Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a popular remedy for a variety of health problems such as joint pain, insomnia and anxiety. All of these and many other causes are legitimate reasons to use CBD products. However, knowing when to start taking CBD can be tricky, and users often wonder which time of day is best for taking CBD oil. This is because, according to experts, both the dose and the time of day can affect how the body responds to CBD. So, in today's article, we'll take a closer look at what time of day to take CBD oil, how to dose CBD, and how to use each CBD product to get the most benefit from it.

Why take CBD?

One of the most well-known cannabinoid compounds in the cannabis plant is CBD. Because it is a natural extract of the cannabis plant with no psychoactive effects, many people use CBD as an alternative to prescribed medications.

According to a 2018 study, there are a number of reasons why people use CBD. These reasons include:

  • Epilepsy,
  • anxiety,
  • depression,
  • stress,
  • insomnia,
  • chronic pain
  • migraines,
  • inflammation.

Each person can choose to take CBD in the morning, during the day or in the evening according to their own preferences and what they are trying to cure.

Which time of day is best for taking CBD?

The right time to consume CBD depends on the reason you are taking it. Many people prefer to take CBD products in the morning and in smaller doses, which will help them kick-start their day with the natural effects of cannabidiol and then be able to concentrate better. Others take CBD in the evening to help them breathe better and calm down before bed. Some take CBD as a daily dietary supplement to maintain a higher concentration of endocannabinoids in their circulatory system. Below is a brief summary of the specific effects depending on the time of day you take CBD.

Effects of taking CBD in the morning

Reasons why a person may choose to take CBD first thing in the morning include:

Improved concentration

CBD helps to organize thoughts and improve cognitive function. If you want to concentrate and quell daily stress, the best time of day to take CBD is in the morning. This will allow you to concentrate better throughout the day. Smaller doses of CBD can also increase morning alertness. In 2015, a study was conducted to investigate whether CBD has effects that help reduce sleepiness. Researchers found that CBD helped increase alertness during the day.

Stress relief

You can takeCBD in the morning to make it easier to deal with various unexpected situations you may have to deal with during the day. CBD regulates the action of the GABA receptor, which controls the ratio between hypoactivity and hyperactivity in the nervous system.

CBD also acts on serotonin receptors, ensuring stable levels of endocannabinoids in the body, which contributes to a better stress response.

Muscle relaxation

If your body aches after a sleepless night or a hard workout, you can take CBD in the morning to relieve the pain. You can combine sublingual CBD with a topical product to get the best effects.

Effects of taking CBD in the afternoon

Some of the reasons why a person may choose to take CBD in the afternoon include:

Migraine treatment

Migraines can occur at any time of the day and can last for several days. It can affect a person's ability to manage daily tasks. A study conducted in 2017 looked at the use of cannabis to treat headaches. Researchers concluded that cannabis can help treat migraines.

More effective training

You can also include the application of a warm CBD ointment or take CBD oil in your warm-up before exercising. CBD can increase your concentration and improve your physical endurance. CBD can also be an ideal post-workout supplement. This is because it can speed up your body's recovery and contribute to a faster recovery.

Reduce fatigue

By taking CBD, you can get a boost of energy in the afternoon. In fact, studies have shown that CBD can reduce fatigue.

The effects of taking CBD in the evening

Some of the reasons why a person may choose to take CBD in the evening include:

Relaxation after a long day

If you're feeling stressed after a long day, taking CBD in the evening is a great option for relaxing your mind and body before sleep. This is because CBD can reduce the amount of cortisol in your bloodstream and therefore can help you feel more relaxed. High doses of CBD before bedtime help to slow breathing and calm the mind overall, so a person can fall asleep faster.

Improved sleep

There is data that CBD can help improve sleep. CBD affects sleep cycles through a multifaceted mechanism that regulates the progression of the different stages of sleep. For example, studies have shown that CBD can keep a person in the deep sleep phase longer while reducing the occurrence of REM sleep disturbances such as vivid dreams and rapid body movements.

A 2019study looked at whether CBD helps reduce anxiety and improve sleep. Researchers found that high doses of CBD helped increase sleep duration.

Slowing the stream of thoughts before bedtime

Since we live in a hectic world, it's hard for our minds and bodies to calm down after a full day. CBD can induce feelings of calm and well-being before bedtime , while protecting you from the stream of thoughts as you try to fall asleep.

What is the recommended dose of CBD?

Choosing the right dose of CBD can be quite tricky. The right dose of CBD can provide the desired effects, while a dose that is too high or too low can cause unwanted side effects or, conversely, may not produce any effects at all. The best solution is to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it until the desired effects are obtained.

CBD doses are given in milligrams and can range from 2 mg to 800 mg per day for severe problems. The right dose for you depends largely on the desired effects, your weight and your body's endocannabinoid system.

Medium and high doses of CBD are suitable for treating severe pain, anxiety and sleep disorders. Low doses are best suited for treating mild pain or as a daily supplement to boost health.

Another factor that determines the optimal dose is the method of administration. Dietary supplements such as oils have a faster onset of action, but their action is shorter than that of nutrients. On the other hand, nutrients have a stronger effect, but it takes longer to take effect. With topical products, you can relieve problem areas by applying them to the skin to soothe localised pain.

For new CBD users who are starting to experiment with CBD oils, capsules and gummies, taking a dose of 10-20 mg of CBD a day is a good start. This amount can be taken in one dose or divided into smaller doses throughout the day.

What kind of CBD product to take?

Another important factor that determines the best time of day to take CBD is the method of administration.

CBD products can be found in various forms, such as:

  • oils,
  • edibles,
  • topical preparations,
  • capsules.

Each product is unique in how it is processed in the body and therefore differs in the speed and effects it can produce. Below, we'll advise you on when it 's best to take CBD depending on the type of product.

When to take CBD oil?

Oil tinctures are probably the most common way of consuming CBD, chosen by many due to its quick absorption. CBD oil is taken sublingually, where it is absorbed into the glands in the mouth. This type of CBD provides faster effects because the oil goes directly into the body. On average, it takes about 10-20 minutes for CBD oil to take effect on your body. You can also add it to your food, but instead of 30 minutes, it takes an hour or two for the effects to kick in.

When to take CBD capsules and gummies

Edibles are the slowest acting of all forms of CBD. For those who experience stress during the day, it is best to take these products in the morning. This is because it takes some time for the cannabinoids to pass through the digestive tract, in which your body absorbs them. If you suffer from insomnia, take CBD capsules in the evening, ideally about 2 hours before bedtime.

When to take CBD topicals

Topical CBD preparations include creams and ointments that you can apply to painful areas in your muscles or joints. In this case, there is no best time of day to apply, as topical preparations are applied according to the actual need. CBD topicals are not absorbed into the bloodstream but act on the cannabinoid receptors on the skin where they exert their soothing effects.

The best time to take CBD products

Determining the best time of day to take CBD is nearly impossible for any individual. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for when to take CBD. The best time to take CBD depends on the type of CBD product, personal preferences, and other specific conditions. Therefore, try experimenting with different times and dosages. After a few tries, you should be able to determine the best time of day and dose of CBD product, whether it's in the morning, evening, or even twice a day.

Try CBD products! You can choose from a variety of different types in our e-shop. Try CBD oil, CBD capsules or CBD food!