Growing cannabis in cold weather is a challenge for gardeners and growers. With unpredictable temperatures and limited sunlight, a successful harvest is difficult, but certainly not impossible. In this article, you will find proven tips and practices that will help you achieve optimal yields even in adverse conditions. Why can cold weather slow cannabis growth ? How to choose a variety that is hardy enough? And why is it better to grow cannabis indoors in adverse conditions? The answers to all these questions and many more can be found in this article, so keep reading and grow cannabis successfully even in cold weather.

Growing cannabis in cold weather: is it even possible?

Cannabis is a plant that prefers warmer and sunnier climates, but with certain practices and adaptations it can be grown in colder conditions. Growing cannabis in cold weather is an extraordinary adventure for gardeners and growers who are not afraid of challenges. This is a world where cannabis will struggle to thrive in less than natural conditions. However, the benefits and results of these efforts can be incredibly satisfying.


  • Unique harvest: a successful cold-weather harvest can provide unusual varieties that cannot otherwise be achieved.
  • Pest control: cool weather can reduce pests and insects, reducing the need for pesticides.
  • Greater control: growing under a roof or in a greenhouse allows greater environmental control, which can lead to better results.
  • Different terpenes and cannabinoids: the cold environment can affect the chemical composition of cannabis, which can lead to the formation of unique terpenes and cannabinoids.


  • Unpredictable temperatures: temperature fluctuations can adversely affect the growth and flowering of cannabis and require careful monitoring and follow-up.
  • Limited sunlight: a short sunny day can mean less light for plants, requiring the use of artificial lighting.
  • Increased vulnerability: colder conditions can weaken plants and increase the risk of infection and disease.
  • Restricted growth cycle: shorter growing seasons can lead to slower growth and lower yields.

How does cold weather affect cannabis plants?

Cold weather can significantly affect cannabis plants and have an impact on their growth, development and general condition. Below are some of the ways in which cold weather affects cannabis plants:

  • Slowed growth: cold temperatures can slow down the metabolic processes of plants. This can lead to slower growth, lower chlorophyll production and generally poorer plant development.
  • Reduced photosynthesis: cooler temperatures can reduce the ability of plants to photosynthesise. This results in reduced production of energy and nutrients needed for growth and development.
  • Water and nutrient absorption problems: cold weather can affect the absorption of water and nutrients into the roots of plants. Roots may have difficulty taking up nutrients from the soil, which can lead to inadequate plant nutrition.
  • Stress caused by cold temperatures: cold temperatures can cause stress to plants. This can increase susceptibility to diseases, pests and other stress factors.
  • Flowering and fertility problems: cold weather can affect flowering and fertility of plants. This can slow or even stop the flowering process, resulting in lower flower production.
  • Higher risk of disease: cold and wet conditions can create an ideal environment for fungi and other diseases. Plants may be more susceptible to infection and the spread of disease in such an environment.
  • Lower concentrations of terpenes and cannabinoids: cold weather canaffect the production of terpenes and cannabinoids.

How to grow cannabis in cold weather?

Selecting suitable cannabis varieties for cold weather cultivation

When growing cannabis in adverse climatic conditions, such as cold weather, it is important to choose varieties that are more resistant to these conditions and will thrive better. Below are some important factors to consider when choosing varieties:

  1. Flowering time:
  • Varieties with a short flowering period tend to complete the flowering cycle more quickly. This can be advantageous in locations with fluctuating weather and short growing seasons. Shorter flowering times mean less risk of frost or fungal damage to the flowers.
  1. Resistance to mould and cold:
  • When selecting varieties, it is important to consider their resistance to fungi, infections and cold. There are varieties that have a higher resistance to these factors and are better able to withstand adverse conditions.
  1. Specific characteristics of varieties:
  • Some varieties may have a naturally more resistant leaf structure, denser stamens or higher resin content, which may mean they are better able to withstand weathering.
  1. Climate resistance:
  • Some varieties have been specifically bred to grow in colder climates. These varieties may be genetically better adapted to cold temperatures and may grow faster in these conditions.

