In this article, we will discuss the importance of seed germination for successful plant growth and development, with a particular focus on the germination of bred seeds. We will show you how to properly germinate plants and how you can maximize the success of this process. We will introduce you to key factors such as seed quality, soil preparation, environmental optimization and germination procedures that will help you achieve great results.

Why is it crucial to start with quality seed of bred varieties?

Starting with quality seeds of bred varieties is essential to the success of growing plants and achieving the desired results. The quality of the seed has a direct impact on the vigour and genetic potential of the plants that will grow from it.

  • Genetic potential: Quality seeds come from plants with desirable characteristics such as disease resistance, higher yield, specific aromatic substances or other desirable traits. In this way, the genetic potential of the plants to grow and develop with the desired characteristics is ensured.

  • Viability and germination: High quality seeds have high viability and germination, which means they have a high probability of successful germination and growth. Proper collection, processing and storage of seeds ensures that their viability and germination are maintained at a higher level.

  • Stability of results: quality seeds of bred varieties are genetically stable and predictable. This means that plants grown from these seeds are more likely to meet the desired characteristics. This is particularly important in agricultural and commercial production where results and maximum performance are required.

  • Protecting the investment: investing in quality seed of bred varieties ensures that the investment is protected and the risk of losses due to unsuitable seed is reduced. Quality seed provides assurance that it is a proven and certified variety that has the potential to achieve high quality and yield.

Proper soil and substrate preparation

  • Selecting the right substrate: Choose a substrate or germination medium that is suitable for the type of seed. You can use commercially available sprout mixes that are specifically designed for seed germination, or you can make your own mix. It is important that the substrate has the right texture and composition to promote proper germination and seed growth.

  • Sterilising the substrate: It is advisable to sterilise the substrate before use to minimise the risk of infection or the spread of disease. Sterilisation can be done in various ways, such as heat sterilisation, the use of disinfectants or microwave sterilisation. This removes unwanted micro-organisms and prepares a clean environment for seed germination.

  • Moistening the substrate: It is important to moisten the seed before placing it in the substrate. The substrate should be moist but not soggy. You can moisten it by watering or sprinkling it with water. It is important that the water penetrates the substrate evenly and does not create excess water in the container.

  • Choosing a suitable container: You can use small pots, seed trays, petri dishes or other containers with drainage holes. It is important to ensure that the container provides enough space for the roots of the seeds to grow and that excess water is drained off.

  • Temperature: Each species has specific temperature requirements that must be observed. In general, the ideal temperature for most seeds is around 20-25 °C.

  • Placing the seeds in the substrate: If the seeds are larger, you can place them on the surface of the substrate and gently press them down. If the seeds are smaller, you can scatter them over the substrate. It is important to make sure that the seeds are evenly distributed and sufficiently covered by the substrate.

  • Maintaining the right environment: After placing the seeds in the substrate, it is important to maintain the right environment for germination. This includes maintaining the correct temperature, humidity and lighting. It is also important to monitor the temperature and lighting and adjust them according to the needs of the seed.

Optimising the germination environment

Optimising the germination environment of the seeds you have grown is a very important factor for successful and healthy plant growth.

  • Substrate

  • Temperature

  • Light: Some seeds need light to germinate, others prefer darkness. Always be aware of specific lighting requirements. For seeds that need light, you can use artificial lighting or place them in a bright spot in the room.

  • Humidity

  • Ventilation: It is important to provide moderate ventilation of the seed germination area to ensure sufficient air supply. This helps to minimise the risk of mould and rot.

  • Time and patience: Each seed has its own germination time. Some seeds will germinate within a few days, but it can take several weeks. Be patient and don't discard seeds too early if they don't germinate immediately.

Proper germination procedures

  • Stratification: stratification is used for seed germination, which requires a cool, moist process that mimics the natural conditions experienced by the seed over the winter. Seeds are placed in a moist substrate or placed in a cool place such as a refrigerator for a period of time. This simulates a period of hibernation and prepares the seeds for germination.

  • Scarification: Scarification is carried out on seeds with a hard shell, which prevents water and nutrients from entering the seed. This ensures better germination. Scarification is carried out in various ways, for example by gently abrading the surface of the seed with an emery board, scraping or soaking in hot water. This removes the hard shell and provides moisture and nutrients to the seed.

  • Soaking: Seed soaking is carried out before germination and consists of immersing the seeds in water or a special solution. This ensures that the seed is moistened and releases inhibitory substances that could prevent germination. Soaking can take several hours to several days, depending on the type of seed.


In order to achieve the highest possible germination success of improved seeds, good quality seed, properly prepared soil, optimal germination conditions, prevention of fungi and diseases and regular care of germinating seeds are essential. Adherence to these factors will increase the chances of success and ensure healthy plant growth. Keep in mind that each type of seed may require specific conditions, so it is important to know the specific requirements of the seed.

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