Hemp tea is a drink that has recently gained popularity with many people around the world. Its origins go deep into history, when it was considered a medicinal and sacred drink in some cultures. Nowadays, due to the rapidly changing trends in wellness and health, people are once again turning to this drink, asking if it really is the miracle elixir it is claimed to be, or is it just another fashion trend that will soon fade away? So what's really going on with its health benefits? Can it relieve pain? And is it better than kombucha? In this article, we look at the benefits and possible risks associated with drinking cannabis tea.

Cannabis tea and its composition

Hemp tea is a traditional drink made from the leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant. Its composition can vary depending on the variety of cannabis and the method of preparation, but it commonly contains several key ingredients and active substances:

  • CBD (cannabidiol): this is one of the most important substances in cannabis tea. CBD is known for its medicinal properties, especially its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Many people drink hemp tea precisely because of its high CBD content.
  • Terpenes: these are the aromatic compounds that give cannabis its characteristic smell. Some terpenes can also have therapeutic effects.
  • Flavonoids: these are antioxidants that can counteract free radicals in the body.
  • Small amounts of THC: although most cannabis teas contain only small amounts of THC, some varieties may contain higher amounts.

The difference between hemp tea and other cannabis products

While hemp tea is primarily a beverage made from the leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant, there are many other hemp products on the market. For example:

  • Hemp oil: this oil, obtained by pressing hemp seeds, is rich in omega fatty acids but does not contain CBD or THC.
  • CBD oil: this is produced by extracting CBD from hemp and then dissolving it in a carrier oil. It can be high in CBD but usually low in THC.

While some hemp products, such as CBD oil, are formulated to provide a high concentration of certain cannabinoids, hemp tea offers a less concentrated but more comprehensive experience due to the combination of different active ingredients contained in the cannabis plant.

The benefits of cannabis tea

Cannabis tea offers a range of potential health benefits, many of which are backed by scientific research, while others are based on traditional uses and anecdotal evidence. Below are some of the main benefits of hemp tea:

  • Anti-inflammatory effects: due to its CBD content, hemp tea can reduce inflammation in the body, which can be helpful for people with arthritis or other inflammatory diseases.
  • Pain relief: hemp tea can act as a natural analgesic, helping to relieve headaches, menstrual pain or muscle aches.
  • Sleep support: for some people, cannabis tea can relax them and help them get a deep and restful sleep.
  • Anxiety and stress reduction: CBD is known for its anxiolytic effects that can help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.
  • Improving digestion: hemp tea is traditionally drunk to support the digestive system and can help relieve symptoms such as bloating or constipation.
  • Antioxidants: hemp tea contains flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants and protect the body from free radicals.
  • Boosting the immune system: some ingredients in hemp tea can stimulate the immune system and help the body fight infections.
  • Moodenhancement: thanks to its relaxing effects, cannabis tea can positively influence mood and counteract depression.

Disadvantages of cannabis tea

Although cannabis tea offers a number of potential benefits, it is important to consider the possible disadvantages and risks associated with its consumption:

  • THC content: although most cannabis teas contain minimal amounts of THC, there are variants with higher levels of this substance that can cause unpleasant psychoactive effects in some people.
  • Unclear dosage: unlike products such as CBD oils, where the dose of CBD is easy to determine, with hemp tea the dosage can be less precise.
  • Possible drug interactions: like other CBD-containing products, hemp tea may interact with certain medications, which may affect their effectiveness.
  • Allergic reactions: some people may experience an allergic reaction to some of the substances in hemp tea.
  • Risk of contamination: there is a risk of contamination with pesticides, heavy metals or other impurities. It all depends on the source and quality of the cannabis used to produce the tea.

Hemp tea vs. other nutritional trends

In recent years, there have been many drinks and dietary supplements that have become very popular due to their alleged health benefits. Whether it's smoothies, fermented drinks or various superfoods, there are plenty of products on the market that provide a variety of health benefits.

Here's how cannabis tea compares to other popular drinks and supplements:

  • Kombucha: is a fermented beverage that is known for its probiotic benefits. While kombucha can contribute to gut health, hemp tea offers a wider range of potential benefits, including pain relief and inflammation.
  • Smoothies: are rich in vitamins and minerals derived from fresh fruits and vegetables. However, unlike hemp tea, they do not have the same effects on pain and inflammation.
  • Turmeric and ginger teas: are popular for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Hemp tea has similar effects, but also offers additional benefits due to its cannabinoids.
  • Protein foods: are aimed at promoting muscle growth and recovery. Hemp tea does not contain the same amount of protein, but can reduce muscle pain and inflammation.

A simple recipe for making hemp CBD flower tea


  • Dried CBD flowers (1-2 teaspoons per cup)
  • Water (250 ml per cup)
  • coconut oil or butter (optional, in order to increase the bioavailability of cannabinoids)
  • honey, lemon, mint


  1. If using whole dried CBD flowers, you can finely chop or crush them to better extract the active ingredients.
  2. In a small pot, bring water to a boil. Once the water starts to boil, remove it from the stove and let it cool for a while to avoid destroying some of the important active ingredients.
  3. Add the dried CBD flowers to the warm water. If you will be using fat (coconut oil or butter), add it to the water. Allow the cannabis to infuse for 5-10 minutes.
  4. After infusing, strain the tea through a fine mesh strainer into a cup. This will remove the larger pieces of cannabis.
  5. Add honey, lemon juice or mint leaves to taste. Stir and then there's nothing stopping you from enjoying your cannabis tea!

Tip: If you want to enhance the effects of your hemp tea, you can add a few drops of CBD oil.

A few words in conclusion

Hemp tea is a drink that has a deep historical foundation and which has been gaining popularity again in recent years thanks to its potential health benefits. Scientific evidence confirms some of its therapeutic effects, especially in terms of pain relief and inflammation. However, as with all other health trends, it is important to distinguish between actual benefits and marketing claims. While cannabis tea can offer a number of beneficial effects, it should not replace traditional medical care and medication. Ultimately, whether cannabis tea is truly a miracle drink or just a trend depends on everyone's experience and individual needs.

Do you want to see the potential benefits of cannabis tea? Then don't wait and try it!
Choose the one you like best from our e-shop and order it today!