Cannabis buds are usually cone-shaped and uniform along their length. However, sometimes the buds develop what is known as a fox tail, which can be the result of genetics or poor growing practices. The foxtail is one of several problems you may encounter when growing cannabis. In this article, we'll take a closer look at cannabis foxtails, outline their causes and give you advice on what you can do to prevent and eliminate foxtails in your cannabis plants.

What is hemp foxtailing?

Foxtails are a type of aesthetic deformation that can be encountered in cannabis plants. It occurs in cannabis plants whose calyxes develop on others, usually during flowering, to the point where they are easily visible, resulting in the buds taking on strange shapes. They appear elongated and look as if they are growing in tufts. Instead of the usual dense and rounded structure, the buds resemble a fox's tail.

Three reasons for the foxtail in cannabis

There are three main factors that can cause foxtails to appear on cannabis plants:


Certain varieties of cannabis are more prone to foxtail than others. Some growers are very fond of these varieties because they can produce a special looking plant with unique buds. In outdoor cultivation, foxtail is almost always due to genetics. It is more common in sativa varieties than in Indian varieties, because they have a more elongated bud structure and greater spacing between buds.

Light stress

Cannabis plants need plenty of light to grow. Grow lights that are too hot or hang too close to the plant's flowers can lead to high stress and the subsequent appearance of foxtails. Plants with this type of foxtail usually have bleached or scorched leaf tips or buds.

Heat stress

Cannabis plants thrive best at temperatures between 20 and 30 °C. Excessive heat is detrimental to cannabis plants as they prefer a constant temperature throughout the growing season. Large fluctuations in temperature result in slower growth, which adversely affects yields. If the temperatures are exceeded for a long time, foxtail can occur.

Are foxtails harmful to cannabis?

Foxtails are not necessarily harmful, as they do not have any negative effects. If the variety is genetically predisposed to this trait, there should be no problem. It is essentially an aesthetic issue and some growers even like the appearance of the foxtail.

However, some foxtails can get out of control and form large tufts at the top of the flower which can adversely affect the proper growth and maturation of the flower and reduce the overall yield.

How to get rid of foxtail?

If you are not a fan of foxtail or are bothered by the structure of the buds, this problem can be solved by modifying the growing environment. Here is how you can proceed:

Set the right temperature.

When growing, it is important to pay attention to the temperature in the growing space. If the grow room is very warm, adjust the temperature. When the lights are on, the temperature in the grow room should be around 23 degrees Celsius; when the lights are off, it should be five to seven degrees lower. To reduce the heat, you can provide additional ventilation to take away the warm air, or you can turn on the air conditioning. As long as the grow lights are a reasonable distance away and temperatures are not too high, you should not encounter foxtails.

Change the spacing of the lights

Foxtails often occur when plants are placed too close to a light source. If you notice signs of bleaching or foxtail, place the plants at a greater distance from the light source.

Check the pH

Always check the pH levels of the water and soil to ensure that nutrient supply is not being reduced, which leads to foxtails.

Can foxtail buds be harvested?

Even though foxtail buds are less dense and therefore weigh slightly less than normal buds, there should be nothing stopping you from harvesting foxtail buds. You can continue to enjoy the proceeds of your work, because foxtail cannabis is above all an aesthetic matter.

Now you know how to grow foxtails, nothing can surprise you when growing cannabis! Buy seeds with up to 1% THC and get growing!