider the strength of the CBD being used

Take into account the strength of the CBD you are taking and consider whether it would be beneficial for you to take a higher dose. For example, people who take CBD to relieve symptoms of chronic illnesses will likely need a higher dose than those who take this dietary supplement for other reasons.

Wait for it to take effect

CBD is released gradually in the body. As with all dietary supplements, you won't notice dramatic changes overnight. Therefore, wait and give CBD time to take effect.

Tolerance to CBD

It is impossible to build up a tolerance to CBD due to its effects on the body. On the contrary, with regular use, a reverse tolerance can develop over time , where a smaller dose of CBD is needed to achieve the same effects.

Remember that CBD is a great way to boost health and stimulate the endocannabinoid system, but it is not a miracle substance or a cure for any disease. If you feel like CBD isn't working for you, it's probably a different problem, not a built up tolerance. Finding the right CBD product can be a long process of trial and error. However, once you find the one that gives you the perfect combination of effects, you'll be set.

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