Preparing the soil and environment for growing cannabis in cold weather

When growing cannabis in adverse climatic conditions, proper preparation of the soil and growing environment plays a key role. Below are some important steps you can take to optimise soil conditions and promote plant growth and resilience in cold conditions:

  1. Improve drainage and soil structure:
  • Good drainage is essential because it prevents the formation of standing water, which can lead to root waterlogging and fungal growth. To improve drainage, you can add materials such as perlite or vermiculite to the soil.
  • You can also add organic material such as peat or compost to improve the soil structure and moisture retention capacity.
  1. Ensuring sufficient nutrient supply:
  • In cold conditions, the decomposition of organic matter and the release of nutrients in the soil can be slower. It is advisable to add good quality organic fertiliser to the soil to help provide nutrients to plants for longer.
  • Phosphorus and potassium are especially important nutrients for root development, flowering and resin formation. Choose fertilisers with a higher content of these nutrients.
  1. Measure soil pH:
  • Optimum soil pH allows plants to better take up nutrients. For cannabis, a pH between 6 and 7 is ideal. If the soil pH is outside this range, nutrient uptake may be impaired.

Temperature and lighting for successful cannabis growth

Proper air and soil temperature is key to the healthy growth and development of cannabis plants. The importance of these factors is particularly evident when growing in adverse climatic conditions. Below is more information on the importance of these aspects and how they can be influenced:

  1. Importance of air and soil temperature:
  • Temperature has a direct influence on enzymatic processes, photosynthesis and other biological processes in plants. Correct temperature conditions are essential for optimal growth and development.
  • Temperature differences between day and night can affect metabolic processes, which can cause stress in plants.
  • The optimum temperature at which plants grow best varies. For cannabis, it is usually between 18-26 °C during the day and 10-18 °C at night.
  1. Heating of the growing space and protection against frost:
  • When growing in cold weather, additional heating of the growing space may be necessary, especially at night when temperatures drop.
  • Heating can be done with electric heaters, infrared lamps or other heating devices. It is important to maintain a constant temperature so that the plants are not exposed to temperature shocks.
  • Thermal insulation around the growing space, insulating blankets or greenhouses can be used to protect plants from frost.
  1. Use of artificial lighting
  • On short days and in areas with shorter periods of light, it may be necessary to use artificial lighting to promote cannabis growth.
  • The length of the light cycle is essential to regulate the vegetative and flowering phases of the plant. Artificial lighting allows daylight to be extended and the growth phases to be influenced.

Watering when growing cannabis in cold weather

Proper watering is essential for the healthy growth and development of cannabis plants, especially when growing in cold conditions. Below are some important factors regarding watering and root care:

  1. Proper watering in relation to soil temperature and moisture:
  • The temperature and humidity of the air and soil affect the rate at which water evaporates from the soil. In cold conditions, evaporation is usually slower, which can mean that the soil stays wet longer.
  • Water plants carefully and monitor soil moisture.
  • Try not to water too often to avoid waterlogging the roots.
  1. Protection against waterlogging:
  • Waterlogged soil can cause root rot and other problems. Ensure that the soil has sufficient drainage to prevent standing water.
  1. Best practice for watering:
  • Water less frequently but thoroughly. This will encourage deeper root penetration, which increases the plant's resistance to stress conditions.
  • Water in the morning or afternoon to minimize water loss through evaporation.

Growing cannabis indoors vs. outdoors

Growing cannabis in cold weather is possible either indoors or outdoors. There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods, which should be weighed against your goals and growing conditions. Below is a comparison of the two:

Growing outdoors:


  • Natural sunlight: growing outdoors takes advantage of natural sunlight, which can lead to higher quality plants with unique terpenes and cannabinoids.
  • More space: outdoor growing usually gives plants more room to grow.
  • Lower costs: you don't have to invest in artificial lighting or ventilation, which can reduce costs.


  • Less control: you don't have as much control over the microclimate and environmental conditions, which can lead to less success.

Indoor growing:


  • Controlled environment: growing indoors allows full control over temperature, humidity and lighting, which is advantageous for cold weather growing.
  • Growing time: growing under roof allows for year-round cultivation regardless of outdoor conditions.
  • Less risk of disease: indoors there is less risk of infection or pest infestation.


  • Higher costs: you need to invest in artificial lighting, ventilation and other equipment, which can mean higher costs.
  • Limited space: indoor space may be more limited, which may limit the number of plants grown.

A few words in conclusion

Growing cannabis in cold weather can be challenging, but with the right practices, impressive results can be achieved. The key is to choose suitable varieties that are resistant to cold temperatures, prepare the soil well and keep the temperature and humidity within an optimal range. Control the growth stages, adapt care and nutrition. It is also important to protect plants from cold, diseases and pests. With sufficient care and knowledge, growing cannabis in cold weather can provide excellent yields.

If you're ready to try cold weather cannabis cultivation and achieve maximum yields, it's time to buy
quality cannabis seeds with up to 1% THC. So don't wait and order your seeds today!