Welcome! In this article we will be looking at a variety of cannabis called Chemdawg. Chemdawg is a well-known hybrid strain with a rich history and strong effects. We'll explore its origins, genetics and characteristics to give you a detailed overview of this iconic strain. Get ready to explore the fascinating world of Chemdawg and its unique properties.

Origin and genetics

Chemdawg is considered one of the legendary cannabis varieties and its exact origins are still somewhat shrouded in mystery. Its history dates back to the 1990s when it was first discovered in Colorado and subsequ ently spread to growers and users around the world.

It was bred by crossing different varieties of cannabis, although the exact origins are still uncertain. One theory is that Chemdawg was created from a Nepalese x Thai cross , bringing new and unique genetics to the cannabis world. Another theory mentions a cross between OG Kush and Sour Diesel as the source of Chemdawg's genetics.

What is certain, however, is the importance and influence of Chemdawg on cannabis culture. The strain has become known for its pronounced and potent psychoactive effects, and has become the basis for many other popular strains. Chemdawg has also been the source of the genetics for many famous hybrid varieties that are valued for their quality and effects.

This hybrid variety combines sativa and Indian genetics, with the Indian component predominating.


Chemdawg plants have a typical appearance with dense and compact buds covered with sticky resin.

Theleaves are dark green and have a characteristic shape with sharp and pointed ends.

The Chemdawg plant is generally considered to be of medium height and reaches an average height of between 100-150 cm. However, the height of the plant can vary slightly depending on the growing environment, techniques and genetic variations of the variety.

It is also known for its ability to produce high amounts of resin, making it attractive for extracts and concentrates.

Composition of cannabinoids and terpenes

Most Chemdawg phenotypes have a high THC content, which is around 15-20% and can even approach or exceed 25%. THC is the main psychoactive cannabinoid responsible for the high and euphoric effects of this strain.

Another important cannabinoid is CBD. However, this cannabinoid is usuallyfound in lower concentrations, usually up to 1%. CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory, relaxing and analgesic effects.

Other cannabinoids such as CBG, CBN and CBC can also be found in smaller amounts in the Chemdawg variety. These cannabinoids have their own effects and may contribute to the overall effects of this variety.


  • Myrcene: It is often present in cannabis varieties and has a distinctive spicy smell. It has relaxing and sedative effects and can help relieve stress and anxiety.

  • Limonene: Limonene is a terpene with a pleasant lemon scent. It has uplifting and refreshing effects and may help improve mood and reduce stress.

  • Caryophyllene: It has a spicy, spicy smell and may have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It is known for its ability to interact with the endocannabinoid system.

  • Pinene: Pinene has an aroma of pine and coniferous trees. It has stimulating effects and may promote concentration and memory.

  • Linalool: Linalool is a terpene with a floral and lavender scent. It has calming and relaxing effects and may be beneficial in reducing anxiety and promoting sleep.

  • Terpinolene: Terpinolene has a cinnamon-like scent and has sedative and calming effects. It can help with relaxation and promote sleep.

Therapeutic and recreational effects

Therapeutic effects:

  • PainReliever: Its high THC content helps reduce the intensity of pain and improves overall well-being.

  • Reduces stress and anxiety: It helps reduce anxiety and stress, which can lead to improved mood and a better mental state.

  • Stimulates appetite: Chemdawg is often used by patients who suffer from loss of appetite. Its consumption can increase appetite and help with malnutrition.

  • Relieves insomnia: People with insomnia and sleep problems may find relief when using Chemdawg. Its relaxing effects can help relax the mind and body and promote quality sleep.

Recreational effects:

  • Euphoria and an uplifting feeling: Chemdawg is known for its uplifting and euphoric effect. Users often describe a feeling of euphoria, happiness and increased creativity.

  • Relaxation and rest: Chemdawg offers users deep relaxation and rest. Its effects can help relax muscles, relieve tension and provide a sense of well-being.

  • Sociability and conversation encouragement: Chemdawg is also known to promote social interaction and encourage conversations. Users often feel socially active and communicative.

It is important to note thateach patient may respond differently to the use of this variety. Before starting any form of medical cannabis use, it is always important toconsult a professional and obtain appropriate medical advice.

Methods of consumption

  • Smoking: This is the traditional and popular way of consuming cannabis. Chemdawg can be smoked in the form of a joint, hookah or vaporizer. When smoked, the cannabinoids and terpenes enter the bloodstream quickly and the effects are felt almost immediately.

  • Vaping: Vaping is an alternative method of consumption that uses a vaporizer. With a vaporizer, the plant material does not burn, but is heated to a specific temperature. Vaping can be gentler on the lungs and allows for more precise dosing.

  • Food consumption: If you prefer not to smoke, you can prepare edibles with the Chemdawg variety. You can add its extract or oil to food or beverages such as chocolates, cookies or smoothies. Edibles have a longer duration of action may also have stronger and more lasting effects.

  • Making oils and extracts: these products are very strong and concentrated, so they need to be handled with care. The extract or oil can be added to food, drinks or vaporizer.

Cultivation and care of Chemdawg

The Chemdawg variety is generally considered suitable for growing in both indoor and outdoor environments. When growing Chemdawg, it is important to provide the right environment and climatic conditions to allow it to reach its full potential.

  • Temperature. The optimum temperature for plant growth is around 21-27 °C during the day and around 15-21 °C at night. It is important to maintain a stable temperature and avoid extreme temperature fluctuations.

  • Humidity: During the growing phase, a humidity of around 50-70% is recommended, while during the flowering phase the humidity can be reduced to 40-50% to reduce the risk of mould.

  • Lighting: In an indoor environment, high wattage lamps or LED lighting can be used to provide sufficient light intensity. In an outdoor environment, it is important to select a sunny location for the Chemdawg where it will receive the maximum amount of sunlight.

  • Soil and irrigation: it is advisable to use a good quality, nutrient-rich soil mix. When watering, it is important to keep the soil evenly moist but avoid over-watering, which can lead to root problems.

  • pH and fertilisation: Chemdawg prefers a neutral soil pH of around 6-7. It is important to monitor the soil pH and adjust if necessary with appropriate fertilizers.

Some tips and advice for new growers:

  • Choose the right genetically stable seed: When buying Chemdawg seeds, make sure they come from a trusted source that guarantees genetic stability. This will ensure that the plant has predictable characteristics and is easier to work with.

  • Start with a suitable environment: If you choose to grow indoors, invest in good lighting, ventilation and irrigation. If growing outdoors, choose a sunny location with plenty of access to water.

  • Fertilise sensibly: use good-quality organic or mineral fertilisers.Follow the recommended dosage and do not over-fertilise the plant.

  • Monitor and react to signs: Monitor plants regularly for signs of pests, diseases or nutrient deficiencies. Early diagnosis and response will help keep plants healthy.

  • Learn about shaping techniques: If you want to influence the shape of the plant, you can use different shaping techniques such as topping, cunning or supercropping.

  • Be patient: Growing a cannabis plant is a process that requires patience. Chemdawg has a longer flowering time, so be patient and follow the harvest time instructions.

With these tips and advice, you should have a good starting point for growing Chemdawg. Also remember to ask more experienced growers and use the information sources available to get the best results.

Enter the fascinating world of cannabis genetics! Discover new strains, uncover the secrets of their origins and enjoy a deeper understanding of this stunning plant. Join us on our cannabis blog and explore more interesting articles in our "Cannabis Genetics" category.

The articles on our blog serve as an informational resource only and are not intended to promote illegal cannabis consumption or cultivation. In the Czech Republic it is legal to grow cannabis seeds up to 1% THC!