Cannabis is a type of tall plant that is widely cultivated for its essential oil containing THC. Cannabis is often used as a therapeutic alternative to prescription drugs. In general, people are willing to use cannabis instead of prescription drugs.

This guide will provide a general overview of cannabis, the advantages and disadvantages of its use, survey results, and comparisons to prescription drugs. The entire text will be based on research.

Definition of cannabis

Cannabis is an annual plant in the Cannabis sativa family. It includes multiple species such as marijuana and hemp. These plants contain a specific type of chemical compound called cannabinoids. The two most well-known cannabinoids are THC and CBD. THC is a psychoactive substance that can cause euphoria and also affects behaviour. While CBD is more likely to be used for therapeutic purposes.

An overview of the basic types of cannabis

Cannabis is a high terpene plant that can be used in a variety of ways including inhalation, consumption of food or application to the skin. There are two main types of cannabis, which differ in chemical component: marijuana and industrial hemp.

Marijuana has a higher concentration of the substance THC. THC is a psychoactive substance that can cause euphoria and other psychoactive effects. Marijuana is often used for recreational and medicinal purposes.

Industrial hemp has a lower concentration of THC. It can be used to produce food, medicines, textiles and other products. Harvesting of industrial hemp can also produce seeds that are loaded with medicinal properties.

The current trend in the use of hemp

Recently, the use of hemp has become much more common. Due to changes in regulations and changes in public attitudes towards its medicinal properties, the cannabis market is estimated to grow to $84 billion by 2025. Due to the successes with the therapeutic substances found in highly concentrated cannabis products, the frequency of its use is increasing rapidly.

Cannabis can be used in the form of smoking, consumed in the form of oils and food, or used for other purposes with products such as creams, ointments or body balms. Recently, there has been an increasing trend towards the use of cannabis products, which is responsible for a slight shift of patients away from traditional prescription drugs.

The benefits of using cannabis

Cannabis has great medicinal properties, which is one of the main reasons why people prefer it over prescription drugs. It can be used to treat a wide range of diseases and conditions, including pain, migraines, anxiety, epilepsy, Crohn's disease, Parkinson's disease and more. When properly dosed, cannabis can relieve pain without the patient having to worry about the serious side effects that are associated with many prescription drugs.

In addition, cannabis can also reduce stress and tension, which is why many people enjoy it as a form of relaxation. Cannabis can also reduce the risk of certain cancers because it contains substances that inhibit the growth of tumors. In addition, when taken in the right dosage, it is safer than opiates, which are often used to treat pain.

Another advantage of using cannabis is that it is very effective and can be applied immediately in the form of smoking, dripping or using cannabis teas. Since cannabis does not contain toxic substances, it is less likely to harm your body than prescription drugs.

Herbal properties

Cannabis contains more than 400 chemicals, some of which have medicinal properties. These medicinal effects are due to the biologically active (medicinal) compounds contained in it, which are called cannabinoids. Popular cannabinoids include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), both of which contain therapeutic effects that can be useful in treating a range of conditions and diseases.

  • THC: It has psychoactive effects and is the main percalogen in most cannabis.
  • CBD: It has no psychoactive effects and can reduce anxiety, pain and other symptoms of chronic diseases.

These two major cannabinoids are complemented by other minor cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, which are also attributed to the medicinal effects associated with cannabis. These effects vary according to the type of cannabis that is used.

Consumer preference towards cannabis

There is a significant difference between prescription drugs and cannabis. Unlike prescription drugs, cannabis can be used for relief from stress, pain, infections, insomnia, and other problems. Although cannabis is often labeled as a drug, it is actually an herb that is completely natural and has no side effects.

A recent survey showed that more than half of respondents prefer cannabis to prescription drugs. This is reason enough for people to turn to alternatives to medication and opt for cannabis. Cannabis is often used to help treat a variety of chronic diseases, and its therapeutic properties are valued by people who want to solve their health problems without wasting time and spending money.

