Moisture is one of the important factors affecting the healthy growth and development of plants, including cannabis. The right level of moisture is essential for optimal photosynthesis, nutrient uptake and nutrient transfer throughout the plant. A lack or excess of moisture can lead to serious problems such as loss of vigour, reduced resistance to disease and fungal infections. In this article, we'll focus on the importance of keeping up to date on moisture and present key information for our proper care of your plants' moisture conditions.

The importance of proper humidity for plants

Proper soil moisture is a key factor for healthy plant growth and successful photosynthesis and nutrient uptake. Careful moisture monitoring and proper soil care are essential to ensure optimal conditions for plants. Each plant species may have specific moisture requirements, so it is important to educate yourself about your plants' needs and adjust watering and soil accordingly.

Effect of moisture on photosynthesis and nutrient uptake

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use the sun's energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. During photosynthesis, fresh water is transferred from the roots to the leaves of the plant. Soil moisture provides water availability for the roots and its transport to the leaves. In the absence of moisture, the plant's ability to absorb water is reduced, leading to a decrease in photosynthetic activity. This results in reduced formation and reduced oxygen production.

Soil moisture also aids nutrient uptake by plants. Nutrients in the form of ions dissolve in soil water and are taken up by plant root fibres. Proper soil moisture allows nutrients to move freely through the soil and become available to the roots. If there is insufficient moisture, the soil becomes dry and the nutrientscannot be sufficiently dissolved and absorbed by the plant roots. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies and impaired plant nutrition. Conversely, excessive soil moisture can lead to nutrient loss through leaching, which also negatively affects plant growth.

Moisture and the plant root system

Plant roots are small structures called root hairs that serve to absorb water and nutrients from the surrounding soil. These hairs have the ability to respond to moisture conditions. When soil moisture is optimal, root hairs develop and elongate, allowing the plant to obtain more water and nutrients. Conversely, when there is a lack of moisture, the root hairs contract , reducing the plant's ability to absorb the necessary nutrients.

Excessive soil moisture can also have a negative effect on the plant's root system. Excess water can cause the soil to become saturated and its air spaces to fill with water. This leads to a lack of oxygen in the root zone and anaerobic conditions. If the roots suffocate, root rot can spread rapidly, weakening and damaging the plant's root system.

Moisture conditions for healthy cannabis growth

Growing stage

During the growing phase, when cannabis plants are actively developing and gaining strength, it is important to maintain the right soil moisture . The recommended soil moisture level during the growing season is between 60-70% of the maximum water capacity. This value ensures that the plants have enough moisture for proper growth and development of their root system. It is important to water plants regularly and monitor soil moisture to maintain this moisture content.

Flowering phase

During the flowering phase, when cannabis plants start to form flowers and produce resin, the recommended soil moisture level is slightly lower than during the growing season. The ideal moisture range for this phase is between 40-50% of the maximum water capacity. Reducing the moisture content at this stage helps the plants to optimise resin production and improve flower quality. When maintaining moisture, it is important to control soil moisture and adjust watering to avoid waterlogging.

The last weeks before harvest

In the last weeks before harvest, it is recommended to reduce soil moisture to a lower level. This encourages the ripening process and the formation of resin in the flowers. Soil moisture should be maintained at around 30-40% of the maximum water capacity. It is important to monitor soil moisture and ensure that the plants do not dry out too early before harvest.

It should be noted, however, that exact moisture values may vary depending on the specific genetic characteristics of the plant, soil type and other factors. It is therefore important to monitor soil moisture regularly and respond to the needs of the plant.

Moisture measurement and control

Moisture measurement

  • Moisture meters: Using a moisture meter is the easiest and most reliable way to measure soil moisture. There are different types of moisture meters, including digital and analogue versions. It is important to check the soil moisture regularly and record the readings so that you can react in time.

Moisture control

  • Watering: The appropriate watering regime depends on the growth stage of the plant and other factors. It is important to follow the 'drying and watering' principle to avoid over-watering or over-pressurisation of the soil.
  • Dehumidifiers and humidifiers: Depending on environmental conditions, it may be necessary to use dehumidifiers or humidifiers. Dehumidifiers help reduce moisture in overly humid environments, while humidifiers add moisture in dry environments.
  • Ventilation: ensure that the plant space has an adequate supply of fresh air and that the air moves well around the plants.

Monitoring and adjusting

  • Monitor soil and environmental moisture regularly to respond to any changes or problems. Record humidity readings and observe how the plants respond to different conditions.
  • Each plant may have individual moisture requirements. Be attentive to plant reactions and adapt moisture conditions to their needs.

The right level of moisture is the key to healthy and productive growth of your plants. With proper care and humidity monitoring , you will ensure an optimal environment and achieve successful growing. Don't be afraid to experiment and find the best way to maintain ideal moisture conditions for your cannabis plants.

Get your cannabis seeds with up to 1% THC and get growing! Read our articles in the Cannabis Growing category and be a master grower! Together we will discover the keys to a healthy and strong plant full of rich flowers.

The articles in the Growing category are for informational purposes only. They are not intended to encourage the cultivation or spread of cannabis as a drug.