Gardening by the Moon allows for new ways of growing. The moon has been a major help to growers of useful plants since ancient times because they understood the positive effect it can have on plant growth. By following the phases of the moon correctly, optimum plant growth and quality can be achieved. Why is the full moon ideal for sowing cannabis? At which phase should I transplant cannabis and at which phase should I not? Whether you are a beginner or an experienced grower, learn how to use the influence of the moon to achieve high yields in your cannabis garden.

What is Moon gardening and how does it work?

Moon gardening is a way of growing plants that focuses on aligning cultivation with the cycles of the moon. This method uses the influence of the moon phases, gravity and the effect of light on plants to plan gardening tasks such as sowing, transplanting, fertilizing and harvesting to best match the natural cycles of the moon.

Gardening by the moon is linked to the history and myths of many cultures around the world. Many gardeners believe that this method leads to positive results, while skeptics claim that the effectiveness of this gardening method is more subjective than scientifically based.

What are the benefits of growing cannabis by the moon?

Growing by the moon, also known as moon gardening, has its proponents who claim that this method can have several benefits. It is important to note that some of these benefits may be subjective rather than scientifically proven. Some of the main benefits include:

  • Synchronization with natural cycles: lunar cultivation focuses on harmony with the natural cycles of the moon to achieve harmony between the plants and the environment. This can lead to healthier plant growth and development.
  • Increased yields: some gardeners claim that growing according to the phases of the moon can increase cannabis yields. Plants are encouraged to grow through each phase of the cycle, which can provide a richer yield.
  • Improving quality: it is thought that the lunar cycle can affect the quality and nutrient content of crops. Cannabis grown according to this method could therefore be of higher quality.
  • Reduced use of chemicals: monitoring the phases of the moon and working with the plants accordingly can reduce the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides to a minimum. This can have a positive impact on the environment.
  • Better planning: gardening by the moon allows for longer and more precise planning of gardening work. This can lead to a more efficient use of time and resources.

Moon phases and their effect on cannabis plants

The phases of the moon are not only a beautiful astronomical phenomenon, but also a key element for successful gardening. There are four main phases of the moon that have a major impact on cannabis plants : new, first quarter, full and last quarter.

  • Nov: this phase marks the beginning of a new cycle. It is good for ground work such as planting and transplanting cannabis. Plants in this phase require intensive care as the energy is concentrated below the surface.
  • First quarter: at this stage the plants start to grow upwards. Plants thrive better in this period due to the intensifying moonlight.
  • Full moon: the full moon is the period of greatest moonlight. This phase is conducive to flowering and fruit formation, making it a good time to harvest and collect seeds.
  • Last quarter: this is when the plants are preparing to rest. This is a good time to prepare the plants for pruning. The moonlight decreases, which promotes the growth of the parts underground.

The moon influences cannabis plants through gravity and the light spectrum. For example, during the new moon and first quarter moon, gravity is lower, which encourages upward growth, while during the full moon, increased gravity can encourage the formation of thicker roots. Moonlight can also stimulate certain physiological processes in plants.

The main steps in moon gardening

Preparing the soil and sowing cannabis according to the phases of the moon

Synchronising cultivation work with the current moon phase can have a major impact on the success of cannabis cultivation. Below are the key steps for soil preparation and sowing:

  • New: At this stage, the Moon is just forming and symbolizes a new beginning. It is a good time to work with the soil. Therefore, prepare the soil for the new cannabis seedlings, weed and acidify the soil.
  • First quarter: when the moon is waxing, you can focus on plants that need strength for their above-ground growth. Transplant cannabis seedlings into nutrient-rich soil.
  • Full moon: the full moon indicates the greatest intensity of light. This phase is ideal for sowing crops that are characterised by flowering and fertility, such as cannabis.
  • Last quarter: as the moon wanes, pay attention to the underground parts of the plants. Prepare the soil for overwintering or harvesting. It is also a good time for transplanting, as the energy is now in the middle of the plants.

Care and fertilisation of cannabis plants according to the phases of the moon

Caring for and fertilising cannabis plants according to the phases of the moon can greatly improve their health and the resulting yield. Below are the key steps for optimal care:

  • Nov: focus on strengthening the root system. Use an organic fertiliser rich in phosphorus to encourage root development.
  • First quarter: during the growth phase, focus on fertiliser to promote leaf growth. Apply a nitrogen fertiliser for cannabis growth.
  • Full moon: this phase represents the energy peak. Fertilise and focus on fertility. Organic fertilisers with a higher potassium content will contribute to flowering and fruit formation.
  • Last quarter: in this phase, energy is taken from above ground to below ground. Use fertilisers to strengthen theroots and prepare for winter.

Tips and tricks for successful cannabis cultivation according to the phases of the moon

Properly watch the phases of the moon and plan your cannabis cultivation:

  • Moon Phase Calendar: use the Moon Phase Calendar available online or in gardening books. Use it to keep track of the current phases and plan your planting accurately.
  • Mobile apps: there are many mobile apps and online tools that allow you to keep track of the current moon phases and inform yourself about the best time to plant.
  • Check the results: experiment and see how your cannabis responds to the different phases of the moon. Keeping a running record of your findings will help you to find the optimal practices for the current conditions.

Gardening by the moon can be a bit of a challenge for first-time growers, but with time and experience it can bring significant benefits. So don't get discouraged and experiment with this method to find the best possible way to grow your cannabis plants.

Disadvantages of growing cannabis by the moon

While growing cannabis by the moon can be an effective tool, it is important to keep some limitations in mind :

  • Regional differences: Lunar cycles can vary from region to region. What works in one climate may not be effective in another. Therefore, consider your geographic location.
  • Cannabis varieties: Different cannabis varieties may respond differently to the lunar cycle. Some may be more sensitive to changes in light and gravity than others.
  • Experimentation: not all of your moon gardening experiments will be successful. Watch carefully how your cannabis responds and gradually learn how to get the best results.

A few words in conclusion

Moon gardening has become a fascinating way for cannabis growers to grow. Although the scientific evidence is limited, many gardeners are seeing positive changes in yield and quality. Tracking the phases of the moon and adjusting care accordingly can help improve plant growth and vigor. However, it is also important to remain realistic and take local conditions into account. Gardening by the moon can be an inspiring experiment for some gardeners to improve the yield and quality of their cannabis plants.

Moon gardening can be an interesting way to improve cannabis cultivation. If you're looking for cannabis seeds with up to 1% THC to try this method, check out our wide range. Order yours today and start growing by moonlight!