Harvesting hemp is a key factor in achieving optimum quality and yield. Proper timing of harvesting is essential to obtain fully developed buds with maximum content of the desired substances. It is a process that requires careful care and knowledge of the plant. In this article, we will look at why the flowering stage is important for a successful harvest, how to determine the right time to harvest based on the colour of the trichomes and how to maintain the quality of the cannabis even with long-term storage. So keep reading to learn how to determine the optimal harvest time, which has a significant impact on the overall yield.

The different stages of hemp growth and their effect on harvesting

Hemp goes through several growth stages that have a major impact on the final harvest. These stages include:

  1. Germination: once the seed is planted in the soil, germination begins, when it emerges as a small seedling with its first leaves. Proper germination of the seeds is very important for a successful start of growth.
  1. Vegetative phase: at this stage the cannabis plant is growing vigorously. New leaves and branches are emerging and a strong root system is forming. The vegetative phase is crucial for the development of a strong and healthy plant.
  1. Flowering phase: in this phase, the buds develop and fill with resin. The flowering period varies according to the variety and can last from a few weeks to several months.
  1. Maturity and harvesting: once the cannabis has reached optimum maturity, it is time to harvest. The correct timing of the harvest is important, as harvesting too early or too late can affect the quality and active substance content of the plant.

Tips and tricks to determine the optimal time to harvest cannabis

The right time to harvest cannabis is the key to achieving maximum plant quality and potency. There are several indicators that can help you determine the optimal harvest time:

  1. Trichomes: observe the maturity of the trichomes on the canes. If most of the trichomes are milky in colour and some are already starting to turn brown, this is a sign that the plant is ready to harvest.
  1. Scars: also observe the appearance of the scars on the canes. If most of the scars are starting to fade and turn brown, this is another sign that the plant is ready to harvest.
  1. Substance tests: if you have the opportunity, carry out laboratory tests to check the THC and CBD content of the plant. Higher levels of these substances indicate better maturity and potency.

Remember that the optimum harvest time may vary depending on the variety of cannabis, the desired effects and the grower's preferences. For best results, it is important to check the plants regularly, monitor changes and harvest at the optimum time.

Importance of trichome maturity and correct assessment for the start of harvest

The maturity of the trichomes is a key factor when harvesting cannabis, as they contain high levels of active substances such as THC and CBD. Proper assessment of their condition is important to achieve optimal effects and quality. The maturity of the trichomes depends on several factors, including:

  1. Colour: remember that milky white or yellowish trichomes indicate a higher THC content and are a sign of optimal maturity. On the other hand, brown trichomes may indicate overripeness and lower quality.
  1. Transparency: mature trichomes are usually less transparent and have a milky or whitish appearance. If the trichomes are still transparent, this means that they are not yet sufficiently ripe.
  1. Shape: ripe trichomes are round or slightly oval in shape. If the trichomes are still very small and undeveloped, it is likely that they are not yet mature.

It is important to check the trichomes regularly with a magnifying glass or microscope to monitor their development. Each grower may have slightly different preferences for trichome maturity depending on the desired effects.

How to harvest cannabis correctly?

Proper harvesting of cannabis is important to minimise losses and reduce the risk of damage to the plants. The following procedure will help you harvest cannabis efficiently and with minimal problems:

  1. Planning: plan ahead for the harvest. Determine the ideal harvest time for the variety and make sure you have the necessary tools and equipment.
  1. Cutting: cut the plants with a sharpened knife or scissors. Gradually remove individual branches and stems, starting from the bottom of the plant.
  1. Handling: handle the plants carefully to minimise damage to the stems. Take care not to tip or turn the plants in a way that could lead to tearing or loss of valuable canes.
  1. Drying: after harvesting, hang the plants in a dry and well-ventilated place that is protected from direct sunlight. Allow the plants to hang and dry for at least one week to improve their quality and reduce the risk of mould.
  2. Storage: after drying, store the harvested sticks in closed glass or plastic containers that are well sealed and protect the sticks from light and air. Store them in a dry, dark place with optimum temperature and humidity.

Drying and storage of harvested cannabis

Proper drying and storage of harvested cannabis is key to maintaining its quality and potency. The information below will help you better understand the process of drying and storing cannabis properly:

  1. Drying: after harvesting, it is important to start the drying process immediately. Remove excess leaves and branches from the plants and hang them upside down to increase airflow and reduce humidity. The ideal temperature for drying is approximately 20-25 °C and the relative humidity is between 45-55 %.
  1. Ventilation: ensure sufficient air circulation in the room. This can be achieved by using fans or properly spaced fans. Ensure that the air flows evenly around all parts of the plants.
  1. Moisture control: check the humidity of the plants regularly. It is important that the plants are not over-dried or too wet. If dried properly, the moisture content of the flowers should drop to approximately 10-15%.
  1. Shelf life: once the desired humidity is reached, the stamens can be stored in glass or plastic containers with a tight-fitting lid. Make sure that the containers are clean and do not let in light or air. Store them in a dark, dry and cool place.
  1. Long-term storage: if you want to store cannabis for a long time, you can use vacuum bags or glass jars with vacuum lids. Store them in the fridge or freezer to minimise degradation of the active ingredients.

A few words in conclusion

Timing your cannabis harvest is key to success. The maturity of the buds, the condition of the trichomes and the optimum harvest time all affect the quality and potency of the cannabis. Careful observation of the plants as they grow is essential to select the correct harvest time. Harvesting too early or too late can lead to a loss of active substances. Careful monitoring of the growth stages and maturity of the cannabis buds , as well as following proper drying and storage procedures, are key to achieving maximum quality and efficiency. By timing your harvest correctly, you will pave the way for a successful and satisfying cannabis cultivation.

If you're intrigued by the cannabis harvesting process and would like to start growing your own, don't forget the crucial factor of quality cannabis seeds. Visit our e-shop and choose the best cannabis seeds with THC up to 1%. Start growing your own cannabis and achieve great yields!