The use of CBD is becoming increasingly popular in medicine and many people are interested in its possible effects before and after surgery. However, there are significant concerns about the safety of CBD use in the context of surgical procedures. In this article, we will look at whether taking CBD before and after surgery is safe. Why might CBD be beneficial in post-surgical recovery? What effect does it have on pain, inflammation and post-operative nausea? And why might possible drug interactions be a reason why it may be better not to take CBD before or after surgery? Find out all this and more in this article!

Why take CBD before or after surgery?

CBD is of interest due to its potential effect on many different aspects of surgery and the post-operative period. There are several reasons why you should take CBD before and after surgery:

  1. Pain relief: CBD has the potential to reduce pain and can be an effective natural remedy for post-operative pain relief.
  1. Inflammation reduction: CBD has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation in the body after surgery.
  1. Calming and reducing stress: surgery can be a stressful event. CBD has relaxing and anxiolytic effects that can help reduce anxiety and stress associated with surgery.
  1. Promoting healing: CBD has the potential to contribute to faster wound healing and tissue regeneration, which can be beneficial in post-surgical recovery.
  1. Reduce nausea: some people experience nausea after surgery. CBD has been studied for its anti-vomiting effect and may help reduce the feeling of nausea.

However, it is important to remember that each patient is unique and may respond differently to CBD. Therefore, it is important to consult with your doctor and follow their recommendations regarding CBD use before and after surgery.

Why NOT take CBD before or after surgery?

However, there are also several reasons why you should not take CBD before or after surgery:

  1. Possible drug interactions: CBD can interact with certain medications, including anesthetics and prescription drugs. This can cause side effects or affect the effectiveness of the medication.
  1. Uncertainty about effects: CBD is still being researched and its effects are not fully known. Research on the specific effects of CBD on surgical procedures is still limited.
  1. Lack of standardisation: the CBD market is still regulated in different ways and therefore there is a risk of low quality and lack of standardisation of products. It is important to choose quality CBD products from verified manufacturers.
  1. Individual reactions: each patient is different and may react differently to CBD. Individual intolerance or side effects may occur.

Recent research on CBD use before and after surgery

  1. A study published in the journal Pain in 2020 conducted clinical trials on patients undergoing surgery. The results showed that taking CBD before surgery can reduce pain levels and improve patients' overall well-being . CBD has been shown to be an effective alternative to conventional painkillers.
  1. A 2019 research conducted on an animal sample suggested that CBD has anti-inflammatory effects. This means it can reduce inflammation and contribute to faster wound healing after surgical procedures. This is because CBD acts on the endocannabinoid system in the body, which is responsible for regulating the immune system and inflammatory processes.
  1. The experience of patients who have taken CBD before or after surgery shows that it has helped them to manage pain, relieve anxiety and improve their mood during the post-operative period. Some patients have also reported that CBD helped them to recover faster and regain energy.

How to safely use CBD before and after surgery?

  1. Consult a doctor: it is important to consult a doctor before taking CBD before and after surgery. The doctor will have an overview of your health condition and can recommend the suitability of taking CBD and its possible interactions with other medications.
  1. Adherence to recommended dosages: it is important to follow the recommended dosage of CBD and not exceed the prescribed amount. Too high doses of CBD can have negative effects and affect the effectiveness of other medications.
  1. Product quality and credibility: choose a quality and reliable CBD product from a trusted manufacturer. This will ensure that you get a product with the exact CBD content and without unwanted additives.
  1. Monitoring the body's reactions: when taking CBD, it is advisable to closely monitor the body's reactions and any side effects. If you experience any unusual symptoms, it is important to inform your doctor.
  1. Starting and stopping gradually: it is advisable to start taking CBD gradually and reduce the dose as you come off. This will help to reduce the incidence of any side effects and allow your body to gradually adjust to the change.

Taking CBD before and after surgery may have several potential benefits. CBD has demonstrated its ability to act as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, which may be beneficial for patients before and after surgery. However, it is important to consult with a doctor before taking CBD, especially if you are also taking other prescription medications. It's also important to follow the recommended dosage and carefully monitor your body's reactions. Overall, CBD is considered a relatively safe substance, but individual reactions can vary. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to individual needs and possible contraindications.

Are you considering taking CBD before or after surgery? Explore our range, which is full of quality products. Choose the one that best suits your needs and enrich your treatment with CBD.