Gophers and moles can be a real challenge for growers, especially if they appear in a cannabis garden. These pests can damage the plants and disrupt cannabis cultivation. However, do not despair! There are a number of tried and tested tips and tricks to deal with these pests. In this article, we will present you with effective methods to easily get rid of gophers and moles in your cannabis garden.

Gophers vs. moles.

Moles and gophers are two different types of mammals. Moles are small, dark-colored, furry creatures that measure about 5 to 7 inches long. They have tiny eyes, a pointed nose and sharp claws. Gophers aremedium-sized and measure from 5 to 14 centimeters. They range in color from light brown to black. They have a small, flattened head and sharp, strong claws and teeth.

Moles are mainly found in gardens in North America, Europe and Asia. Gophers, on the other hand, are found exclusively in North and Central America. While moles are exclusively insectivorous (they do not eat plants), gophers are strict herbivores and like to feast on the roots and tubers of plants.

Both moles and gophers have poor eyesight. However, the mole's sense of smell and the gopher's sense of touch enable them to successfully navigate the vast and dark underground pathways.

Symptoms of mole and gopher infestations in cannabis

Due to their different food preferences, moles do different damage to cannabis plants and the entire garden. The main signs that moles are busily rummaging in your cannabis garden include:


A clear sign that you need to get rid of moles in your garden is soil mounds. A large cone-shaped pile of soil, similar to a classic anthill, is a sign that moles are in your garden. Moles are caused by moles pushing soil to the surface as they try to dig underground. They are usually around 15 cm in diameter.

Withering plants

Although moles tend to avoid tunnelling through roots, they can still damage these sensitive root networks. If they burrow right through a clump of cannabis plants, they can tear out some of the roots and the plants will then wilt.

Surface furrows

Because moles tunnel just below the surface of the ground, they leave topographic footprints.

Gophers may also appear in the garden. Some of the signs that this animal is in your garden are:

Larger burrows

Gophers also create mounds when they tunnel in the soil, but they can be distinguished from moles. A hole with a crescent-shaped mound around the entrance, approximately 30cm in size, is a clear sign of gophers and should be given immediate attention.

Leaf bites

When gophers are not destroying your plants underground, they are also staying on the surface and nibbling on leaves. There's no telling how much damage they can cause if you don't get rid of them as soon as possible.

Wilting plants

Gophers can also cause plants to wilt. Unlike moles, they cause this damage deliberately as they nibble the roots of plants.

Dying plants

If an entire cannabis plant suddenly disappears in your garden, it is likely that a gopher has pulled the entire plant into an underground tunnel and is feasting on it.

How do you get rid of gophers and moles in a cannabis garden?

Moles and gophers look for different food and leave different damage in the garden. However, gardeners can use the same weapons to combat these tunneling animals. Below are the best ways to get rid of moles and gophers.

Use castor oil

The best way to get rid of gophers and moles is to douse the entrance to their burrows with castor oil. This is because it contains pungent molecules that make them pack up and go elsewhere. You'll need a few more ingredients to create this effective pest repellent. Simply mix three parts castor oil, one part organic soap and three parts water. For easier application, pour the liquid into a spray bottle or directly into the gopher burrow.

Use your dog or cat

You can unleash your dog or cat into the garden to do the work for you. Cats are skilled and agile beasts that will dispatch a mole or gopher without much trouble. Dogs, on the other hand, dig in the ground and can cause damage to flowerbeds and plants.

Set traps

Set catch-and-release traps, which are a humane way to get rid of moles and gophers. Put some food in these specially designed traps to lure the pest out of its burrow. When they try to eat the bait, the door closes, preventing them from escaping. Once the gopher or mole is trapped, take it to the wild or another suitable location and release it.

Plant companion plants

Companion planting involves planting a variety of plants in close proximity to the cannabis. These plants repel pests and attract beneficial insects. A reliable way of getting these small pests to find another food source is to plant plants such as garlic, leeks, onions, shallots and chives close to the cannabis. Their active ingredients, which give them a pungent taste, help to repel moles and gophers. Other plants that repel moles and gophers include castor bean and calendula.

Protect cannabis from gophers and moles

Pests are an unavoidable problem when growing cannabis outdoors. However, moles and gophers are rare. However, they can cause serious problems for some growers. Once you have identified the animal, use an appropriate method of eradication to prevent unnecessary damage.

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