Hemp seeds are known for their nutritional value and health benefits. Making hemp flour right in your kitchen allows you to make the most of this natural resource. In this article, you will learn the process from the actual selection of hemp seeds to the production of quality hemp flour. Why choose unhulled hemp seeds for production? How to store it and how long will it last? And can it be used to make pancakes or bake bread? Don't wait for anything and go on a journey to find this fascinating and healthy product!

Everything you need to know about hemp seeds

Hemp seeds are the seeds of the cannabis plant. They are the fruits of this plant and have a variety of different uses, especially in the food industry and nutrition. Hemp seeds are known for their rich nutritional value as they contain many nutrients that are beneficial to the human body.

Hemp seeds contain:

  • Protein: hemp seeds are a rich source of vegetable protein, making them a good source of protein for vegetarians and vegans.
  • Healthy fats: they contain healthy fats, including essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are important for proper body function.
  • Fibre: they are a good source of fibre, which aids digestion and healthy bowel function.
  • Vitamins and minerals: they contain various vitamins such as vitamin E and minerals such as magnesium, iron and zinc.

Hemp seeds are often eaten raw or added to a variety of dishes, muesli, yoghurt, smoothies, or made into hemp oil and flour. They have a pleasant, slightly nutty taste. It is important to note that hemp seeds do not contain psychoactive substances derived from the cannabis plant, such as THC, and are therefore legal and safe to consume.

Cannabis seeds can be divided into several main types, each with its own specific properties and uses:

  • Oily hemp seeds: these seeds are often used to make hemp oil. They have a slightly nutty taste and are often eaten raw or roasted. Hemp oil has many health benefits and is used in cooking and medicine.
  • Unhulled hemp seeds: these seeds have not been dehulled. They contain all parts of the seed, including the outer shell, which is rich in fibre. They have a mild taste and are often used in the production of hemp flour and as an ingredient in baked goods and cereals.
  • Hulled hemp seeds: compared to unhulled seeds, these seeds are dehulled. They are soft and have less fibre than unhulled seeds. They are suitable for eating raw.

Making hemp flour step by step

Hulling hemp seeds

Hulling hemp seeds is the first step in the production of hemp flour. Here is how to proceed:

  • Selecting hemp seeds: choose the hemp seeds of your choice. You can use oily or paddy seeds depending on your preference and purpose.
  • Prepare the seeds: if you use paddy seeds, which have an outer coating, you will need to remove this coating.
  • Hand-shelling: you can shell the seeds by hand. Simply take one seed between your thumb and forefinger and rub it slowly to separate the husk from the kernel. This process can be tedious, but it gives you a better view of the seeds you are peeling.
  • Peeling with a machine: if you have a seed peeling machine, you can speed up the process. You put the seeds into the machine, which mechanically separates the husk from the kernel. This method is faster and more efficient, especially when peeling larger quantities of seeds.

Drying hemp seeds

Drying hemp seeds is an important step in the production of hemp flour. This process helps to remove any remaining moisture from the seeds and has several important benefits:

  • Prevents mould and rot: moisture is the ideal environment for mould and bacteria to form. Drying seeds prevents their deterioration and prolongs their shelf life.
  • Preserves nutritional value: when dried properly, the nutritional values of hemp seeds such as healthy fats, proteins and minerals are preserved .
  • Improves flavour: dried seeds have a much more pronounced flavour, which can contribute to a better tasting final hemp flour.
  • Ensures proper milling: moisture in the seeds could cause them to stick together during milling, resulting in a paste instead of flour.

How to dry hemp seeds properly?

There are several ways of drying hemp seeds, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Sun drying: the seeds are spread out in a dry, sunny place and turned regularly to dry evenly. This method is inexpensive but can take longer and is affected by the weather.
  • Oven drying: the seeds are placed on a baking tray lined with baking paper and dried in the oven at a low temperature ( about 50-60 °C). This method is faster and has better temperature control, but requires an oven.
  • Fruit and vegetable dryer: you can also use a dryer with a function for drying seeds. This method allows you to precisely adjust the temperature and drying time, which is ideal for preserving the nutritional value of the seeds.

Grinding hemp seeds

The key step in making hemp flour is grinding the hemp seeds. This process produces a fine and powdery consistency that can be used in a variety of recipes.

The process of grinding hemp seeds:

  1. Amanual coffee grinder is a common tool for grinding hemp seeds.
  2. Put the seeds in it. Make sure the container is tightly closed.
  3. Some grinders have an adjustable grinding coarseness. Adjust it to your desired consistency.
  4. Hold the grinder firmly and start turning the handle. The seeds will gradually grind into a fine flour.
  5. You can also use an electric grinder, which is a fast and efficient way of grinding.

How to get the desired consistency?

The desired consistency of the hemp flour is influenced by the length of the grinding of the seeds. Below are some tips:

  • Coarse flour: grinding the seeds for a short time produces a coarser flour that can be used, for example, to make pasta or baked goods.
  • Semi-coarse flour: grinding the seeds for longer produces semi-coarse flour, which can be used, for example, to make muffins or various cakes.
  • Smooth flour: if you want to create a smooth and powdery consistency, grind the seeds for a longer period of time. Smooth flour made in this way is ideal for dishes where a smoother consistency is needed.

Storage of hemp flour

Proper storage of hemp flour is key to preserving its taste, texture and nutritional value. Below are tips on how to store hemp flour correctly:

  • Refrigerator: you can store hemp flour in the fridge. The fridge is a great option if you plan to use the flour within a few months.
  • Vacuum packing: vacuum packing or using airtight containers can prevent access to moisture and oxygen, which could spoil the flour.
  • Protection from light: store hemp flour in dark containers or in a dark place to limit exposure to light, which can shorten its shelf life.
  • Odour and taste control: check the hemp flour regularly to ensure that it does not smell or taste spoiled. If the flour has an unpleasant smell or taste, it should be discarded.
  • Temperature: ensure that the place where you store the hemp flour is at a stable temperature. Large fluctuations in temperature can cause steaming and increased humidity.
  • Use-by date: use hemp flour within six months to one year from the date of production if stored in the refrigerator

Use of hemp flour in cooking and baking

Hemp flour is a nutritious and versatile addition to your kitchen. You can use it in a variety of recipes and benefit from its beneficial effects. Below are some recipes for using hemp flour:

  • Hemp smoothies: add a tablespoon of hemp flour to your favourite smoothie. This will increase the protein, fibre and omega-3 fatty acid content of your smoothie.
  • Hemp muffins: make hemp muffins or cupcakes by adding hemp flour to the batter. The flour gives them a delicious nutty flavour.
  • Hemp flour pancakes: replace ordinary wheat flour with hemp flour and make healthy pancakes. This will increase the protein and fibre content.
  • Hemp bread: add hemp flour to bread dough or bread. You can also combine it with other flours.
  • Biscuits and crackers: make crackers or biscuits with hemp flour. This treat will serve as a healthy snack.

A few words in conclusion

Making hemp flour is an interesting process that starts with hemp seeds and ends with a nutritious and versatile flour. Hemp seeds are a rich source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids and fibre, making hemp flour an appealing part of a healthier diet. The various steps involved in its production, such as hulling, drying and milling the seeds, must be carried out carefully and thoroughly to preserve its nutritional value. Once the entire process is complete, you have an important raw material that can be used in your favourite recipes to improve taste and nutritional value.

If you're inspired by our guide to making hemp flour and want to get started on making healthy and delicious recipes with a hemp twist, don't hesitate to get your hands on some quality hemp seeds today. Just order them and you can start your journey to better eating and a new culinary adventure!