CBD plays a significant role in the growing supply of natural medicines. When deciding how best to harness its potential, a fundamental question arises: how to take it - orally or sublingually? In this article, we will focus on a comparison of the two methods and their potential to achieve maximum effects. Why does oral administration have a slower onset of action than sublingual? Can oral administration really provide longer lasting effects? And which method is better to use for acute pain or sudden anxiety? If you're looking for the optimal way to take CBD, continue reading to get a better idea of which method might be best for you.

What is CBD and why is it so popular?

CBD is a substance found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, it has no psychoactive effects, which means it doesn't intoxicate. It is known for its potential health benefits, which include:

  • Anxiety and stress: CBD may help reduce anxiety and stress by acting on receptors linked to regulatory mechanisms in the brain.
  • Pain and inflammation: many people use CBD for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, which can help with chronic pain and inflammation.
  • Sleep: some studies suggest that CBD may contribute to quality sleep by affecting sleep cycles and relieving stress.
  • Epilepsy: CBD has gained popularity as one component of treatment for some forms of epilepsy, especially in children.
  • Overall satisfaction: many users report improved mood, increased energy and an overall sense of mental well-being after taking CBD.

CBD is growing in popularity due to its natural nature and potential benefits without psychoactive effects. In fact, people are increasingly seeking alternative and holistic approaches to their health care, which is contributing to the growing interest in its use.

Oral administration of CBD

Oral administration of CBD involves consuming cannabidiol (CBD) by mouth, in the form of capsules, food, drinks or oil extracts. This method allows the body to absorb CBD through the digestive system and liver, which ultimately leads to its effects. When CBD is taken orally, the substances contained in the product are released gradually through the digestive process, which can lead to long-lasting effects on the body.

Benefits of oral administration

  • Lasting effect: oral administration allows for the gradual release of CBD into the body, which can lead to long-lasting and stable effects. This is particularly suitable for people who require a sustained form of support, for example in the treatment of chronic illnesses.
  • Simplicity and practicality: products intended for oral use, such as capsules or CBD foods, are widely available and can be incorporated into daily diets without any special measures.
  • Discretion: oral administration allows discreet consumption of CBD. Most products are generally neutral in taste, meaning that users can reap the benefits of CBD without attracting public attention.
  • Dosage: capsules and other oral CBD products generally contain a fixed dose, which makes it easier to control the amount of CBD ingested.
  • Stability: oral administration can be useful for maintaining stable levels of CBD in the body, which may be beneficial for some individuals.

Disadvantages of oral CBD administration

  • Slower onset of action: CBD must pass through the digestive tract and liver before it enters the bloodstream. This can cause a delayed onset of effects, which may not be suitable for people who need quick relief, such as those in acute pain.
  • Decrease in potency: during the digestion process, CBD levels may be reduced or metabolised, which may affect the overall potency of the substance.
  • Individual digestive system: the speed and effectiveness of oral CBD use can be affected by individual differences in each person's digestive system . This means that the effects may vary from person to person.
  • Rapid elimination from the body: the effectiveness of oral CBD may also be affected by the fact that the substances are rapidly broken down and eliminated from the body, which may lead to more frequent use.

Sublingual administration of CBD

Sublingual administration of CBD involves the application of cannabidiol under the tongue. This method allows the CBD to be absorbed quickly through the thin mucous membrane under the tongue, allowing the substances to enter the bloodstream more quickly without having to pass through the digestive tract and liver. Sublingual products include oils, tinctures and sprays, which are often applied by dripping them under the tongue and allowing them to work for a while before swallowing. This method allows for a rapid onset of action and greater bioavailability, which can be advantageous for people who need the immediate relief or rapid effects of CBD.

Benefits of sublingual administration

  • Rapid onset of effects: due to absorption through the mucous membrane under the tongue, the effect of CBD administered sublingually can be very rapid. The effects can be felt within minutes, which is particularly suitable for people who need quick relief, for example for acute pain or anxiety.
  • Higher bioavailability: when taken sublingually, CBD enters the bloodstream directly, meaning that more of it is available to the body and is not lost during digestion and metabolism.
  • Simplicity and practicality: applying CBD under the tongue is simple and requires no special equipment. Oils, tinctures or sprays are easy to transport and apply as needed.
  • Dosage: sublingual products are usually easy to dose, as it is possible to specify the exact number of drops or dose for optimal effect.
  • Less loss of effects: due to faster absorption and less loss during metabolism, the effects of sublingual CBD can be more effective than other forms of administration.

Disadvantages of sublingual administration

  • Taste and consistency: some people may have problems with the taste or consistency of sublingual products such as oils and tinctures. Some of these may have a distinct herbal taste that may not suit everyone.
  • Individual preference: some people may have difficulty keeping the drops under the tongue or prefer a different method of administration.
  • Discomfort: in some medical conditions or situations, such as mouth infections or certain breathing difficulties, sublingual use may be uncomfortable or difficult.
  • Limited duration of action: the effects of sublingual administration may be shorter than some other methods because CBD is quickly absorbed and eliminated from the body.
  • Dosage and proper procedure: proper dosing and sublingual application may require a degree of skill and care. Some people may have difficulty with accurate dosing.

Oral vs. sublingual administration: comparison of effectiveness

Oral and sublingual administration of CBD differ in potency and speed of onset of effects, which is very important to consider when choosing between these routes of administration.

The speed of action

Oral administration: when CBD is taken orally, for example in capsules, food or drinks, the cannabidiol passes through the digestive tract and liver. This can cause a delay in the onset of effects, which can last from 30 minutes to several hours. The rate of onset is slower due to digestion and metabolism.

Sublingual administration: sublingual administration, where CBD is applied under the tongue, ensures rapid absorption through the mucous membrane under the tongue into the bloodstream. This leads to a rapid onset of effects, which can be felt within minutes, usually within 15-30 minutes after ingestion.


Oral administration: oral administration may have longer lasting effects as CBD is gradually released into the bloodstream during digestion. This method is useful for maintaining a sustained state of relaxation, for example, for long-term pain or insomnia.

Sublingual administration: the sublingual method provides fast and strong relief due to rapid absorption. The effects are more intense but may also be shorter. This method is suitable in situations where immediate relief is needed, for example in sudden pain or anxiety.

Choosing the appropriate method

Oral administration: suitable for those who prefer consistent and long-lasting effects, for example in the treatment of chronic diseases. It is also suitable for people who have a sensitive stomach or are bothered by the taste of CBD.

Sublingual administration: is suitable for situations where you need quick relief, such as acute pain or sudden anxiety. It is also suitable for people who prefer a higher bioavailability and do not want to wait long for the onset of effects.

A few words in conclusion

The choice between oral and sublingual CBD depends on the individual's specific needs. The sublingual method offers a rapid onset of action and higher bioavailability, making it suitable for achieving immediate relief. Conversely, oral administration provides more lasting effects and is suitable for long-term relief. Experimentation with different forms and doses is key to finding the optimal method to achieve the desired effects. Take advantage of the benefits of CBD in the form that best suits your individual needs and preferences.

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