Therecan be many reasons to detox from THC, from starting a new job to about to take a drug test. In this article dedicated to detoxing from THC, we'll tell you everything you need to know if you're worried about having to take a drugtest in the near future, we'll also introduce you to various ways to get THC out of your body faster.

What is THC detox?

Detoxification is a way of removing toxins from the body. If someone is going to detox from cannabis, they need to flush it out of their body or wait until the last traces of it are gone from their body. If a person abstains from cannabis use for a period of time, all cannabinoids and terpenes will be flushed out of the body. In principle, it is healthier and safer for THC to disappear from the body without the help of other substances.

How long does THC stay in the body?

After inhalation or ingestion, THC substances can persist in the body for several days, so don't expect all the substances to disappear in an instant.

THCcan be expected to remain in the body for a period of time:

  • hair: up to 90 days,
  • urine: 3 days to a month or more, depending on the method of use,
  • saliva: up to 48 hours,
  • blood: up to 12 hours.

Other factors that can affect how long THC stays in the body include:

  • amount and regularity of use,
  • percentage of body fat (people with a higher percentage of body fat break down the drug more slowly),
  • gender,
  • general health and genetics.

What happens during THC detoxification?

When detoxing from THC, marijuana use should be avoided. Thelength of detox oftendepends on howoften and regularly you use cannabis. It is possible to experiencewithdrawal symptoms when detoxing from THC . These occur because your body has become accustomed to receiving THC, and discontinuing use can lead to unpleasant symptoms after a period of time during which the body adjusts to the absence of the substance again.

The most common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Irritability,
  • depression,
  • headaches,
  • insomnia,
  • anxiety,
  • lack of appetite,
  • trembling hands,
  • night sweats,
  • loss of concentration.

The best ways to detox from THC

There are many ways todetox from THC. The best way to get THC out of the body is to help the body achieve this naturally. There are various natural methods of detoxification. And even if they take a longer time, they are still the best and most effective methods to cleanse the body of THC. However, you can help your body by utilizing several different strategies:


To get rid of THC in your body, the best way to start is tostop using cannabis. Quitting can be challenging for some, especially for those who use cannabis regularly. However, the process of detoxing from THC can only begin after you are completely done with cannabis.


Exercise is probably the most valuable habit a person can adopt. Exercise, which activates the body's natural endocannabinoids, helps to flush THC out of the body naturally. In addition, THC is stored in fat cells. Less of these cells therefore means less residual THC. Exercise, such as cardio and strength training, helps burn fat and speed up metabolism, which in turn speeds up the THC detoxification process.

Healthier eating

There are certain types of foods thatslow down metabolism and cause increased water retention in the body. Therefore, avoid foods high in sodium, sugar and fat. To speed up your metabolism and kick-start the detoxification process, focus on eating fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens like kale and spinach, which contain high amounts of important vitamins and iron. Also consume fiber, which can be found inbeans, legumes, peanuts and wheat.

Higher water intake

Drink plenty of water during detoxification, as it helps in cleansing the body and removing toxins.

Drink more tea

Tea is one of the beverages that is very beneficial for health. When detoxifying ,opt for teas high in antioxidants or liver cleansing teas such as dandelion or milk thistle.


Another way to remove toxins from the body is to sweat. One way to remove these substances is by taking a sauna. However, you need to be careful when using a sauna to remove toxins. In fact, there are no scientific studies that prove that sauna bathing removes THC from thebody. Moreover, this method of eliminating THC from the body takes longer than other methods.

Mental health care

If you have ever suffered from depression, anxiety or other mental illness, chances are you experience mood swings. Detoxing can make these negative emotions worse. That's why you also need to focus on your mental health during detox. Each person may look after their mental health differently. Some people keep calm during stressful or emotionally turbulent times by practicing yoga, others by meditation or regular walks.

How to flush THC out of the body?

If you want to pass a drugtest, remember that detoxification is a lengthy process. No vitamin, juice, or chemical will remove THC from your body overnight. Below are the most common mistaken methods to remove THC from your body:

Detox with cranberry juice

Many websites state that cranberry juice helps the liver and kidneys flush out toxins. However, detoxing with cranberry juice to flush THC out of the body is not a reliable way to detoxify the body. In fact ,it does nothing to cleanse the body of THC.

Vinegar detoxification

Just like cranberry juice, vinegar doesn't actually cleanse your body of THC. There is not a single piece of scientific evidence to prove that this method works.

Niacin detoxification

There is no scientific evidence that taking niacin helps flush THC out of your body. On the contrary, taking high doses of niacin during detoxification can be dangerous. Possible side effects of niacin detoxification include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

Will THC detox products wash THC out of the body?

Detox products may seem like a quick solution to getTHCout of the body, but these remedies may be even less reliable than juice detox. Companies are just trying to make money by promising to achieve instant results with detox kits. While it is possible to trick adrug test with the help of this kit , it isnot worth risking your health at the expense of a product of questionable origin and quality.

The best way to detox

THC can remain in the human body for quite a long time, depending on, among other things, thebody type, amount and strength of cannabis used. Detoxing from marijuana may seem challenging, but it doesn't have to be. How successful the detox will be, and the severity of the withdrawal symptoms, depends on the individual and many other factors. Therefore, simply waiting and allowing enough time for the cannabinoid to leave your body naturally may be the best way to detox from THC. In fact, the most reliable detox is almost always the natural one.

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