Temperature is crucial for plant growth and overall plant vigour. The right temperature influences enzymatic processes, photosynthesis, transpiration and other physiological functions of plants. Each plant species has its own optimum temperature range for growth, which is important to maintain. For example, some exotic plants prefer warmer temperatures, while other plant species may thrive better in cooler environments.

Plant adaptation mechanisms to temperature conditions

Plants have different adaptations to temperature conditions that allow them to survive in different environments.

One of the main mechanisms is the ability to regulate their transpiration and to open or close stomata on their leaves, which helps them maintain optimal water use and reduce water loss in dry and warm conditions. Plants may also have a thicker waxy coating on their surface to protect against excessive evaporation of water and also against overheating.

Other adaptations include the ability to grow in temperature-dependent patterns, such as lengthening or shortening of stems and leaves, and the formation of special structures such as cooling hairy leaves in some plants. These adaptations help plants to use available resources efficiently and to adapt to different temperature conditions in their environment.

What are the ideal temperatures for each stage of growth?

  • Germination:
  • The ideal temperature for germination of cannabis seeds is between 20-25 °C.
  • Under the right conditions, these seeds will germinate quickly and properly, which is crucial for strong and healthy seedlings

  • Growing phase:
  • During the growing phase, it is recommended to keep the temperature between 20-28 °C during the day and 15-20 °C at night.
  • Higher temperatures encourage rapid plant growth and the formation of strong branches and leaves.

  • Flowering stage:
  • During the flowering phase, it is ideal to keep the temperature around 20-26 °C during the day and 15-20 °C at night.
  • These temperatures promote proper flower development, resin production and maintenance of aroma and flavour quality.

  • Last weeks before harvest:
  • In the last weeks before harvest, it is advisable to reduce the temperature to 18-24 °C during the day and 12-18 °C at night.
  • This encourages the formation of trichomes and the maturing of the flowers, which has a positive effect on the quality and potency of the cannabis.

Stress factors associated with high and low temperatures

At very high temperatures, the plant can enter a state of dehydration, which causes the loss of water from the cells and reduces the ability to photosynthesise. This leads to a lack of energy and consequently less nutrient production and reduced growth. High temperatures also risk damaging cell membranes, which can result in plant death.

Conversely, low temperatures inhibit enzymatic processes that are important for plant growth. Metabolism slows down and ceases to function efficiently, resulting in lower growth and reduced production. Cold temperatures also cause cell freezing and tissue damage, which can lead to plant death.

To avoid the negative effects of high and low temperatures, it is important to ensure optimal temperature conditions for the cannabis plant. This includes providing sufficient irrigation and shading at high temperatures to avoid dehydration. At low temperatures, it is advisable to use warming or other methods to retain heat and protect the plant from frost.

Practical tips for maintaining the right temperature in the growing environment

  • Use the right lighting: Choose appropriate lighting for growing cannabis that generates a minimum amount of heat. LED lights are generally a good choice because they are low in heat and can be placed closer to the plants without overheating.

  • Ventilation and air circulation: Ensure good ventilation and air circulation in your space. This will help keep the temperature at the right level and reduce heat build-up around the plants.

  • Overheating: If the temperature in the grow space becomes too hot, use an air cooler or air conditioner. Thoroughly insulate the room and minimize direct sunlight, which can cause overheating.

  • Temperature monitoring: use a thermometer or temperature sensors to regularly monitor the temperature in your environment. This will allow you to detect any deviations and take action in a timely manner.

  • Insulation: Ensure that your growing space is well insulated. Insulation helps maintain function and minimize the impact of the outside environment.

  • Watering and humidification: Maintain optimal humidity levels in the grow space. Moist air can help lower the temperature and minimize plant stress.

Wondering what are the secret methods of professional cannabis growers? Read our articles in the 'Growing Cannabis' category and discover proven techniques to help you achieve success in your own cannabis paradise!

Thearticles in the Cultivationcategory are for informational purposes only. They are not intended to encourage the cultivation or distribution of cannabis as a drug. In the Czech Republic it is only allowed to grow cannabis seeds up to 1%THC.