In our article, we will focus on the important differences between the two main forms of medicinal cannabis - flower and concentrate. We will explore the different methods of applying these forms of cannabis and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. We will also introduce the differences in composition and potency between flower and concentrate and how these factors can affect the therapeutic effects.


Medicinal cannabis in flower form

Overview of properties and characteristics

Medicinal cannabis in flower form is one of the best known and most traditional forms of cannabis used for medicinal purposes. The flower, also known as the 'top', is the fertile part of the female cannabis plant, which contains high levels of medicinal substances such as cannabinoids and terpenes.

The cannabis flower is typically green to purple in colour and is made up of tiny calyxes covered with trichomes, which contain glands containing cannabinoids. The flowers also have a specific aroma due to the presence of various terpenes.

Cannabinoids contained

  • THC - is known for its psychoactive properties.
  • CBD - is free of psychoactive effects and offers treatment options without the perception of a 'high' state.

The flower also contains other cannabinoids such as CBG, CBC and many others which are among the variety of therapeutic effects. The terpenes present in the cannabis flower then give the plant a unique aroma and may also have therapeutic effects.

Methods of application

  • Smoking: Smoking cannabis is one of the most common and oldest methods of consuming the flowers. The flowers are dried and crushed into smaller pieces which are then smoked using a doobie, pipe or vaporizer. When smoked, the active ingredients in cannabis are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, ensuring a rapid and intense effect.

  • Vaporisation: Vaporisation is a more modern and healthier alternative to traditional smoking. In vaporisation , the cannabis is heated to a temperature that activates the active ingredients but does not burn them. This minimises the inhalation of harmful substances that are released when smoking. The vaporizer allows precise temperature control and produces a fine aerosol that is inhaled.

  • Bakingpreparations: Another option is to use cannabis in the form of flowers in baking and cooking. You can add the flowers to different recipes such as muffins, brownies or butter, thus obtaining foods enriched with the effects of cannabis.

Advantages and disadvantages of flower application

Advantages of flower application

  • Natural: Hemp flower is a natural form of cannabis that has not undergone significant processing. This means that the natural components and synergistic effect of the various cannabinoids and terpenes are preserved.

  • Rapid effect: When smoking or vaporizing the flower, the active ingredients are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, resulting in a rapid onset of action. This is useful for people who need quick relief from symptomatic problems.

  • Multiple consumption options

Disadvantages of flower application

  • Psychoactive effects: Cannabis flower contains varying amounts of psychoactive THC. This can affect cognitive function and perception, which is undesirable for some users.

  • Health risks: Smoking cannabis flower can have a negative impact on lung and respiratory health. Burning the plant material releases harmful substances and toxic products that may contribute to the risk of respiratory disease.

  • Dosage: Accurate dosage of cannabis in flower form can be difficult. It is not always easy to determine exactly how much THC or CBD is consumed.

The exact amount of CBD or THB that can be used to produce the CBD or THB in the form of a concentrate is not always clear.

Overview of properties and characteristics

Cannabis concentrates are extracts that are obtained from cannabis plants and contain high concentrations of active substances such as cannabinoids (e.g. THC, CBD) and terpenes. These extracts are often obtained by various extraction methods, including dissolution in solvents, the use of pressure or heat.

Cannabis concentrates are available in various forms such as oils, crystals or tinctures. Each form has its own properties and method of application.

Due to their high concentration , it is possible to better monitor and control the amount of cannabinoids consumed, which helps to achieve more accurate therapeutic results.

Methods of application

  • Inhalation: inhalation of cannabis concentrates is a popular method. This can be done using vaporizers, which heat the concentrate to a set temperature and release the vapour without combustion. This minimises the inhalation of harmful substances associated with smoking. Inhalation is a quick way for the active ingredients to enter the bloodstream and provide immediate relief.

  • Sublingual administration: this method involves placing the concentrate under the tongue where the substances are quickly absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes. It is a simple and effective way to quickly feel the effects of concentrates.