Health benefits

Cannabis can offer a number of health benefits. First of all, its effects can help in the treatment of certain diseases such as arthritis, asthma, chronic pain, sleep disorders, anorexia and many others. Cannabis use can also lower cholesterol levels, relieve tension and even reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

It also appears that using cannabis can be helpful for those who suffer from epilepsy. Cannabis is generally considered a safe therapy for epilepsy because of its ability to reduce the number of seizures. It is important to note that there are some potential side effects of cannabis use, such as fatigue and irritability.

Cannabis also offers benefits for cancer prevention. Research shows that substances in cannabis, such as CBD, can help block or reduce the growth of tumors. In addition, studies also suggest that cannabis may also have anti-inflammatory effects, making it useful for preventing and treating various diseases.

Disadvantages of cannabis

Cannabis can have some disadvantages that every cannabis user should be aware of. Some of the disadvantages related to the use of cannabis include the impact on the brain, the risks posed by its effects and delayed reactions when taking various medications.

Effects on the brain

Cannabis use can have a detrimental effect on the brain. The use of THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, can affect memory, the ability to learn new skills, as well as cause depression and anxiety. If you use cannabis frequently, you may also experience hallucinations or psychosis.

Risks of effects

Cannabis can have other risks. These include reduced attention-controlling functions, behavioural changes, loss of problem-solving skills and unpredictable reactions. Other potential side effects include abnormal heart rate jumps and allergic reactions.

Delayed reactions with various medications

Cannabis use can also affect the effectiveness and safety of medicines. People who use cannabis should inform their doctor that they are taking cannabis, as it can cause delayed reactions to other medications.

Effects on the brain

Cannabis is often used to relieve pain or stress. Cannabis use can cause some effects in the human brain. The substances contained in cannabis are psychoactive and act as stimulants. These stimulants can have long-term psychological effects.

Research has shown that cannabis can have negative effects on short- and long-term memory, information processing and performance over time. Cannabis can also lead to impaired learning, concentration and attention. These effects are usually found in those who use cannabis regularly.

Risks of effects

Cannabis is a psychoactive substance and consuming this drug can lead to side effects. Most commonly, effects such as rapid heart rate, difficulty concentrating and memory problems occur after consumption. Children may experience a decrease in resourcefulness and an increase in impulsivity.

Another risk factor is the possibility of addiction. People who frequently use excessive doses of cannabis may start to engage in serious risk behaviours such as driving under the influence. When cannabis users are simultaneously stressed for long periods of time, psychotic reactions including hallucinations, paranoia and depression can develop.

Cannabis should therefore always be used with caution and with consideration for the situation.

Delayed reactions with various drugs

Cannabis use can have negative consequences for people who take prescription medications. Cannabis can affect the absorption of medicines and increase their effects. This side effect can cause a delayed reaction, which can produce the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • Dizziness and confusion
  • Fatigue and drowsiness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Agitation or irritability

It's important to check with your doctor if you are taking any prescription medications before you start using cannabis. This can help reduce the level of delayed-reaction side effects.

Research on cannabis use

In 2019, the Cannabis Research Centre conducted a study to find out what methods consumers are using to improve their health or well-being. Over 1,000 adults in the United States took the survey. The survey results show that more than half of respondents preferred cannabis over prescription drugs.

Most often, people opted for a form of inhalation, which is smoking or vaporizing cannabis oil. Up to 42% of respondents said that inhalation was the easiest and most effective form of cannabis use. A further 24% chose to consume cannabis either on its own or mixed with other products such as food supplements. 22% of respondents chose the technique of consuming cannabis in liquid form (oils, tinctures, etc.). Approximately 12% of respondents preferred the method of external use of cannabis, such as balms or creams.

The survey also showed that 67% of respondents used cannabis at least several times a month. 15% of respondents indicated that they used cannabis at least once a week. 10% of respondents indicated that they used cannabis every day. The remainder was split between those who do not use cannabis or use it only once in a while.

What the survey revealed

The survey found that half of respondents prefer cannabis to prescription drugs. The majority of respondents were between the ages of 18 and 34. Dry cannabis was the most commonly reported form of cannabis used.

