This practical beginner's guide takes you through the stages of growing cannabis seedlings in just 3 steps. This guide is designed for anyone who wants to get a closer look at the process of growing cannabis seedlings and gain the basic knowledge to be successful. You will learn how to prepare the soil and growing environment, how to germinate the seeds, how to plant the seedlings and how to care for them properly. Whatever your growing experience, this guide will help you get through this stage of cannabis cultivation easily and efficiently.

Step I: Preparing the soil and growing environment

Choosing the right soil and pots

An important step in growing cannabis seedlings is choosing the right soil and pots for the seedlings. Below is a list of a few factors to consider:

  • Soil permeability: choose soil with good permeability to allow excess water to drain away and air to reach the plant roots.
  • Soil nutrition: choose a nutrient-rich soil that will provide the seedlings with the necessary substances for growth and development.
  • Soil pH: the optimum soil pH for cannabis seedlings is usually between 6 and 7.
  • Potsize : choose pots that are large enough to allow the roots of the plants to grow and have enough space.

Proper soil preparation and additional nutrient supply

Proper soil preparation and nutrient supply are essential for the healthy growth and development of cannabis seedlings. Here are some tips on how to achieve this:

  1. Remove dirt: remove excess dirt and plant waste from the soil before planting. This will prevent the transmission of diseases and pests to the new seedlings.
  1. Add organic fertiliser or compost: organic fertiliser or compost will add nutrients to the soil and improve its structure. This will allow the plants to retain moisture and nutrients better.
  1. Supply mineral nutrients: during the growth of the seedlings it is important to supply them with the right mineral nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and others. Make sure that the appropriate dosage and regularity of fertilisation is maintained.
  1. Regular watering: maintain optimum soil moisture so that the seedlings have plenty of water but are not waterlogged.

Lighting and temperature for optimum growth

Lighting and temperature have a great influence on the optimum growth of cannabis seedlings. Below are some important factors to consider:

  1. Lighting: cannabis seedlings need sufficient light for photosynthesis and proper growth. If you are growing indoors, it is recommended to use special grow lights such as LED lights or fluorescent lights. Ensure that the intensity and spectrum of the light is sufficient to provide the seedlings with the necessary amount of light energy.
  1. Temperature: optimise the temperature conditions for the cannabis seedlings. It is generally recommended to keep the temperature between 20-25 °C during the day and 15-20 °C at night. Too high temperatures can lead to overheating and subsequent drought problems, while too low temperatures can slow down plant growth.
  1. Humidity: maintain optimum humidity around the seedlings, which is usually between 50-70%. High humidity can cause fungi and diseases, while too dry an environment can lead to drying out of the seedlings.

Step II: Germination of seeds and planting of seedlings

How to germinate cannabis seeds properly?

The correct way to germinate cannabis seeds is important for successful and healthy seedling growth. Below are some steps you can follow:

  1. Select quality seeds: choose seeds from a trusted source with good genetic potential.
  1. Preparing the germination medium: choose a suitable germination medium, such as paper towels, cotton swabs or coconut fibres. Ensure that the environment is clean and moist, but not waterlogged.
  1. Seed germination: place the seeds on the germination medium and cover them with a light layer of this medium. Make sure that the seeds are properly placed and have enough room to germinate.
  1. Temperature and humidity: maintain a constant temperature of around 20-25 °C and a humidity of around 70-80 %. You can use a jar or food foil to maintain the right climate conditions.
  1. Germination check: check the germinating seeds regularly and remove those that have not germinated or are damaged.

Planting and caring for seedlings

Once the seeds have successfully germinated, it is important to plant the seedlings correctly and to ensure that they are well cared for in the early stages. Below are some tips for planting and caring for seedlings:

  1. Transplanting into suitable pots: transplant seedlings from the germination medium into suitable growing containers, such as small pots. Make sure the pots have drainage holes for proper water drainage.
  1. Soil preparation: choose a good quality soil for the seedlings. It should retain moisture well and provide the plants with sufficient nutrients for growth.
  1. Watering: keep the soil sufficiently moist but avoid waterlogging. Water the seedlings sparingly and regularly so that the roots can absorb water properly.
  1. Lighting: provide sufficient light for the seedlings. If you are growing them indoors, use a special grow light or place the seedlings in a sunny location. Provide 12-16 hours of daylight.
  1. Temperature: keep the temperature around the seedlings between 20-25 °C during the day and 15-20 °C at night. The right temperature is crucial for healthy growth.
  1. Leaf care: monitor the condition of the leaves and remove any wilted or yellowing leaves. Ensure that the plants have plenty of room to grow and are not crowded.

Step III: Seedling care and preparation for transplanting

Watering, fertilizing and maintaining an optimal environment

The key to healthy growth of cannabis seedlings is watering, fertilizing and maintaining a suitable environment. Here are some tips:

  1. Watering: water the seedlings regularly, but avoid overwatering. Adjust the frequency of watering to the needs of the plants and the soil moisture. Ensure that water is absorbed evenly into the soil and root system.
  1. Fertilisation: use a good quality fertiliser designed for cannabis seedlings. Follow the recommended dosage and frequency of application. Fertilisers should contain the right amount of nutrients that will contribute to healthy plant growth.
  1. Environment: maintain a stable temperature and humidity in the environment where the seedlings are placed. Ensure optimum lighting to maintain sufficient light intensity and duration. Ensure that the area is well ventilated but protected from direct wind and extreme temperatures.

Preparing for transplanting into the growing space

An important step in the cultivation process is preparing for transplanting the cannabis seedlings into the main growing space. Below are some tips on how to transplant correctly:

  1. Selecting a suitable site: choose a suitable site for growing cannabis that matches the needs of the plants. It should have sufficient sunlight, plenty of space and suitable climatic conditions.
  1. Soil preparation: prepare the soil in the main growing area so that it is rich in nutrients and well drained. You can add organic material or compost to improve the soil structure and give the plants the nutrients they need.
  1. Transplanting: carefully remove the seedlings from their original pots and move them to the prepared site. Make sure that the roots of the seedlings remain intact. Plant the seedlings in the pre-prepared holes or pots and cover them well with soil.
  1. Care after transplanting: water the seedlings thoroughly after transplanting. Give them plenty of care and monitor their growth and development closely.

A few words in conclusion

Mastering the cultivation phase in just 3 steps is a great way to get started with cannabis cultivation. We have briefly covered soil and growing environment preparation, seed germination and planting seedlings, as well as taking care of seedlings and preparing them for transplanting. Proper soil selection, suitable lighting and temperature are important, as well as proper watering, fertilization and maintenance of the growing environment. Proper seedling care is the key to successful growth and development of cannabis plants. Follow the recommendations in this guide and become a successful cannabis grower.

If you are just starting to grow cannabis, it is important to choose the right seeds. You can buy them in our e-shop! Explore our range of
cannabis seeds with up to 1% THC and get growing!