The decarboxylation of cannabis is a key step in the effective use of its medicinal properties. This process activates cannabinoids such as THC and CBD by converting their acidic forms into biologically active compounds. In this article, we will look at 3 proven methods for decarboxylation of cannabis: oven baking, jar decarboxylation and sealed bag decarboxylation. Why is oven decarboxylation the easiest? But why is it the one with the highest risk of cannabinoid degradation and loss? And which method has the lowest risk? In this article, we'll take a closer look at each method so you can choose the most appropriate method for your needs.

What is cannabis decarboxylation and what is it used for?

Cannabis decarboxylation is a chemical process that activates the cannabinoids in cannabis plants, such as THC and CBD. These cannabinoids are present in their acidic form, THCA and CBDA, which are not psychoactive and do not have such pronounced effects. Decarboxylation removes the carboxylic acid from these acids, causing them to be converted into a biologically active form.

What is the purpose of decarboxylation?

  1. To increase potency: activating cannabinoids by converting them into their active form increases their therapeutic efficacy.
  2. Psychoactive effects: decarboxylation is necessary to ensure the psychoactive effects of THC.
  3. Therapeutic uses: activated cannabinoids, especially CBD, have been associated with various medicinal properties such as the relief of pain, inflammation and anxiety.
  4. Production of edibles: activated cannabinoids are often used to produce food and medicinal products such as oils, tinctures and edibles.

Method 1: Oven decarboxylation

Decarboxylation of cannabis by baking in the oven is a popular and easy to perform method of cannabinoid activation. The step-by-step process involves several important steps:

  1. First, grind the cannabis into smaller pieces. This will make decarboxylation uniform.
  1. The ideal temperature for decarboxylation is approximately 110-120 °C. At this temperature, the cannabinoids are activated without being excessively heated or destroyed.
  1. The baking time depends on the amount of cannabis and its moisture content. It is usually between 30-45 minutes. Longer times can lead to a loss of potency.
  1. During the roasting process, gently stir the cannabis every 10-15 minutes to decarboxylate the cannabis evenly.
  1. During decarboxylation, the colour of the cannabis changes from green to dark gold or light brown.
  1. Allow the cannabis to cool completely once the process is complete. Once cooled, you can store the activated cannabis for further use.

Benefits of this method:

  • Easy to do.
  • Relatively precise temperature control using an oven.
  • Possibility to control the whole process and adapt it to specific needs.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • Some active substances may degrade at elevated temperatures.
  • Unpleasant odour during baking.

Method 2: Decarboxylation in a jar

Decarboxylation of cannabis in jars is an innovative approach that allows precise temperature control and minimises odour. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Choose a jar with a tight-fitting lid that can withstand baking in the oven.
  2. Disinfect the jar thoroughly to minimize the risk of contamination.
  3. Crush the cannabis and fill about a quarter of the jar with it.
  4. Set the oven temperature to approximately 110-120 °C.
  5. Close the jar with a tight-fitting lid.
  6. Place it on a baking tray to avoid direct contact with the heat and place it in the oven.
  7. Leave the cannabis to decarboxylate for approximately 1-2 hours.
  8. Check the appearance of the cannabis periodically and stir gently if necessary.

Benefits of this method:

  • This method minimises the development of odours during decarboxylation.
  • Precise temperature control in the oven ensures more accurate decarboxylation and protection of the cannabinoids.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • This method requires a high temperature resistant jar.

Method 3: Decarboxylation in a resealable bag

Decarboxylation of cannabis in a resealable bag using a vacuum sealer is a modern and efficient way to activate cannabinoids. The procedure below will allow you to carry out this process with maximum precision:

  1. Grind the cannabis into smaller pieces to achieve even decarboxylation.
  2. Place it in a resealable bag.
  3. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove the air from the bag and then seal the bag.
  4. The resulting airtight bag protects the cannabis from oxidation.
  5. Fill the pot with water to a height of about 2-3 cm.
  6. Submerge the sealed cannabis bag in the water until it is completely submerged.
  7. Set the stove to a low temperature at which the water boils only slightly.
  8. The temperature should be around 100-110 °C.
  9. Allow the cannabis to decarboxylate for approximately 1-2 hours.
  10. Check the water level regularly and top up if necessary.

Advantages of this method:

  • Modern, accurate and discrete method of cannabinoid activation.
  • The sealed bag and vacuum seal protect the cannabis.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • Higher temperature can lead to degradation of some cannabinoids, which will affect the potency of the product.
  • The temperature stability of the cooker may affect the accuracy of the process.

Which method of cannabis decarboxylation is best?

Different methods of cannabis decarboxylation have advantages and disadvantages that should be considered when choosing the most suitable method.

Oven decarboxylation:

  • Efficiency: some cannabinoids may be degraded at higher temperatures.
  • Practicality: a simple method that is feasible in any household.
  • Equipment needed: only an oven is required.
  • Suitable for: anyone who prefers a simple method in the comfort of their home and does not have access to other equipment.

Decarboxylation in a jar

  • Efficiency: a sealed jar minimises the loss of cannabinoids, but higher temperatures may affect some substances.
  • Practicality: minimises odour.
  • Equipment needed: a jar and oven are required.
  • Suitable for: those who prefer a precise process and minimisation of odour.

Decarboxylation in a resealable bag

  • Efficiency: thanks to the controlled temperature of the vacuum, decarboxylation is precise and minimises the loss of cannabinoids.
  • Practicality: a modern method that minimises odour and allows discretion.
  • Equipment needed: a vacuum machine, a vacuum bag and a pot are required.
  • Suitable for: anyone who wants to use a modern and precise method with minimal odour

A few words in conclusion

Decarboxylation of cannabis is a necessary step to activate the cannabinoids and ensure their potency. Three proven methods - in the oven, in a jar and in a resealable bag - provide different approaches with regard to efficiency, practicality and availability of equipment. When choosing a method, it is important to consider individual needs and preferences. The right temperature, time and quality of cannabis are key to achieving optimal results. Whichever method you choose, it is important to follow precise procedures to decarboxylate the cannabis successfully and obtain quality cannabinoids suitable for further use.

If decarboxylation hasn't intimidated you and you're ready to harness the maximum potential of cannabis, it's time to get started. Visit our e-shop and explore
our wide range of quality cannabis seeds with up to 1% THC. Your growing adventure can begin today.