Hemp tea works similarly to CBD capsules, the onset of effects takes longer, but it is longer and more intense. Sipping tea is a ritual for many people, it's ingrained in society (sipping a hot drink). This habit alone induces psychological well-being. The whole herb is infused into hemp tea, so it often has a more complex effect than other CBD products.

The best time to drink hemp tea: when and why?

If you're wondering about the best time to drink it and reasons to drink it, here are a few facts that might help.

Thebest time to drink cannabis tea is in the evening before bed. This is because it contains cannabinoids that haverelaxing and sedative effects, which can help relax the body and mind and make it easier to fall asleep. If you have trouble sleeping or suffer from insomnia, cannabis tea can be a great option for anice and restful evening.

Furthermore, hemp tea is also good forreducing stress and anxiety. If you are feeling tense and anxious, a cup of hemp tea can help calm your mind and improve your overall sense of well-being.

Hemp tea versus hemp oil: Comparison of effects and uses

Hemp tea and hemp oil are both popular products that take advantage of the health benefits of cannabis. However, it is important to differentiate between the two and understand their effects and uses.

Hemp tea is prepared from the leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant and is consumed directly as a drink. It contains cannabinoids such as CBD, which have anti-inflammatory and relaxing effects. It has a pleasant taste and can be consumed at any time of the day. Using hemp tea can also be part of a healthy lifestyle as it contains antioxidants and other nutrients.

Hemp oil , on the other hand, is extracted from hemp plants and contains a higher concentration of cannabinoids, including CBD and THC. Hemp oil is usually taken under the tongue or added to food and drinks. Its effects vary depending on the THC content. Oil with a higher CBD content is often used to reduce pain, relieve anxiety and improve mood. Oil with a higher THC content can be used to relieve pain, promote sleep and manage certain medical conditions.

How to make cannabis tea?

Hemp tea with CBD oil

For maximum potency and ease of preparation, you can also use your favorite CBD oil. Simply add a few drops of CBD oil to your infusion to maximize the effects of your cup of tea. Place the hemp blend in a colander , add a few drops of CBD oil and pour boiling water over it. Allow to infuse for 5 minutes and strain.

1. Recipe for Hemp Tea Latte

  • 6 grams of freshly crushed hemp buds or CBD flowers
  • 2 cups of whole milk, such as coconut, hemp or cow's milk
  • ¼ cup coconut oil or 1/8 cup melted, softened butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup water
  • Chai tea leaves (or other tea to your taste) and a colander ball
  • Honey and cinnamon for flavouring

Mix the cannabis, milk, oil or butter and vanilla extract untila compact mixture is formed.

Let the mixture rest at room temperature for about 1 hour.

Place the mixture in a saucepan with the water and a ball full of tea leaves. If you don't have a ball, just pour the leaves into the saucepan and strain the mixture at the end.

Cover with a lid and slowly let it heat over medium heat for about 20 minutes. The mixture must not boil.

Remove from the stove, and strain if necessary.

Pour into a mug and season with honey and cinnamon.

Enjoy the effects of cannabis tea.

2. Recipe for a quick homemade tea

  • 2 g dried hemp leaves or CBD flowers
  • 1 cup (240 ml) water
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • A pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp honey

First, bring the water to a boil, either in a kettle or in a pot on the stove.

Once the water starts to boil, add the cannabis and a pinch of cinnamon, if using.

Let the water boil for about a minute and then turn off the heat.

After that, let the water cool down a bit before adding the lemon and sweetener.

Strain the tea into a mug to remove the solids and enjoy!

3. Recipe for hemp leaf and stem tea

Another way to makecannabis tea is by infusing cannabis stems and leaves. Cannabis flowers are high in terpenes, and some people may not like this in their tea. In fact, the buds make cannabis tea strongly spicy. The alternative is to use hemp leaves and stems, which contain less of the substances and make the tea weaker in taste and effect.

  • 20 g of hemp stems
  • water
  • 1/2 tsp butter or coconut oil
  • sweetener to taste

You can chop the stemsor leave them whole.

Bring the water to a boil, then add the stems and fat.

Cook for 10 to 15 minutes, stirring occasionally . Then remove the pot from the stove.

Using a colander strain the tea.

Pour the tea into a mug,add honey to taste , and then enjoy your well-deserved beverage.

If you want to immerse yourself in the world of hemp tea and CBD products, visit our e-shop and discover a quality range of hemp tea and CBD products that can revive your senses and bring you natural relaxation and well-being.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as an endorsement of illegal cannabis consumption. In the Czech Republic it is only legal to grow cannabis with a THC content of up to 1%.