  • Oral application: Cannabis concentrates can be consumed orally, for example in the form of capsules, tablets or food supplements. Once swallowed, the active ingredients are gradually released in the digestive system and absorbed into the bloodstream. This method requires a longer period of time to take effect, as the substances have to pass through the digestive process.

  • Application to the skin: Concentrates can be applied directly to the skin using creams, ointments or oils. This method is suitable for topical relief of pain, inflammation or skin problems. The active ingredients penetrate the skin, affecting the target area.

It is important to note that each method has its own characteristics and effectiveness. Choosing the right method based on individual preferences, needs and anticipated effects. When using cannabis concentrates, it is also important to follow the correct dosage and consult a professional to minimize side effects and achieve optimal results.

Advantages and disadvantages of concentrate application

Advantages of concentrate application

  • High concentration of active ingredients: Cannabis concentrates are processed to contain high levels of active ingredients such as THC and CBD. This allows for stronger and faster effects compared to other forms of cannabis.

  • Dosage accuracy: They usually have precise amounts of active ingredients, which allows for better control of dosage. This is important for individuals who need an accurate and consistent dose to achieve the desired effects.

  • Different methods of application are possible

Disadvantages of concentrate application

  • Higher price: due to the high concentration of active ingredients, cannabis concentrates usually have a higher price compared to other forms of cannabis. This can be financially challenging for some people.

  • Requires specific equipment: Certain methods of applying concentrates, such as inhalation, may require special equipment, such as vaporizers. This may be difficult or impractical for some people.

  • High concentration of active ingredients: While higher concentrations of active ingredients can be a benefit, they can also cause adverse effects, especially in individuals with low tolerance or sensitivity to cannabis.

Therapeutic indications for flower application

  • Pain relief: It contains cannabinoids such as THC and CBD, which have analgesic properties. These substances can help reduce pain associated with a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, arthritis pain, and neuropathic pain.

  • Inflammation reduction: the cannabinoids in cannabis flower have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body. This is especially helpful for people suffering from autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease or lupus.

  • Relief from anxiety and depression: some people find relief from symptoms of anxiety and depression when taking cannabis flower. The CBD contained in the flower can have antidepressant and anxiolytic effects that help calm the mind and improve mood.

  • Sleep improvement: Some varieties of cannabis flower have sedative effects that can help with insomnia and sleep problems. These varieties can help to relax and help you fall asleep better.

  • Treating nausea and vomiting: The cannabinoids in cannabis flower, especially THC, can help reduce nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy or other medical procedures.

However, it is important to consult with a doctor or specialist before beginning treatment with cannabis flower to determine the exact appropriate dosage and to consider possible interactions with other medications or medical conditions.

Therapeutic indications for concentrate application

  • Severe pain: Cannabis concentrate, especially with its high THC content, can provide relief from severe pain, such as neuropathic pain or pain associated with severe injuries.

  • Chronic diseases: It can help relieve symptoms of chronic diseases such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis or arthritis. Its anti-inflammatory properties and analgesic effects can reduce inflammation and pain associated with these conditions.

  • Epilepsy: Some forms of hemp concentrate containing CBD are used to treat epilepsy, especially in paediatric patients. CBD can help reduce the frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures.

  • Reduction of nausea and vomiting: Hemp concentrate may be effective in reducing nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, radiation, or other medical treatments.

It is important to note that cannabis concentrate, especially those high in THC, can have stronger effects and requires careful dosing and monitoring. It is advisable to consult with a physician or cannabis specialist to determine the exact appropriate dose and monitor possible side effects.

Come visit our e-shop and discover our wide range of CBD flowers and concentrates! Experience the natural power of CBD and discover all the benefits for your health and well-being!

This article serves as an informational resource only and is not a substitute for an individual consultation with a professional. It is always important to consult a doctor or specialist before starting any treatment or using medical cannabis.