Every cannabis enthusiast appreciates their shredder. This unobtrusive gadget is an essential accessory for cannabis processing. Like any kitchen or other tool, a shredder requires regular maintenance and cleaning to keep it in the best possible condition. When looking for the best cleaning methods, you will often come across unusual tips, one of which is the use of milk. Does this white liquid really have magical powers that will make our shredders shine with newness? Why does it often cause mould? And why is cleaning with alcohol a better choice? In this article, we'll give you the basic facts, benefits and potential risks of this method of shredder cleaning.

What is the purpose of a cannabis shredder?

Acannabis crusher is a tool designed to gently crush dried cannabis flowers. It is usually round in shape and consists of two overlapping and rotating parts. Inside are sharp teeth that crush the cannabis by turning the two parts against each other.

Some crushers have several chambers: one chamber is used for crushing, while the other collects the crushed material. In more modern models, there may be an additional chamber with a fine sieve that separates the small crystals of cannabis, called kief.

Why would anyone use milk to clean a cannabis grinder?

Milk is a rather unusual choice for cleaning at first glance, but it has its place in some household cleaning. But why does anyone consider milk a cleaning agent?

Properties of milk that can help with cleaning:

  • Fats: Milk contains fats that can interact with other fats or resins. This makes these substances easier to dissolve and remove from the surface. In the case of cannabis grinders, the fat in the milk can help remove resinous cannabis residue that builds up over time.
  • Enzymes: milk contains enzymes that break down organic substances. These enzymes can help clean up plant residues and resins.

Although milk is not the traditional choice for cleaning cannabis grinders, its effects may suit some people. It is important to note, however, that if you choose to use milk, you must rinse and dry the grinder thoroughly after cleaning.

Benefits of cleaning a cannabis grinder with milk

Recently, more and more people are turning to natural and eco-friendly cleaning methods. In the case of cleaning a cannabis grinder, milk can be one of these alternative methods. Below are the benefits that cleaning with milk offers:

  • Efficiency in removing residue: the fats in milk can react with the resinous residue in the shredder, making it easier to remove. In addition, the enzymes contained in milk can help break down some organic substances and residues.
  • Anatural and non-chemical way of cleaning: in this day and age when many people are looking for eco-friendly and safer alternatives to chemical products, milk can be an appealing option. It does not contain any harsh chemicals or toxic substances, which means it is more environmentally friendly and less harmful to human health and the respiratory system
  • Cost savings compared to commercial cleaners: most households always have milk available, which means you can save money you would otherwise spend on specialty cleaners. In addition, when it comes to quantity, cleaning with milk can be more economical, especially if you compare the price of milk with the price of specialty cleaners.

Disadvantages of cleaning a cannabis grinder with milk

While cleaning with milk can have its advantages, it is also important to consider the potential disadvantages and risks associated with this method. Below are some of the biggest potential problems:

  • Milk residue that can cause mold: milk is an organic substance that can cause bacteria and mold to proliferate if left on the surface and not dried properly. The presence of moisture and milk residue can create an ideal environment for the growth of mould and mildew, which can spoil the shredder and endanger human health.
  • The need for thorough washing and drying: to avoid the above problems, the shredder must be thoroughly washed and dried after cleaning with milk. This may take a longer time compared to other cleaning methods.
  • Creation of unwanted odours: if milk residues remain on the grinder, they can cause an unpleasant odour. This can affect the quality of the cannabis crushed in the grinder.
  • Insufficient removal of resinous deposits: milk may not be as effective as some other methods in removing resinous deposits, as it all depends on the fat content of the milk used.

How to clean a cannabis grinder properly with milk?

If you've decided to try cleaning your cannabis grinder with milk, below you'll find a step-by-step guide and some important tips and tricks to get the best results while ensuring the safety and longer life of your machine.

  1. First, remove all cannabis residue from the grinder and unscrew all parts if possible.
  2. Heat a small amount of milk in a small pot, but do not let it come to a boil. The heat will help the fats in the milk to react better with the resins.
  3. Dip all the parts of the grinder into the warm milk and let them soak for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Clean all parts of the grinder thoroughly with a soft brush. Gently remove any resin residue.
  5. After cleaning, rinse the grinder thoroughly under running water to remove any milk residue.
  6. Dry the grinder thoroughly with a towel and leave it to dry in a well-ventilated place.

Important tips and tricks for maximum efficiency and safety:

  • Use full-fat milk: more fat can be more effective in removing resinous residues.
  • Do not boil the milk: too high a temperature can burn the milk and lead to an unpleasant smell.
  • Cleaning check: if you still see resin residue after the first attempt, you may need to repeat the process.
  • Rinse thoroughly: milk residues can cause an unpleasant smell if not removed properly.

Other ways to clean a cannabis grinder

When it comes to cleaning your cannabis grinder, there are various methods you can try. Below are a few popular ways to clean a shredder and how their effectiveness and safety compares to cleaning with milk.

  1. Alcohol (e.g. isopropyl alcohol)
  • Effectiveness: alcohol is one of the most effective solvents for resins and cannabis residue, making it a great choice for cleaning shredders.
  • Safety: alcohol is considered a safe cleaner for cannabis shredders, as long as it is used carefully and in sufficiently ventilated areas. After cleaning, it is important to rinse the grinder thoroughly and allow it to dry.

  1. Salt
  • Effectiveness: fine salt acts as an abrasive that can help remove resin residues. It is most often combined with alcohol for maximum effectiveness.
  • Safety: it is safe to use salt, but it is important to rinse the grinder thoroughly after cleaning to prevent salt build-up.

  1. Soapy water
  • Effectiveness: soapy water can be effective in removing resin residue, but is not as effective as rubbing alcohol or a combination of salt and alcohol.
  • Safety: soapy water is safe, but as with other methods, it is important to rinse the crusher thoroughly after cleaning and allow it to dry.

Comparison with milk

  • Effectiveness: alcohol and salt/alcohol combinations are probably the most effective methods for cleaning resin residues. Milk may be effective due to its fat content, but it is not as effective as rubbing alcohol.
  • Safety: when milk is used, there is a risk of organic residues forming, which can lead to bacteria and mould growth. Lye, salt and soapy water pose less risk of these problems.

The method of cleaning depends on your preference and the products available. Regardless of the method chosen, it is important to clean the shredder regularly and thoroughly to keep it in optimum condition to ensure the quality and safety of the material produced.

A few words in conclusion

Cleaning the cannabis shredder is essential for its longevity and the quality of the shredding. Although milk is a natural and non-chemical way of cleaning thanks to its fat content, it can pose various risks, such as the development of bacteria and mould or the formation of unwanted odours. Alternative methods, such as alcohol or soapy water, are more effective with a lower risk of various complications. While lotion may be an appealing option for some, it is important to weigh the pros and cons and choose the cleaning method that best suits your needs and preferences.

Whichever way you choose to clean your grind, the quality of the cannabis plays a vital role in the overall outcome. Looking for quality cannabis seeds with low THC content? Order your
seeds with up to 1% THC in our e-shop today!