CBD candles, whose popularity has skyrocketed recently, attract a lot of people who crave relaxation and relaxation. However, behind the glow of the candles, there may be a dark risk. In this article, we will look at the dangers associated with using CBD candles and highlight the reasons why you should consider using them. Can CBD candles be dangerous to your health? Do they release cancer-causing substances? And why are essential oils a much safer choice? Continue reading to find out if using CBD candles is safe or if you'd rather choose another alternative.

What are CBD candles and how do they work?

CBD candles are products that combine the principles of aromatherapy with the purported benefits of cannabidiol, one of the many substances found in cannabis. The principle behind CBD candles is that CBD and aromatics are released into the air when they burn.

CBD candles are made from wax or oil to which CBD-containing hemp extract is added. The wax or oil serves as a carrier for the CBD and fragrances. When the candle is lit, the wax or oil begins to dissolve under the influence of heat. As the wax or oil melts, the CBD and aromatics are gradually released into the air. The user inhales and absorbs these substances, causing them to affect the body and mind.

People believe that CBD has potential positive effects on mood, stress, anxiety and even some physical ailments such as muscle and joint pain. The scent from hemp candles can also contribute to relaxation and well-being.

Why do people use CBD candles?

People use CBD candles for several reasons, some of which include:

  • Relaxation and stress reduction: many people seek out CBD candles as a means to reduce stress and anxiety. CBD is known for its potential calming effects and can help relieve tension and improve mood.
  • Improving sleep: for some people, CBD candles can be part of their evening routine. It is thought that CBD can help improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia problems.
  • Potential pain-relieving effects: CBD has potential anti-inflammatory effects that can relieve muscle and joint pain. Some people use CBD candles as part of their body care.
  • Aromatherapy: the scent of hemp candles can be pleasant and relaxing. Aromatherapy can have a positive effect on mood and contribute to overall well-being.
  • Reducing inflammation: some people believe that CBD candles can help reduce inflammation in the body, which can be helpful for people suffering from chronic illnesses.
  • Alternative to other forms of CBD: for some, using CBD candles may be more enjoyable than other forms of CBD, such as non-capsule oils.

Why not use CBD candles?

Below are some possible risks associated with using CBD candles:

  • Lack of regulation and quality: the market for CBD products is not sufficiently regulated, which can lead to inadequate quality control. This means that some CBD candles may contain inaccurate amounts of CBD, harmful chemicals, or impurities that may pose a health risk to the consumer.
  • Drug interactions: CBD can interact with certain drugs, especially those that are metabolised in the liver. This can affect the effectiveness of the drugs and lead to unwanted side effects. If you are taking medication, it is important to consult a doctor about using CBD candles.
  • Possible allergic reactions: some people may experience allergic reactions to particular substances in the candles, such as wax or aromatic substances. This may include skin rashes, itching or asthma. If you are prone to allergies, it is important to check the ingredients of your candles carefully.
  • Side effects: CBD candles can cause unwanted side effects in some individuals, such as drowsiness, indigestion, dry mouth or mood changes. These reactions tend to be individual and depend on the person's sensitivity to CBD.
  • Lack of scientific evidence: although CBD is being investigated for its potential therapeutic effect, there is a lack of reliable scientific evidence to support any of these benefits. Thus, the use of CBD candles may be based on speculation or placebo.
  • Impact on the respiratory tract: burning the candle produces smoke that can adversely affect the respiratory tract of people with health problems such as asthma. If you suffer from sensitive airways, burning a candle may cause irritation.
  • Lack of information about the origin of the hemp: some CBD candles may come from unverified hemp sources. Lack of information about the origin of the plant and extraction procedures may mean that the product may contain impurities and insufficient amounts of CBD.

Safe alternatives to CBD candles

Although CBD candles may be tempting for some people, it is important to consider their use and look for safer alternatives instead. Below are a few possible alternatives:

  • CBD oils: CBD oils are one of the most common forms of CBD and can be taken orally. They are available in different concentrations and allow for better dosing.
  • CBD capsules: CBD capsules are a convenient way to receive precise doses of CBD.
  • CBD tinctures: tinctures are drops containing CBD that can be easily added to drinks or applied under the tongue.
  • Essential oils: essential oils are often associated with aromatherapy and can be a safe alternative for people looking for natural ways to improve mood and induce relaxation. This can make essential oils a great and safer alternative to CBD candles.

A few words in conclusion

While CBD candles have their advocates and may offer some potential benefits, there are many reasons why you should avoid using them. The lack of regulation and quality of these products, possible allergic reactions, drug interactions, and possible side effects are all factors that should be carefully considered. In addition, burning candles can produce smoke that can burden the respiratory tract. Therefore, when choosing CBD candles, it is important to weigh the benefits and risks and make a decision based on your own preferences and health status.

Consider the safer alternative to CBD candles, namely essential oils! Essential oils provide similar aromatherapy and relaxation benefits without the risks associated with CBD candles. You can buy them from our e-shop! So don't wait and explore our wide range of essential oils!