Proper soil nutrition is crucial for healthy plant growth and fertility. Join us as we explore how to recognise nutrient deficiencies, what causes them and how to deal with them correctly.

Problems associated with nutrient deficiencies

  • Reduced plant growth and development: nutrient deficiencies inhibit the physiological processes of plants, which can lead to slower and reduced growth. Plants may be smaller, weaker and have lower flower or fruit production.

  • Change in leaf colour and texture: Nutrient deficiencies are often manifested by changes in leaf colour and texture. Leaves may turn yellow, brown, dry or show spots. They may also lose their normal turgor pressure and become soft and brittle.

  • Reduced resistance to pests and diseases: plants weakened by nutrient deficiencies are more susceptible to fungal infections and pest infestations. Lack of certain nutrients can affect the immune system of plants and their ability to defend themselves against pathogens.

  • Reduced nutritional value: Deficiencies of certain nutrients can affect the nutritional value of plants. For example, nitrogen deficiency can lead to a reduction in protein and other important nutrients in plant parts, which can affect food quality and nutritional value.


Nitrogen is very important to cannabis plants because it is directly responsible for the plant tissue that makes up the green matter, such as leaves and branches, which are largely made up of nitrogen, so a lack of nitrogen usually severely inhibits growth.

Despite the popular belief that nitrogen is only needed in the growing phase, this is not true because nitrogen is needed for plants to photosynthesize and produce sugars for nutrition and growth, so even if it is needed in smaller amounts, you should make sure it is provided to plants to keep them growing healthily.

Symptoms of nitrogen deficiency

  • Fan-shaped leaves and surrounding foliage turn a light yellow color.
  • The tips and edges of the leaves curl while losing vitality and shape.
  • Shortly after yellowing, the leaves begin to brown, dry, curl and fall off naturally or at the slightest touch.

How to eliminate nitrogen deficiency

  • Check and adjust the pH according to your growing medium.
  • Feed more nitrogen.

How to prevent nitrogen deficiency

  • Make sure you maintain an appropriate pH level.
  • Keep the growing medium within the range appropriate to the stage the plants are in.
  • If possible, check the temperature of the nutrient solution.

Lack of phosphorus

Phosphorus isneeded in smaller amounts during the growing stage, but is as important as other macronutrients because it is part of the photosynthetic system.

Not only does this element provide larger and denser flowers, but it is also responsible for transferring energy from light to where sugars are stored, meaning that phosphorus is part of the energy utilization system and helps move sugars to where new growth is needed.

Symptoms of phosphorus deficiency

  • Brown spots appear first on the largest leaves.
  • Leaves curl similar to the symptoms of heat stress.
  • Leaves look dry, dehydrated.

How to correct phosphorus deficiency

  • Check pH and adjust if necessary.
  • Water with a phosphorus-rich fertilizer.

How to prevent phosphorus deficiency

  • Check that the pH is within an acceptable range.
  • If possible, maintain ideal conditions for each stage of plant growth.
  • Ensure that the nutrient solution is at a temperature of around 22-23 °C.

Potassium deficiency

Potassium is also very important, just as important as other macronutrients, because itallows cannabis plants to obtain CO2 for photosynthesis, which is done by this element being pumped into the guard cells to open the stomata, which are small pores on the cannabis leaves, and then being pushed out of the guard cells to close the stomata during darkness.

The stomata also control the transpiration process, so when water is plentiful, they open to allow evaporation, and when water availability is limited, they close to prevent dehydration, so potassium deficiency can lead to stress or can affect the basic processes of the plant and lead to slower growth and reduced yields.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency

  • Similar to phosphorus deficiency, rusty brown spots will start to appear on the leaf surface.
  • The tips of the leaves begin to turn a light yellow colour, while the rest of the leaves turn brown.
  • Over time, the leaf will shrivel, curl and lose all life.

How to correct a potassium deficiency

  • Check the pH and adjust accordingly.
  • Add more potassium with a potassium-rich product.

How to prevent potassium deficiency

  • Check that the pH values are within an acceptable range for the substrate being used.
  • Keep the humidity and temperature as close to the ideal values for each stage as possible.
  • Ensure that the nutrient solution is at room temperature.

Calcium deficiency

Although calcium is a secondary nutrient, it is extremely important due to all of its functions, such asenergy and enzyme activity, aiding cell division for growth, and structural integrity of membranes, among others.

Because it is a micronutrient, this element isimmobile, meaning that the plant cannot move it to where it is needed, so it is essential that you supply it from seed to harvest.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency

  • Leaves and stems will start to become very weak, affecting their vigour.
  • Small brown metallic dots will appear on the fingers of the leaves, which will slowly become brittle and dry.
  • When the leaf tips curl inwards, the leaf takes on a dry, brown colour.

How to correct a calcium deficiency

How to prevent calcium deficiency

  • Check that the pH is between 6.0-7.0 for soil and 5.5-6.5 for water.
  • Check and adjust environmental conditions if necessary.
  • Make sure that the nutrient solution is neither too hot nor too cold.

Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium is very important for cannabis plants because it is an activator of enzymes that play a big role in lightuse, which means that magnesium also plays a big role in chlorophyll production and photosynthesis, leading to better growth and higher yields.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

  • The oldest growth will be affected first, meaning that the lowest parts will be the first to show and the new growth the last.
  • The leaves will turn yellow and a distinct contrast of green veins will appear on the leaf surface.
  • As the leaves turn yellow, their tips turn rusty brown, dry and curl upwards.

How to correct magnesium deficiency

  • Measure and adjust the pH of your substrate.
  • Mix a magnesium-rich nutrient solution and feed it to the plants.

How to prevent magnesium deficiency

  • Make sure you read the manufacturer's recommendations and keep the pH within the stated range.
  • Maintain ideal environmental conditions for each stage of plant growth.
  • Check that the nutrient solution is at room temperature and not too cold or hot.

General solutions to nutrient deficiency problems

Soil analysis: the first step to addressing nutrient deficiencies is to conduct a soil analysis. Obtain information on soil pH and nutrient content. Based on this information, you will be able to identify under-represented targets and focus on replenishment.

Soil preparation: improving soil structure and nutrient content is key to additional nutrients in the soil. In preparation, you can use organic fertilizer, compost or other natural materials to enrich the soil or nutrients and improve soil structure.

Use of fertilizers: In times when nutrient deficiencies cannot be solved with natural materials alone, you may consider using fertilizers. There is a wide range of fertilizers available in the market that contain different types of nutrients. However, follow the recommended doses and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Plant feeds: Some plants may have specific needs due to their species or stage of growth. In such cases, it is advisable to use feeds or products specially formulated for these plants that contain nutritious nutrients in optimal proportions.

Soil protection: When addressing nutrient deficiencies, it is also important to protect the soil from erosion and nutrient leaching. Using mulches and maintaining vegetative cover on the soil can help keep plants in place and minimize nutrient loss.

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