As cannabis legalization across the country gradually increases, more and more people are enjoying cannabis edibles. One of the unforeseen consequences of this surge in legalization is the growing number of cases in which these cannabis treats are ingested by dogs. For this reason, it's important to recognize the symptoms that will manifest when your dog ingests cannabis and know what you should do in such a situation. Therefore, in this article, we will inform you about what happens when a dog eats cannabis, what are the possible symptoms and how to proceed.

Dogs and cannabis

Dogs often have a big appetite, so if you have food on the table, they will definitely want to try it. As cannabis becomes legal in more and more countries, the range of different cannabis products available on the market is growing . From sticks to oils to edibles, dogs have plenty of opportunities to get their hands on cannabis. The effects of cannabis edibles on a dog's body depend on a number of factors, which are:

  • The THC content of hemp edibles,
  • the amount of product consumed,
  • the size and weight of the dog.

THC content of hemp products

If your dog eats a hemp food containing CBD, you have nothing to worry about because CBD is not toxic to dogs. Research has shown that CBD works similarly in animals as it does in humans. Even CBD is commonly used as part of the treatment of separation anxiety in dogs and also in the treatment of cancer in dogs. However, if ingesting larger amounts, it is better to contact a veterinarian as a precaution.

THC is a substance that is much more dangerous to dogs. This psychoactive substance is actually toxic to dogs. Dogs are much more sensitive to the effects of THC than humans. In addition, they have an extremely low tolerance to this chemical because they are not used to it. In addition, some cannabis foods contain chocolate, which is also poisonous to dogs. Thus, the combination of these two toxic substances in one product can have even worse consequences. In addition, other types of these edibles may contain ingredients that can be harmful to dogs. For example, some gummy candies may contain xylitol, which is deadly to dogs.

The amount of food consumed and the weight of the dog

The more cannabis products a dog eats, the stronger the effects will be. This also applies to the size and weight of the dog, as smaller dogs will show much stronger effects (and much faster) than larger breeds.

What are the symptoms of cannabis poisoning in dogs?

In most cases, dogs consume cannabis edibles when their owners are not supervising them. Because of this, you may not know that your dog has eaten the edibles until the first symptoms appear. In a dog that has ingested cannabis, symptoms will probably start to appear within 30-90 minutes, but sometimes it can take up to several hours, depending on the THC content and the size of the dog. Symptoms tend to be very pronounced and are probably easy to notice. These include:

  • Vomiting,
  • rapid heart rate,
  • uncoordinated movements,
  • excessive drooling,
  • drowsiness,
  • howling and whining,
  • dilated pupils,
  • breathing difficulties,
  • inability to hold urine,
  • hyperactivity or restlessness,
  • tremors, shaking or convulsions.

If your dog develops any of these symptoms as a result of cannabis ingestion, it is imperative that you take him to the vet.

What to do if a dog eats cannabis?

If you suspect that your dog has eaten a product containing cannabis, you should seek veterinary help immediately, even if you are not sure that this has actually happened.

It is also important to inform the vet about the specific type of cannabis edibles your pet has eaten, as different types have different toxicities.

How to prevent a dog from eating a cannabis product?

The best way to help your dog is to prevent this situation from happening in the first place. With the right precautions, you can reduce the likelihood of a dog eating a cannabis treat to a minimum. Below are some tips that can help you prevent this problem.

Careful storage

The first and most important step is to store your food in a place that dogs can't get to. Always make sure you store cannabis food in a container that is secure. For example, a jar or container with a screw-on lid.

You can also store edibles in the fridge or on the top shelf in the pantry where the dog can't get to them.

Educate your loved ones

If you live with other people or invite guests over often, make sure they don't give your dog any cannabis products. This is because some people are unaware of the potential dangers and may even think they are being nice to your dog by giving him a tasty treat. Make sure that all family members know the signs of cannabis ingestion and know the number of a vet in case of an emergency.

A few words in conclusion

If your dog ingests a cannabis edible, it can be very dangerous for him. If this situation occurs, it is best to contact your vet and give them as much information as possible. The best way to protect your dog is to prevent him from having access to cannabis edibles. Therefore, keep these treats out of reach of your curious dogs.

Want to give your dog the benefits of CBD? Get him CBD oil designed specifically for pets! Order it today and improve your four-legged pet's quality of life.