As for cannabis, it is almost always the main target of production. Producing as many cannabis sticks per square metre as possible is thus the goal of almost every grower. Regardless of this fact, there is no denying that cannabis is a very pretty plant and many people like it precisely for its unique aesthetic.

Recently, cannabis bonsai have become very popular . Thus, with the help of this art, you can create a beautiful and miniature version of cannabis that fits into any home or office. This way of growing cannabis is not only a fun and rewarding way to grow cannabis, but it is also very easy. Find out how you can grow your own hemp bonsai in this article.

What is a bonsai?

The key term for bonsai is the word "miniature". A bonsai is essentially a miniature tree. The word "bonsai" comes from Japanese and literally means "tree in a bowl". Trees planted in smaller pots have a limited ability to take in nutrients and develop a more extensive root system, resulting in their miniature size. The joy of growing bonsai, unlike other potted plants, is that they create a small landscape that replicates the natural world.

Is it possible to grow cannabis as a bonsai?

You can grow a bonsai from virtually any tree or larger plant, as long as it is a miniature version of it growing in a pot. While it may seem like a difficult task to grow a bonsai from hemp, it is actually very easy if you follow the proper guidelines.

The main reason people grow cannabis bonsai is to obtain cuttings for cloning. Since the mother plant remains small when growing bonsai, cannabis bonsai take up much less space than full-grown mother plants. This means that you can get plenty of cuttings from each of your bonsai, plus you can grow them for many years.

How to grow a hemp bonsai?

Below you will find instructions on how to grow hemp bonsai.

Preparing the growing container

The first step in growing a cannabis bonsai is to prepare the pot in which the plant will grow. Since you are going to grow a bonsai, you need to choose a pot of the appropriate size. Since growing a cannabis bonsai requires tying the plant, you will need to drill several holes in the sides of the pot. Drill the holes large enough so that you can easily thread the wire through them. This is because you will be using it to tie the plant up and restrict its growth as it grows.

Choosing a growing medium

The most common type of growing medium for cannabis bonsai is ordinary soil. Before planting the cannabis bonsai in the substrate, make sure that the chosen substrate is sufficiently watered and test for drainage.

Planting the cannabis plant

The next step is to properly pot the mother plant. While an experienced cannabis bonsai grower can grow this plant from any variety, you can make the job easier by choosing a viable, smaller variety.

Once the mother plant has been potted, a wooden stake should be driven into the soil to help stretch the main stem of the plant. Drive the wooden stake into the soil along the stem, but be careful not to damage the roots. Next, thread the wire through the holes you drilled earlier and secure the stem to the stake. Be careful not to tie the stem too tightly, allowing it a little room to grow.

Untying the branches

Once the cannabis plant has grown to a height of about 6 cm and has started to grow sideways, it should be trimmed and shaped into the desired bonsai shape. Just as you tied off the stem, you can also tie off the branches of the plant with string. Decide which direction the branches should face, tie them with string and secure them to the drilled holes. If you want them to grow more horizontally, you need to tie them more tightly; if you want them to grow vertically, tie them more loosely. Be sure to leave a little space when tying to allow the branches to grow. You can untie the string after a while, but usually you need to keep the plant in shape for a while.

Trimming the plant

Pruning is an important part of growing and shaping cannabis bonsai. Even if you have followed the instructions exactly when growing a cannabis bonsai, it is very likely that the bonsai will grow to a larger size than you would expect or want, so there will come a time when you will need to prune it, i.e. remove some of the leaves and even some of the branches. It is important to prune only the rhizomes (branches growing from the main branches), as cutting the main branches could severely damage the health and growth of the plant.


Growing cannabis bonsai is not suitable for those who want a large crop, but even if the cannabis bonsai is small, it will flower and be ready to harvest. Start harvesting when the buds are milky in colour. Leave the harvested buds in a dark, well-ventilated room to dry thoroughly.

How many years will a cannabis bonsai live?

After harvesting the cannabis bonsai sticks , you can keep the plant as an artistic decoration, as you will be able to bring it back into a vegetative state by changing the light cycle. This way you can grow the cannabis bonsai for several more seasons. Over time, the cannabis plant will gradually begin to fade. Pure indica has the shortest lifespan and pure sativa the longest. In general, you should rotate indica plants every 3 to 4 years, hybrids every 4 to 5 years and sativas every 5 to 6 years. However, this period is not entirely certain and depends largely on the variety and the care the plant receives during its lifetime.

Which variety to choose for growing cannabis bonsai?

As the genetics of each variety vary, some varieties are more suitable for growing cannabis bonsai. The more suitable ones include compact varieties that do not grow too large and have strong, hardy stems and small leaves. Below are a few varieties that you can use for growing cannabis bonsai:

  • Critical Kush,
  • White Widow,
  • Super OG Kush.

Why grow cannabis bonsai?

Growing cannabis bonsai is a fun and rewarding way to take a step in a different direction when growing cannabis. Cannabis bonsai are a great way to gain new knowledge about growing plants while growing beautiful bonsai that will impress even those who aren't interested in cannabis. After all, growing bonsai is not about what the plant can give you, but rather what you can give the plant.

Grow your own cannabis bonsai and dazzle your surroundings! All you have to do is get your hands on cannabis seeds with up to 1% THC and you're ready to go.