Pamir Gold is a rare and exclusive cannabis variety that combines the characteristics of sativa and indica from Nepal and northern India. In our upcoming article we will take a closer look at the origins, genetics and effects of this fascinating plant. You will learn about the properties and medicinal potentials this variety offers and how it is grown and consumed.

The origin of Pamir Gold

    The Pamir Gold variety originated in the mountainous region known as the Pamirs, which lies between Nepal and northern India. This area is known for its rich history of cultivation and traditional use of cannabis. The Pamirs are considered to be one of the main centres of cannabis cultivation in this part of the world.

    The Pamirs are located in and around the high mountain range of the Hindu Kush. This mountainous area is characterised by a favourable climate for cannabis cultivation. It has mild and sunny summers, with relatively cool nights and low humidity. This combination of factors creates ideal conditions for the growth and development of cannabis plants.

    The local inhabitants of the Pamirs have been cultivating cannabis for various purposes for centuries. Cannabis has a long tradition in medicine, religious ceremonies and as part of the local culture. Farmers in the area have acquired the knowledge and skills to grow and breed cannabis to achieve excellent results.

    Pamir Gold is the result of breeding and selecting the best cannabis plants from the area. The genetic material for this strain has been carefully selected from local growers who have mastered the traditional techniques and knowledge of growing cannabis in the area. This gives Pamir Gold its unique characteristics and adaptation to the specific conditions of the Pamir region.

    Characteristic features

    The Pamir Gold variety has a number of distinctive and characteristic features that distinguish it from other cannabis varieties. More detailed information on these characteristics is provided below:

    • Appearance of the plant: Pamir Gold is often a tall plant with an elegant and slender structure. It has long, thin stems that develop into long branches. The leaves are narrow, long and often have a pointed shape. The plant is characterised by its upright growth which makes efficient use of sunlight.

    • Pamir Gold has full, dense and large inflorescences. The flowers often form on long branches and give the plant a charming appearance. The colour of the flowers usually ranges from golden yellow to orange to brown, which is unique to this variety.

    • Aroma and taste: Pamir Gold is known for its pleasant and rich aroma. The terpene profile of Pamir Gold is often described as fruity and spicy, adding another dimension to the user experience. You can expect sweet and spicy notes, which can vary depending on the specific phenotype and genetic variation of the plant.

    Composition of cannabinoids and terpenes

    The cannabinoid composition of Pamir Gold can be influenced by a variety of factors, including growing conditions and genetic variation in individual plants. However, in general, the Pamir Gold variety is characterised by a balanced ratio between THC and CBD, the two main cannabinoids found in cannabis.

    • THC (tetrahydrocannabinol): THC is the psychoactive cannabinoid behind the euphoric and psychoactive effects of cannabis. In the Pamir Gold variety, the THC content is usually moderate and balanced. It usually contains sufficient THC to provide the mild psychoactive effects often associated with feelings of euphoria, excitement and creativity.

    • CBD (cannabidiol): CBD is another important cannabinoid found in cannabis. Unlike THC, it has no psychoactive effects and is more likely to be associated with medicinal properties. In the Pamir Gold variety, the CBD content is also balanced and healthy. CBD can provide users with a number of potential benefits, including pain relief, reducing inflammation, reducing stress and anxiety, and promoting healthy sleep.


    Pamir Gold is known for its rich and diverse terpene profile. Terpenes are aromatic substances found in plants, including cannabis, and are responsible for their distinctive aromas and flavors. The following terpenes are often present in the Pamir Gold variety :

    • Myrcene: Myrcene is one of the most abundant terpenes in cannabis and has a pleasant aroma similar to nutmeg and tropical fruits. This terpene is known for its relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties.

    • Limonene: Limonene is a terpene with a refreshing citrus aroma that adds freshness and energy to Pamir Gold. It has been associated with stimulating effects and may assist in mood enhancement and stress reduction.

    • Pinen: Pinen has a scent reminiscent of a pine forest and is often associated with stimulating and invigorating effects. It can promote concentration and memory and also has anti-inflammatory properties.

    • Caryophyllene: Caryophyllene has a spicy aroma similar to pepper and cloves. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and may also help in reducing anxiety.

    • Linalool: Linalool has a floral scent and is often associated with relaxing and anti-stress effects. It may also have sedative effects and help with falling asleep.

    • Humulene: Humulene has an herbal scent and is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It may also help in reducing anxiety and tension.

    These are just some of the terpenes that may be present in the Pamir Gold variety. It is important to note that the specific terpene profile may vary depending on growing conditions. Different combinations of terpenes can contribute to the characteristic aroma and flavour of Pamir Gold and can also influence its effects and user experience.

    Therapeutic and recreational effects

    The Pamir Gold variety has a wide range of medicinal and recreational effects that are linked to its composition of cannabinoids, terpenes and other phytochemicals. The following information provides a detailed overview of these effects:

    Therapeutic effects:

    • Pain Relief: Pamir Gold can be an effective choice for patients who suffer from various types of pain, including chronic pain, migraines, or neuropathic pain. The cannabinoid and terpene content of the variety can help reduce inflammation and act as an analgesic.

