Companion planting combining cannabis with mint offers not only an aromatic experience, but also benefits for plant growth and protection. Mint produces natural pesticides, wards off pests and promotes the vitality of cannabis plants. The synergy between mint and cannabis can lead to better plant growth, higher yields and disease resistance. In this article, we'll look at the benefits of this combination and how you can use mint as a companion plant for growing cannabis.

What is companion planting?

Companion planting is a technique in which plants with different characteristics are planted side by side to benefit each other. Specifically, it involves growing two or more plant species together to achieve synergistic effects. The benefits of companion planting include optimizing space, reducing pests and diseases, and improving plant growth and quality. In the case of cannabis, mint is often used as a companion plant that can deter pests and contribute to healthier growth. Companion planting is a useful technique that increases the yield and prosperity of plants.

Companion planting of cannabis and mint

Mint plants thrive in lighter, moist but well-drained soil. Mint is a perennial herb that grows all over the world, from Europe and South Africa to Asia and Australia. Because of its hardiness, it re-grows year after year; gardeners rarely have to sow new seeds to keep these plants in their garden.

Mint contains large amounts of phenolics, flavonoids, glycosides and tannins and is also a rich source of phytochemicals. It also contains terpenes, substances that give rise to various scents such as menthol, menthone and cineol.

In addition to its use in gastronomy, many gardeners choose to grow mint for its properties as a companion plant.

Mint as a companion plant for cannabis.

As a companion plant, mint can provide many benefits to cannabis , including:

Pest control

In addition to many different phytochemicals, mint also contains a large number ofterpenes. These substances are essentially chemical warfare agents. Due to the fact that they smell strongly, they act to deter herbivorous insects from the plants. These chemicals are also capable of influencing insect behaviour by limiting their ability to recognise certain plants.

There is no cross-pollination

Planting cannabis together with mint also prevents cross-pollination between the two plants. However, mint itself is known to be able to cross-pollinate with other mint species and other related plants.

Different uses

This hardy and useful herb is an important ingredient in a wide range of recipes and also has medicinal potential. You can use mint to prepare a variety of dishes, for example:

  • pesto,
  • tea,
  • syrup,
  • Mint, mint, mint tea, mojitos,
  • salads,
  • ice cream.

In addition, however, mint is also a tasty herb that can be used on its own as a tea, as a tasty addition to dishes , and strained into oils that can be used for aromatherapy.

Some species of mint have a long history of medicinal use in some countries. Ongoing studies are looking at the potential of mint in the following areas:

  • Nutrition,
  • respiratory problems and sore throats,
  • antimicrobial action,
  • pain and inflammation,
  • stress.

Other benefits of mint

  • Increase soil diversity,
  • production of beneficial minerals,
  • increasing yields,
  • increasing disease resistance,
  • provides much needed shade,
  • reduces the amount of chemicals such as pesticides and fertilisers that can potentially harm the environment.

Mint as a companion plant to cannabis.

Mint needs moist, fertile soil and partial shade. This means that when planting near cannabis plants, mint should be planted slightly lower than cannabis and only planted after the cannabis plants have grown to a sufficient height so that the mint does not shade the cannabis plants, as cannabis needs a lot of light.

Mint is easily self-propagating. It is therefore advisable to grow mint in pots so that it does not spread to other parts of the garden, as it could compromise the root system and soil nutrients needed by the cannabis plants.

Benefits of companion planting with mint and cannabis

Mint is a great companion plant for cannabis. Its aromatic properties repel pests and contribute to the healthy growth of cannabis plants. In addition, mint makes the surrounding environment pleasantly fragrant. It can also be used for aromatherapy or for the preparation of herbal teas and essential oils. The companion planting of mint and cannabis helps to optimise space, reduce pests and strengthen the immunity of the plants. It is a sustainable and natural way of growing that improves the overall quality of the garden. If you are growing cannabis in your garden, be sure to consider companion planting with mint to reap all its benefits.

You too can start enjoying the benefits of companion planting with cannabis and mint! Explore our range of seeds with up to 1% THC and start companion planting today!