Gardening is not just a hobby, but also a form of therapy that has many health and environmental benefits. One interesting and current form of garden therapy is cannabis cultivation. Cannabis is one of the most controversial plants, but it has many medicinal and environmental benefits. In this article, you will learn how growing cannabis can reduce stress and anxiety, how growing cannabis can reduce water and pesticide use, and lots of other information. So don't wait for anything, get into garden therapy with us with cannabis and discover its positive impact on your health and our planet!

What is garden therapy?

Garden therapy is a healing method that contributes to physical and mental health through contact with nature and the cultivation of plants. This form of therapy combines physical activity, working with the soil, caring for plants and appreciating natural processes to improve a person's overall physical, mental and emotional state. Garden therapy can increase satisfaction, reduce stress, contribute to relaxation, increase self-esteem and develop social relationships. It is a way to re-establish balance and harmony between man and nature.

Growing cannabis as a form of garden therapy

Growing cannabis doesn't have to be just gardening. In fact, for many growers, it can become a form of therapy that brings them calming and therapeutic effects. Growing cannabis can be a therapeutic and calming activity for gardeners for several reasons:

  1. Contact with nature: growing cannabis allows direct contact with nature. Touching the soil, smelling the scent of the plants and feeling the warm rays of the sun on the skin all contribute to a connection with nature and induce positive feelings of relaxation and peace.
  1. Therapeutic effect: for many gardeners, growing cannabis is therapy. Focusing on the care of the plant and watching it grow and develop is relaxing and calming. The process also develops creativity, reduces stress and improves mood.
  1. Mental health benefits: gardening, including growing cannabis, can have a positive effect on mental wellbeing. Being active outdoors and physically working in the garden can relieve stress, improve mood and reduce anxiety. In addition, watching plants grow and bloom gives a sense of joy and achievement.
  1. Stimulating the senses: growing cannabis engages our senses - sight, smell and touch. Observing the plants at different stages of growth, smelling their scents and touching the soil acts as sensory stimulation, which has a calming and harmonising effect.
  1. Results and achievements: growing cannabis gives us the opportunity to directly observe and experience the results of our work. Watching the plants grow and bloom and then harvesting the fruit gives us a sense of satisfaction, joy and fulfillment.

The health benefits of growing cannabis

Growing cannabis is not only a pleasant and therapeutic experience, but it also has health benefits. The health benefits of growing cannabis are manifold and can include:

  1. Pain relief: cannabis contains active substances such as cannabidiol (CBD), which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Growing hemp allows us to use natural alternatives to relieve chronic pain such as arthritis, migraines or neuropathic pain.
  1. Stress and anxiety reduction: CBD has a calming and relaxing effect on the central nervous system. Growing hemp and using CBD products can reduce anxiety, stress and tension.
  1. Improving sleep: some people suffer from insomnia or sleep disorders that affect their quality of life. Cannabis contains substances that help regulate sleep cycles and contribute to healthy sleep. Cultivating hemp and using CBD products can contribute significantly to better falling asleep, deeper sleep and the body's recovery during sleep.
  1. Promoting a healthy brain and nervous system: cannabis contains substances that have neuroprotective effects and protect the brain and nervous system from damage. This can have a positive effect on the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.
  1. Healthy functioning of the digestive system: cannabis contains substances that can have positive effects on the digestive system. It can relieve inflammation and pain associated with gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Ecological benefits of cannabis cultivation

Cannabis cultivation has several ecological benefits that are important for sustainability and environmental protection:

  1. Reduced water consumption: hemp is known for its ability to grow in relatively dry environments. Compared to other crops such as cotton, hemp needs significantly less water to grow and develop. Growing hemp can therefore help to reduce excessive water consumption.
  1. Reducing pesticide use: hemp is naturally resistant to pests and diseases, which means that it requires less pesticides compared to other crops. This has a positive impact on the environment as it reduces soil and water pollution and minimises negative impacts on biodiversity.
  1. Biodegradability and recyclability: hemp products, including textiles, paper and plastic substitutes, are easily biodegradable and recyclable. This means that using hemp as a raw material reduces waste, which is good for the environment.
  1. Soil regeneration: growing hemp has a positive effect on soil regeneration. The roots of hemp are able to penetrate deep into the soil, which helps to loosen the soil structure and improve its ability to retain water and nutrients. This contributes to sustainable agriculture and the protection of the soil ecosystem.

How to start growing hemp?

If you want to start growing cannabis, here are some tips and advice for beginners:

  1. Choose the right variety: there are many different varieties of cannabis, which differ in their characteristics and demands on the growing environment. When choosing, focus on varieties with characteristics that suit your growing conditions.
  1. Check the laws: before you start growing, make sure you know the local laws regarding cannabis cultivation. Compliance with these laws is key to the legality and safety of your cultivation.
  1. Create the right environment: cannabis needs the right conditions to grow and flower. Ensure it has enough light (ideally with a grow box or LED lighting), the right temperature, humidity and sufficient air circulation.
  1. Suitable soil and fertiliser: cannabis prefers nutrient-rich soil with good drainage. Choose a good quality soil or make your own soil mix. Fertilise regularly with an organic fertiliser to give the hemp the nutrients it needs.
  1. Plant care: when growing cannabis, it is important to keep the plants healthy and protect them from pests and diseases. Check the plants regularly and react to any problems. Water and care for the plants adequately.
  1. Harvesting and drying: once the plants have reached optimum maturity, cut them down and carry out the drying process . This will ensure that the cannabis is suitable for further processing or consumption.

A few words in conclusion

Growing cannabis can not only be a fun and relaxing activity, but also has health and environmental benefits. In conclusion, being in contact with nature and caring for plants has a significant effect on physical and mental health. Growing cannabis can have medicinal effects, helping for example to relieve stress and improve sleep. In addition, growing hemp organically reduces water and pesticide consumption and contributes to sustainability and environmental protection.

Try garden therapy with cannabis and see the health and environmental benefits of growing this amazing plant. Start by choosing the right seeds! In our e-shop you can choose from a wide range of seeds with up to 1% THC. So don't hesitate and order your cannabis seeds today!