    • Stress and Anxiety Reduction: many Pamir Gold users report relief from stress and anxiety. The balanced ratio of THC and CBD can provide relaxing effects and reduce anxiety and tension.

    • Pamir Gold can have a positive effect on mood and improve emotional state. Terpenes, such as limonene, can stimulate positive thinking and energy, contributing to an increase in overall well-being.

    • Sleep Support: For those who suffer from insomnia or sleep disorders, Pamir Gold can provide calming effects and promote healthy sleep. Terpene, linalool and a combination of THC and CBD can have sedative and relaxing properties.

    Recreational effects:

    • Euphoria and exhilaration: Pamir Gold can induce feelings of euphoria and exhilaration due to its THC content. Users may experience increased creativity, joy and sociability.

    • Relaxation and rest: The balanced cannabinoid and terpene content of the strain can provide relaxing and calming effects. Users can relax and reduce stress.

    • Social interaction: Due to its stimulating and relaxing effects, Pamir Gold can help to improve social interaction and communication.

    It is important to note thateach patient may respond differently to taking this variety. Before starting any form of medical cannabis use, it is always important toconsult with a professional and obtain appropriate medical advice.

    Methods of consumption

    • Smoking: This is the traditional and popular way of consuming cannabis. Pamir Gold can be smoked in the form of a joint, hookah or vaporizer. When smoked, the cannabinoids and terpenes enter the bloodstream quickly and the effects are felt almost immediately.

    • Vaping: Vaping is an alternative method of consumption that uses a vaporizer. With a vaporizer, the plant material does not burn, but is heated to a specific temperature. Vaping can be gentler on the lungs and allows for more precise dosing.

    • Food consumption: If you prefer not to smoke, you can prepare edibles with the Pamir Gold variety. You can add its extract or oil to food or beverages such as chocolates, cookies or smoothies. Edibles have a longer duration of action may also have stronger and more lasting effects.

    • Making oils and extracts: these products are very strong and concentrated, and should be handled with care. The extract or oil can be added to food, drinks or vaporizer.

    Pamir Gold can be used as a food or as an extract or as a drink or as a food to add to a drink.

    Pamir Gold is a unique and exclusive cannabis variety that requires proper care and cultivation techniques to achieve optimal growth and yield. The following guidelines will help you to grow this variety successfully.

    Choosing the environment and growing location:

    • Pamir Gold is an adaptable variety that can be grown outdoors or indoors. When growing outdoors, it is important to choose a location with sufficient sunlight and protection from strong winds. Growing indoors requires sufficient light, a suitable environment and good airflow.

    Soil preparation:

    • Thrives in well-drained soil with a neutral pH. It is important to prepare the nutrient-richsoil before planting. Good drainage can be achieved by using a well-drained substrate or by adding organic material such as compost. Before planting, it is advisable to test the soil to determine its pH and nutrient content.

    Planting seeds or stems:

    • Before planting, it is advisable to let the seeds or stems germinate or soak them in water to stimulate the germination process. They can then be placed in prepared holes in the soil or containers that are deep enough for root growth.

    Watering and moisture:

    • Pamir Gold prefers slightly dry soil between waterings. It is important to maintain optimum soil moisture to avoid waterlogging or drying out the roots. The appropriate frequency and amount of watering may vary depending on the growth stage of the plant and the surrounding conditions.


    • It is important to supply sufficient nutrients to plants for healthy growth and nutritious plants. The use of organic fertilisers or special fertilisers for cannabis can be beneficial. We recommend following the instructions on the fertiliser packaging and the recommended dosage.

    Cutting and shaping plants:

    • Regular cutting and shaping of plants can help maintain proper structure and promote healthy growth. Removing lower branches and leaves helps increase the flow of air and sunlight to the base of the plant. Top pruning can also be done to encourage abundant side branching.

    Pest and disease control:

    • Regular prevention of plants, pests and diseases is important. The use of organic repellents or pesticides can help minimize the harmful effects of pests and protect plants.


    • Pamir Gold isharvested when the flowers reach optimum maturity. Maturity is usually indicated by a change in flower colour and resin density. Harvesting can be done gradually, by cutting off the mature tops or by removing the plants altogether.

    Drying and preservation:

    • After harvesting, it is important to dry the flowers properly to preserve and maintain their quality. After thorough drying, the flowers can be stored in airtight glass or plastic containers for preservation.

    Enter the fascinating world of cannabis genetics! Discover new varieties, uncover the secrets of their origins and enjoy a deeper understanding of this stunning plant. Join us on our cannabis blog and explore more interesting articles in our "Cannabis Genetics" category.

    The articles on our blog serve as an informational resource only and are not intended to promote illegal cannabis consumption or cultivation. In the Czech Republic it is legal to grow cannabis seeds up to 1% THC!