The use of CBD as a natural means of promoting health and mental well-being is becoming increasingly popular. However, it's not just the substance itself that's important when taking CBD, but also the way your body absorbs it. In this article, we'll focus on foods that increase the absorption of CBD to help maximize its effects. Find out what foods you can enrich your diet with for optimal CBD absorption.

CBD and food.

CBD is a natural substance found in hemp that is gaining popularity as a means to improve health and overall well-being. People use it for its potential positive effects against anxiety, pain, stress and other health problems.

To achieve the maximum effects of CBD, the key factor is its absorption into the body. The foods we consume can play an important role in the CBD absorption process. The right combination of foods with CBD can improve its bioavailability and effectiveness. Some of the foods that can promote CBD absorption and enhance its effects include fats, citrus fruits, black pepper and turmeric. It is also important to choose quality CBD products from reliable manufacturers and consult a doctor when starting to use them.

Foods that maximise CBD absorption and increase its effectiveness

The right food choices can play a key role in maximizing the absorption of CBD in the human body and increasing its effectiveness. Below are a few foods that maximize CBD absorption:


Fats play a vital role in the absorption of CBD into the body. Fats are able to bind to fat-soluble compounds, including CBD. This specific property of fats allows CBD to move efficiently through the digestive tract and then be absorbed by the body. If you combine CBD with healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado or nuts, you will achieve a synergistic effect. These healthy fats not only provide the body with nutritional value, but also the necessary fats for the proper absorption of CBD.

However, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the fats. Choose those that are pure and free of unnecessary additives such as trans fats or artificial fats. High-quality fats can work together with CBD to improve the absorption of CBD and enhance its effects in the body.

Black pepper

Black pepper contains a substance called piperine, which can increase the bioavailability of CBD in the body. Piperine works by inhibiting the enzymes that would otherwise break down CBD, allowing CBD to work longer and more effectively in the body. Thus, combining black pepper with CBD can improve the absorption of CBD and enhance its effects.

Freshly ground pepper can be used as a flavoring agent in sauces, marinades or salad dressings. You can also add black pepper to cooked dishes, soups or smoothies. It is recommended to choose freshly ground pepper because it contains the highest amount of piperine. Adding black pepper to food or eating foods rich in piperine can be a useful way to maximize the potential of CBD.


Turmeric contains a natural compound called curcumin, which may help to improve the body's absorption of CBD. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory effects and can be effective on enzymes that metabolize substances like CBD. This increases the bioavailability of CBD and makes it more effective in the body. Thus, combining turmeric with CBD can enhance the effects of CBD and increase its health benefits.

There are many ways to incorporate turmeric into your diet. You can add it to curry sauces, smoothies, soups, rice, and other side dishes. However, it is important to combine turmeric with fats or black pepper, as these ingredients aid in the absorption of curcumin. Adding turmeric to foods is a great way to take advantage of itsCBD absorption support potential and enhance its effects on the body.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, grapefruit and tangerines are rich in vitamin C, which can act as an effective CBD booster. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties and supports the immune system, which can help improve overall health. Combining vitamin C and CBD can have a synergistic effect. Vitamin C can increase the absorption of CBD in the body and maximize its effects. This increases the potential of CBD to support healthy functioning of the body.

You can incorporate citrus fruits into your diet in many ways. You can enjoy freshly squeezed juices, add citrus slices to salads or smoothies. It is important to consume citrus fruits fresh and without added sugar to preserve their natural value and increase CBD absorption.

Black tea

In addition to its taste and stimulating effect, black tea can also contribute to better CBD absorption. This is because it contains polyphenols that can increase the bioavailability of CBD in the body. Polyphenols have the ability to positively affect digestive enzymes and processes in the digestive tract, which may contribute to more efficient absorption of CBD.

The key to optimally reaping the benefits of black tea for CBD absorption is proper preparation. To release the polyphenols, proper steeping time is recommended, which is usually around 3-5 minutes. To increase the interaction with CBD, you can add CBD oil or tincture to the cup of tea and stir thoroughly. This will ensure that the CBD is evenly distributed in the tea, as well as a pleasant combination of flavours. However, it is important to note that each person's reaction to the combination of black tea and CBD may be different. It is advisable to consult a physician regarding dosage and possible interactions.

Increase the effects of CBD: Choose foods for optimal absorption

The right combination of foods with CBD is essential for better absorption and maximizing its effects in the body. Fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocados and nuts play an important role in improving CBD bioavailability. Piperine in black pepper and curcumin in turmeric can also promote CBD absorption. Vitamin C in citrus fruits can increase the potency of CBD and enhance its health benefits. Another food that may contribute to better CBD absorption is black tea containing polyphenols.

However, it is important to choose quality CBD products and consult a doctor before using them. This is because each person may react differently to a combination of foods with CBD, so it's a good idea to listen to your body and adjust the dosage according to your needs. The right combination of CBD foods can enhance its effects and achieve greater health benefits.

Thinking about buying CBD? Then don't wait any longer and explore our wide range of quality CBD products to help you achieve optimal health. Choose from our range of CBD oils,flowers, capsules or creams and start enjoying their positive effects.