Critique of the effects of Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica - a survey of medical cannabis users
- A 35-year study shows that men are more prone to psychiatric disorders as a result of cannabis smoking.
- However, the real reason for this is not yet known.
A recent study shows gender differences.
Although many positive and medically beneficial cannabis discoveries have been made and confirmed, there is still concern about the continued effects of cannabis on the brain.
In the 1980s, researchers conducted an experiment that studied cannabis use in approximately 45,000 men aged 18 years. A thirty-five-year study regularly checked marijuana intake in men, especially in smokers for whom the tests confirmed some type of mental disorder.
The results were interesting, the men who smoked marijuana were 2.4 times more likely to be diagnosed as schizophrenics than those who did not smoke marijuana. Men who regularly smoked cannabis, which was more than 50 times in 15 years, were six times more at risk of developing schizophrenia than an occasional smoker.
This was the first revolutionary discovery that showed a link between mental illness and cannabis consumption.
There were 9 studies in total that tested the theory that marijuana is related to psychosis. Now, thanks to Advances in Dual Diagnosis, which took place over 11 years, research suggests that men have a greater risk of cannabis psychosis than women.
Dr. Paul Galdas and Dr. Holly Essex, the leading researchers in this study, said the ratio is 2:1 men to women, butprobably increases to 4: 1.
Ian Hamilton commented on a recent study in which he said: "Significant gender differences in cannabis psychosis rates are mysterious.
It is possible that mental health services and specialized drug treatments that have a disproportionate number of men identify and treat more men with combined mental health problems and cannabis. "
What is Cannabis Psychosis?
Cannabis psychosis changes the psychological stability of a person after using marijuana. By definition, psychosis means a serious mental illness that will make you believe things that are not true.
According to the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, cannabis psychoda may be experiencing several types of negative emotions such as anxiety, depression and other mental contradictions after smoking marijuana.
Why, then, cannabis psychosis affects men more than women?
Unfortunately, scientists are still not sure why men are being punished more. A small number of studies say that gender makes these differences, but we are still in the process of understanding how sex affects the results of cannabis psychosis.
Men seem to be more alive to smokers than women. Some say that marijuana smoking was and still is a social stigma for women, resulting in fewer smokers. This is also the backboneThe idea that younger men are more likely to engage in high-risk behaviors, including the desire to try illegal substances, is thought to be days. Others speculate that men use marijuana as a method of whipping, while women tend to rely on social interactions to find the help they need.
These assumptions may already be madeuseful for speculating why cannabis psychosis is more prevalent in men than in women, purely on the basis of statistical data.
INwe still do not have enough evidence to determine why men are more susceptible to cannabis psychosis than women, but according to Mr. Hamilton, it seems clear that "gender matters".