The survey results also showed that those who prefer cannabis tend to buy it in higher quantities than those who prefer prescription drugs. According to the results, it also appears that consumers choose cannabis more because they find it safer than prescription drugs. Cannabis is generally considered less invasive than prescription drugs because it does not contain chemicals and its effects are much less visible.

As the survey shows, people increasingly prefer cannabis to prescription drugs. This trend may also be contributed to by the opinions of some experts who praise cannabis for its non-invasive effects and recommend it as an alternative to prescription drugs.

The most commonly used form of cannabis

Cannabis can be taken in a variety of forms, including powder, vaporized oil, capsules, or powdered oil. However, according to the survey, the majority of respondents(81%) preferred it in the form of CBD oil or most of the various supplements containing CBD.

Medical cannabis is generally used in the form of CBD oils or supplements, but there are other forms of cannabis such as vaporization, powders or capsules. Hemp infusion is another popular form of cannabis, which is generally created by pouring dried cannabis material into a jar of oil, or water, and then boiling it for several hours. The infusion is later filtered to separate the plant particles, and it can then be taken for some medicinal or recreational purpose.

Frequency of use of cannabis

In our study, we sought to find out how often respondents used cannabis. The results showed that many respondents used cannabis more often than not - in fact, 34% used cannabis at least once a week. A further 30% used cannabis once a month or more, while only 22% of respondents said they used cannabis less frequently than once a month.

In other words, more than half of the respondents (64%) reported using cannabis at least once a month. Only one per cent said they never used cannabis. These results show that cannabis is very popular, both among people accused of having a chronic health condition and among those who feel it could help them.


Half of the respondents prefer cannabis to prescription drugs. Comparing the survey, we found that edibles, capsules, oil and CBD flowers were the most popular forms of cannabis use. Respondents used cannabis for its health benefits as an alternative to prescription drugs. The results show that consumers like cannabis, but the frequency of use appears to be low.

When comparing cannabis with prescription drugs, we can see that consumers prefer cannabis as a means of prevention over prescription drugs because of its natural properties and lower risk of side effects. Despite the fact that cannabis can be an effective remedy for a lot of health problems, appropriate caution still needs to be exercised as it can affect the brain and physical abilities.

Comparison of cannabis and prescription drugs depending on preferred methods

According to the survey mentioned above, half of the respondents preferred cannabis over prescription drugs. The reasons why people prefer cannabis can vary. There is good evidence that many people consider cannabis as an alternative to prescription drugs because they feel that cannabis can reduce the side effects of prescription drugs and is much milder.

In addition, in their experience, cannabis can relieve pain, alleviate unpleasant symptoms, improve mood and generally enrich life. Many people prefer using cannabis over synthetic prescription drugs because they feel it is much less invasive and less addictive. Although cannabis can have its drawbacks, many people believe that the benefits it brings can make a major contribution to improving their quality of life and alleviate pain or illness that prescription drugs cannot handle.

Directions for using cannabis

The survey concluded that more than half of respondents prefer to use cannabis instead of prescription drugs. The survey results revealed that patients are seeking cannabis as a more natural alternative, which is positive because cannabis is an effective form of treatment without much risk.

Cannabis can be fresh, dried, or in extract form. Respondents also showed a tendency to try new and innovative forms of cannabis to achieve the desired effect. It was also found that a higher percentage of people preferred cannabis that contained CBD due to its ability to gently relax.

Finally, the survey also confirmed that, when compared to prescription drugs, respondents presented a preference for cannabis the higher the quality. With this survey, we have further evidence that cannabis is often a better choice than prescription drugs and could have positive health impacts.

Summary of the survey

The survey conducted for this guide showed that half of the respondents preferred cannabis to prescription drugs. The most commonly used form of cannabis was inhalation or drops. While there are benefits to using cannabis, there can also be risks. It is therefore important to conduct high-quality surveys to minimise the risks of cannabis use.

This article from the Cannabis Use category is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to encourage the cultivation or distribution of cannabis as a drug, but to create awareness of medicinal cannabis.