The timing of the presence of CBD in hair is an increasingly researched topic in the context ofdrug testing. CBD, one of the many compounds found in cannabis, is becoming increasingly popular due to its potential health benefits. But what happens when someone takes CBD and then submit s todrug testing? How long can CBD stay in the hair andbe detectable? These questions are asked by many people, so we're going to take a look at the different factors that affect how long CBD stays in yourhair, and how this time can be shortened.

What is CBD?

CBD is one of the natural substances found in cannabis. It is one of more than 100 cannabinoids that have been identified in the plant

CBD is not a psychoactive substance, which means that its use does not produce euphoria or intoxication like THC. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and antipsychotic effects. This makes it useful in the treatment of various diseases and health problems.

How does CBD get into the hair?

CBD can enter the hair fibers in several different ways, but primarily through the bloodstream and subsequent absorption by the hair roots. Below are some of the ways that CBD enters the hair.

  • Oral use: if a person takes CBD orally (for example, in the form of oil or capsules), the substance is absorbed in the digestive system and then enters the bloodstream. From there, it is then distributed throughout the body, including the hair roots.
  • Topical use: when CBD is applied directly to the skin (for example, in the form of creams or ointments), it is absorbed through the skin. From the skin, it then penetrates into the surrounding tissues and hair roots.

How long does CBD last in the hair?

The average time that CBD is detectable in hair can range from a few days to several months.

  • Short-term use: if you have taken CBD once or only occasionally, it is likely to be detectable in the body for only a few days to weeks.
  • Long-term use: for people who use CBD regularly or in higher doses, this period may be extended. CBD may therefore be detectable for several weeks to months.

Factors influencing the length of time CBD can be found in the hair:

  • Regularity of use: more frequent use of CBD can cause it to build up in the body and increase the time it is detectable in the hair.
  • Dose: higher doses of CBD can also increase the level of the compound in the body and increase the time of detectability.
  • Method of use: how CBD is taken can affect how quickly it enters the body and subsequently the hair. For example, vaporisation can lead to faster detection than oral use.
  • Hair growth rate: the rate of hair growth is individual and varies from person to person. The faster your hair grows, the faster the older parts of the hair fibre move away from the roots, which can reduce the time for CBD to be detected.
  • Test sensitivity: drug tests use different methods and have different sensitivities. Some tests can detect even lower levels of CBD, while others are less sensitive.

How to get rid of CBD in hair?

Removing CBD from hair can be difficult and its complete elimination is not guaranteed, as CBD is stored in the hair roots and can remain in the hair for a long time. However, there are methods you can consider if you are trying to reduce the amount of CBD in your hair:

  • Stop taking CBD: The first step to removing CBD from your hair is to stop taking it. Discontinuing use can prevent further buildup in the hair roots.
  • Cutting your hair: cutting or trimming your hair can help remove the part of your hair that contains CBD. However, it depends on the rate of hair growth.
  • Special shampoos and products: there are shampoos and products designed to remove various substances from the hair, including drugs and medications. These products can help remove some of the CBD from the hair, but their effectiveness may be limited.
  • Complete removal cannot be guaranteed: it is important to note that complete removal of CBD from the hair is not always possible. Thus, CBD may be present in the hair roots for a long time, although levels may decrease over time.

A few words in conclusion

The length of time CBD is present in the hair is variable and depends on several factors, including the method of use, regularity of use, hair growth rate and sensitivity of drug tests. On average, CBD can be detectable in hair from a few days to several months. For occasional users, the detection time is usually shorter, while with regular and frequent use this time may be longer. If individuals are trying to remove CBD from their hair, they may consider cutting their hair, using special shampoos, or discontinuing CBD use . However, it is important to note that complete removal is not always guaranteed.

The length of time CBD is present in the hair can be an important factor for many people undergoing drug testing.
If you are looking for quality CBD products that can provide you with the benefits of CBD but minimize the risk of a positive test, visit our online store and get yours today!