• Certainly you have already thought many times about how much cannabis is actually optimal. In this article, Dr. Dustin Sulak will give some advice to help answer this question.

Dr. Dustin Sulak:

"If we want to avoid unwanted effects and make the most of consumption cannabis just the best, it is just the dosage that is the key factor.After watching hundreds of medical cannabis patients for eight years, I noticed that cannabis dosing cannot be compared to any other medicine I have encountered during my practice. Understanding the main principles of good dosage will help you get the most out of this incredibly versatile, safe and effective herb.

Some patients only use msome cannabis, while others use an incredibly large amount. I have seen patients who have achieved therapeutic effects with only 1 mg of cannabis per day, while others have taken more than 2000 mg per day without side effects. Although this amount is unusual in treatment, researchers did not kill monkeys in the tests even at doses that were up to 300 times the highest amount used by doctors.

Multi-phase quantity-response relationship

As can be seen from this wide range of dosages, cannabis exhibits an atypical relationship between quantityand the expected response. For most medicines, the larger the dose, the stronger the therapeutic effect and the higher the likelihood of side effects. This process is described as a monophasic amount-to-relationshipezva.Cannabis however, it does not follow this process.

For most consumers, the gradual increase in cannabis will bring stronger effects, but this will break at some point. This moment occurs in every other person and the result is a gradual reduction of therapeutic effects and an increase in side effects.

Consumers who will still continueincreased cannabis dosing, it is possible to notice a re-increase in some of the therapeutic effects, or even the appearance of new effects that have not appeared at lower doses. Higher dose jOf course, it is much more expensive and usually brings a lot more side effects. Most patients are better off keeping the dosage lower.

For them less means more!One study focused on 263 cancer patients who were divided into several groups. The group that consumed 21 mg of THC a day CBD, she registered much more pain relief than the groupthe second, which received 52 mg daily. In the third group, which consumed 83mg of cannabis daily, there was no significant reduction in pain, but many more side effects were reported.

"Cannabis has the ability to produce different effects depending on the variety and quantity."

How is it possible? The endocannabinoid system is a sensitive, physiological system designed to maintain a cellular balance. However, when cannabinoid receptors are over-stimulated by high doses of cannabis, the cells draw their receptors inside where they are subsequently recycled or decomposed. The smaller the amount of cannabinoid receptors, the weaker the effects of cannabis. This is especially true when the dose is too high. This phenomenon is called "tolerance building" and is experienced by many people who consume cannabis regularly.

"Therapy Window"

The term "therapeutic window" describes the range between the lowest effective amount and the amount that produces unwanted or unacceptable side effects. People who maher little or no experience of using cannabisusually have a very narrow "therapeutic window", while ordinary users create a "window" wider. This is because individuals build tolerance to the different effects of cannabis at different speeds. To those undesirable effects, they build tolerance much faster than the ones they want.

Two-way effects of cannabis

Depending on the variety and quantity, cannabis has the ability to induce different effects in different people, sometimes called bi-directional. For example, people who suffer from anxiety and consume some cannabis can feel calm. Other people who do not suffer from anxiety, however, may feel anxious when consuming the same amount. The same amount of two different varieties of cannabis can also produce opposite effects. One can cause encouragement, one can cause sleep.

"By combining THC and CBD, you can maximize the benefits of cannabis and reduce the amount of side effects."

Interestingly, the symptoms of cannabis overdose are very reminiscent of the symptoms that cannabis should relieve with the right dosage: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, convulsions, tremor, anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia, coordination and sleep disorders. Extreme overdose can lead to hallucinations and even acute psychoses.

Fortunately, these symptoms soon disappear and people usually return to their natural state in the range of 12 to 24 hours . Even though one may feel dying in the event of an overdose, such experience will not bring him anyoxicity or permanent damage. The only exceptions are people who have unstable cardiovascular or psychiatric illnesses and situations where an accident occurs.

KombinTHC and CBD

Although both THC and CBD work through other mechanisms, they have many overlapping therapeutic properties that include pain relief, anxiety, seizures, and nausea. By combining THC and CBD, you can maximize the benefits of cannabis and reduce the number of side effects such as the psychoactive effects of THC. This is great news for cannabis users who want to take full advantage of the healing benefits of cannabis while maintaining a clean head.

Extremely low doses of cannabis can be very effective, sometimes more than the extraordinarily high ones.

By combining CBD and THC, the above-mentioned "therapeutic window" becomes even wider. However, consumers should know that this also increases the total amount of cannabinoids needed to treat symptoms and diseases.

As an example, lets say shameii 177 pain patients with cancer. One group received a THC-containing oral spray while the other group received an oral spray containing a combination of THC and CBD in an approximate 1: 1 ratio. Both groups were allowed to gradually increase their dose until they were relieved to have satisfactory relief. The THC group ended with a mean daily dose of 27 mg per day. The THC + CBD group used on average almost 60 mg per day, but experienced much greater pain relief. And I noticed it in other patients as well. By combining THC and CBD you can achieve better results, but you must be prepared to use higher amounts.

Extraordinarily herlarge doses

Some patients do well when taking extremely high amounts of cannabis (hundreds or thousands of milligrams a day). Everyone should work on these extreme doses gradually, but some patients are able to achieve such doses very quickly and without side effects. Extremely low doses of cannabis they can be very effective, sometimes more than extremely high.

VěMost people are surprised to find that the best therapeutic effects of THC-containing cannabis are achieved through low doses than those that cause euphoria. Recently, the popularity of cannabis micro-dosing has increased, which means consuming non-psychoactive (or only slightly psychoactive) cannabis to improve health and productivity.

People reported a better mood, lowered anxiety, increased concentration, increased stress resistance, less pain (or less annoying pain), and other benefits without any side effects. Most consumers statethat for this purpose the best amount is 1-5 mg. Some new evidence even suggests that this method could be a protection against heart damage or brain after infarction.

Recommendations for new and experienced consumers

People who are just beginning to consume cannabis should follow this old saying, which I learned from a geriatric expert: "Start slowly, keep going slowly and don't be afraid to go all the way." I have developed a simple program to help you find the right dosage. Together with other programs, such as the Medical Cannabis Purchase Guide, these programs are available for free at Healer.com .

For more experienced consumers who have already built up some tolerance for cannabis, I recommend trying my six-day program that has helped thousands of people. It will help you reduce cannabis by up to 50% while also improving the healing effects. If you haven't tried cannabis using tinctures or sprays yet and have not experimented with the combination of THC and CBD, try it! It will help you discover the true strength of this herb. "